What If Everything We Believed In Isn’t True?

I’m no computer. My operating system was developed at home, versioned at school, and beat up some through the decades and detours I’ve experienced.
Don’t run in the house. Use your indoor voice. Do your work before you play. Color inside the lines. Sit up straight. Be polite. Each basic command was entered in my head. If I do these things, I will operate properly — so they told me.
I also captured information about family and fairy tales, heroes and angels, creativity and planets, inventors and imagination, and artists, and poetry, fairness and ideals. In my life I’ve talked about and witnessed awe-inspiring and wonder-full things. These concepts are in my hidden system files — read-only, undeletable files.
I’m bombarded daily with data. But she is supposed to be your friend. Data. He lost his job. Data. There have been more bombings. Data. Want to make $4000/day online? Data miner. Still data. That’s all it is — data. I don’t have unlimited memory, so unnecessary negative data doesn’t get saved —period.
Some days the data causes my mind to fragment in unfamiliar and unproductive ways.
Bits and bytes of negative data chip away at my world view and therefore at me. The Tigger in me finds myself quoting Eeyore. “Pathetic, that’s what it is. Pathetic.”
What if the world is the awful place that keeps presenting itself to me?
But try as I might, I can’t—still won’t—give up on the world. I still believe in family, and fairy tales, and heroes, and angels, and creativity, and planets, and fairness, and inventors, and imagination, and artists, and poetry, and ideals, and so many awe-inspiring and wonder-full things. They were written on my soul as a child. I can’t delete them, lucky for me. I might have wanted to once, but not now, not again, not ever.
The world needs incurable idealists. We balance out the hardcore cynics. It has to do with joy, and hope, and possibility.
The world needs people who believe in it as much as we need people who believe in us.
As we believe so we become.
Are you willing to believe in a world that works?
We can change the world just like that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your web presence.