Social Media Can Be Words
about connections. Earlier this year I had a conversation, tossing questions and answers with a person I just met.
Cheryl asked, “What are you proud of?”
Plenty of events rose before me, and faded gracefully back again. None of them what I might take pride in. This one owing to my child’s work. That one owing to a team’s participation. The other being a serendipitious aligning of the stars.
Proud feels like approving. Even when I feel proud just know someone, word often don’t say . . . I don’t want raising folks up to seem like putting them lower.
I didn’t know . . .
I replied, “I have an unusual relationship the word proud. I don’t see things quite that way.” I explained as best I could.
She said, “I like the way you think about that.”
Funny how words like that, words that scare ya in some way can turn out to become an important– an anchor — something that holds and ties you to a person and a moment in time.
It was an ordinary day — a day without a parade or ceremony. Someone who knew me wrote the proud word in the comment box. He put it there where people could see it. It was a simple statement.
“Fiercely proud.”
We were two Internet people who’d never been in the same room. He had trouble with the proud word too. He said, “It sounds weird to say.”
Can I tell you what that meant?
It was a link that worked in both directions.
I was fiercely proud of him too.
Those words were a social anchor — a link, a connection, a relationship on the Internet — only this one was between humans not sites. They placed us and a moment in time forever together on the same thought, like the star rising in the photo below.

Links hold us together. Some can last forever or as long as a star.
Do you have a social anchor — words that reflect a human relationship link you found on the Internet? Would you tell me the story?
If you leave your story, we’ll be linked in yet another way.