It’s Like Open Mic Only Different

Here’s how it works.
It’s like any rambling conversation. Don’t try to read it all. Jump in whenever you get here. Just go to the end and start talking. EVERYONE is WELCOME.
The rules are simple — be nice.
There are always first timers and new things to talk about. It’s sort of half “Cheers” part “Friends” and part video game. You don’t know how much fun it is until you try it.
Linda Sherman Is Hosting Tonight
The Topic Is
Does Your View At Work Enhance Your Life?
We’ll be exploring the view we see with our view of work and life. As Linda said this week, ” I believe that a gloomy room saps energy from your head and heart.”
So what is the view beyond your computer?
- How do you feel about it?
- What might you do to improve it?
- What might the perfect working view be?
- and what’s been the best view in your life?
Of course, we’ll get off topic, we always do …
Bring a photo of your view and jump into the conversation!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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