Kids Are Landing on Porn Sites

Ilker at the thinking blog asked me to post about this. Little did Ilker know that earlier this week, I got an email from Germany. A young woman, Mihaela Lica asked me to visit Blogger Power: Safeguard the Web for Children. I clicked through. I read the title and the list of three bullets.
Would you do that? It’s four sentences. I’ll wait.
Four sentences was all that it took. I wrote Mihaela back — three more sentences, two names, and some smiles.
Hi Where are you located?
Do you skype? lizstrauss
I talk faster than I type.
We Skyped for 26 minutes and 29 seconds.
One email, seven sentences, two names, three words, some smiles, and a less than 30 minute skype call led to this blog post and the four-question interview below.
This is real way to keep a child safe, the same way parents put a gate at the top of s stairway so that a toddler doesn’t fall. Will you help? Will you write a comment or a blog post about Blogger Power: Safeguard the Web for Children. so that the folks who can make the gate will hear that we need one?
After all, Mihaela got my attention with three sentences. I’m not going to tag you. I know that I don’t need to when the issue is as straightforeard as this.
We can change the world — just like that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
12: Mihaela Lica on Safeguarding the Web for Children
If you’re ready to change the world, send me your thoughts in a guest post. Feel free to take the gorgeous Change the World image up there that Sandy designed back to your blog. Or help yourself to this one.

Email me about what you’re doing or what we might do. Let’s change the world one bit at a time together. Together it can’t take forever.