Everything’s Equal or Is It?
You’ve just sold your car. Now you have a nice chunk of cash to start a new account until you need to use it. You head down to the bank where you have your accounts, and by some weird alignment of stars TWO account managers have time for you right away. This bank must be going through some sort of customer service training, you think, because both look up and say, “How may I help you?” They’re sitting right next to each other in identical, bank office-type cubicles. Both are dressed in the typical, bank office-type blue suits.
The only ways you have to tell them apart are their nameplates–Ms. Chase on the left and Ms. Fargo on the right–and the way they look at you as you try to decide which one you would like to spend the 15-20 minutes going over your accounts.
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You’re the customer, who gets your new business?
Saying Things Without Talking
So much of what we say to each other is communicated without a single word. Researcher vary on how much of a message is carried nonverbally, but they place the low end of the range at 65%. The sad part is we’re often not aware when we’re the ones communicating and too aware when we’re the ones being communicated to.
In a Brand You and Me situation, smiling a lot seems to be a good idea. Smiling releases chemicals in the brain that actually can raise your spirits, especially when you like the person you share a smile with. If that person smiles back, things get better than ever.
The moral seems to be. the more we care about customers and show them we do, the better we feel and the better they will too. Now that’s business promotion that should get us all smiling.
I like smiling. It makes me feel like I’m the nice one.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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