Hey Jean, How Can We Change the World

When I wrote the title of this post I thought I was going to say something else, but just as I was about to type I got an email. A friend sent me a message she said I could share.
Live your Dream
Sent by Jean Hopman
Stop for a second and look outside. See the colors? I know you can’t hear the mourning dove, but it’s singing, too. So are lots of other birds I don’t know the name of.
And here’s a quotation from something I read last night that also made me think of you –
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet. – Frederick Buechner
It speaks to me about your being called to building humanity. It’s about having no choice but to live your dream.
Jean Hopman is a blog reader.
Thank you, Jean, for inspiring me.
Think of how inspiration changes your world view.
Go on inspire someone.
We can change the world — just like that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
If you’re ready to change the world, send me your thoughts in a guest post. Feel free to take the gorgeous Change the World image up there that Sandy designed back to your blog. Or help yourself to this one.

Email me about what you’re doing or what we might do. Let’s change the world one bit at a time together. Together it can’t take forever.