There’s still time to join in the creativity!
Great Find: The One Million Masterpiece
Target Audience: Everyone!
This project has been underway for some time. There’s artistic contributions from almost 24,000 people in 174 countries. And they have raised over $17,000. Check out the charities that will benefit and the sponsors and supporters.
Here’s a picture of what it looks like.

And this is a close-up of my square. It’s a ‘work in process’ with just the eye and beak of the Purple Wren as a placeholder.

Why are they doing this? You have to browse the site and find out. Follow the news on the blog.
You can zoom in on any of the squares to get a close-up view. There are some amazing works of art out there – and some that are very simple. You can send the artist an email. This is our community.
So don’t worry about how artistic you are. Just join in!
I still get goose-bumps when I’m part of the larger projects going on with the new web. The ways we can connect with others is truly powerful.
Check it out and spread the word. If you can and you feel moved to do so, contribute a little cash.
I found this project quite awhile ago and have had it on my ‘to blog list’ ever since. This is good timing because they are now about to release a new version of the site with "significant upgrades."
Here’s a few random links you gotta see:
Some of the graphics are posted with a live replay feature so you can see how the picture evolved. It’s like an art lesson! And it’s fun to see the profiles – age, location, and about the author.
There’s so many great things about this project that I can’t stop talking about it – but I will. Go check it out yourself.
Don’t be shy – leave me a comment and let me know what your favorites are and where your square is.
See you next time!
–Sandy, Purple Wren
Sandyââ¬â¢s Great Graphic Find: CoolText
Sandyââ¬â¢s Great Graphic Find: Pixel Ruler
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