Hey Lisa and Doc, How Can We Change the World?

In the last two days, two people I respect, Doc Searls and Lisa Gates, have written about a subject we all care about — People talking to people. — conversations and relationships.
Can you have a meaningful conversation when only one person is talking?
Isn’t every conversation a relationship?
Conversations and Relationships
Words by Doc Searls and Lisa Gates
These were the kinds of conversations people have been having since they started to talk. Social. Based on intersecting interests. Open to many resolutions. Essentially unpredictable. Spoken from the center of the self. “Markets were conversations” doesnùt mean “markets were noisy.” It means markets were places where people met to see and talk about each otherùs work.
Conversation is a profound act of humanity. So once were markets.
For businesses that require no live communication with customers in the course of everyday work, markets are conversations means simply that the company still shouldn’t isolate itself either from talk within their marketplace or from talk with customers when the need arises. In other words, it should still be ready to Get Real when the time comes for real conversation. —Doc Searls
Doc Searls and Robert Scoble and Shel Israel told us that markets are conversations. So we all started blogging. Then, Seth Godin told us to be remarkable. So we all started showing up with a unique, inspired footprint. Along came Liz Strauss who told us that it’s all about relationships and relationship blogging. So we all started talking, showing up for each other, and supporting each other’s remarkable, outstanding work.
Remarkable, outstanding, conversations happen inside [TADAAA] RELATIONSHIPS! . . . . What you get from going, participating is–like life–entirely up to you and what you put into it. —Lisa Gates
Conversation IS profoundly human. Boy, Doc, do I agree.
It’s that profoundly human conversation that starts a relationship.
A conversation is potential energy — if I talk to you, you might listen and talk back to me.
We can change the world — just like that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
If you’re ready to change the world, send me your thoughts in a guest post. Feel free to take the gorgeous Change the World image up there that Sandy designed back to your blog. Or help yourself to this one.

Email me about what you’re doing or what we might do. Let’s change the world one bit at a time together. Together it can’t take forever.