A community isn’t built or befriended,
it’s connected by offering and accepting.
Community is affinity, identity, and kinship
that make room for ideas, thoughts, and solutions.
Wherever a community gathers, we aspire and inspire each other intentionally . . . And our words shine with authenticity.
When We Listen for Gold
Everyone is hungry to be heard, but we don’t have bandwidth to listen to everyone. So we filter to get to the gold … faster, easier, and more deeply.
What are we missing
Here’s what Robert said . . .
Howdy Liz! I liked that “panning for gold” analogy so I took it a bit farther…
I know folks who are always “skimming” for big ideas and world-shaking nuggets. They may (or may not) find one, but the fact is, those types of things are actually few and far between.
On the other hand, if they’d just “shift their sights” even a little bit, there’s a whole bunch of smaller chunks, just lyin’ around for the taking. Tune your sight to the finest setting and you’ll find there’s a ton o’ dust down there at the bottom of the barrel. All we gotta do is drill down to it.
I guess what I’m sayin’ is, we should learn to listen to whole conversations, not just search for, and key on, certain “triggers”.
There are riches at every level.
Robert Hruzek from a comment on April 21, 2009
A successful and outstanding blogger said that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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