He’s So Sure He’s So Good

Just read an email about how much I needed someone’s help. To put it mildly, the person who wrote it doesn’t stand a chance of doing business with me. He’s so sure that what he’s got so good. That he bet his sales on impersonal email blast to people who don’t need what he does.
The email he sent was filled with huge promises, hype of grand results, and a future that would have me set for life. I’m wondering why he needs to work if he has that secret.
Some folks sell by telling everyone how good they are.
Some folks sell by making claims that are bigger than life.
Some folks sell by pitching every person they can contact.
I feel safe in saying that it’s not the way to make fiercely loyal customers.
Connecting with Fiercely Loyal Customers By Being Helpful in Hypeful World
Great businesses have always been about customers — how to make their lives easier, more free, and more meaningful. Great companies invest in getting to know their customers and showing they value them. That builds fiercely loyal customers. Fiercely loyal customers come back and bring their friends.
Ever watch people who love what they do when they talk about their work? They talk about what they do as fluidly as water. Even when they first explain what they do, they don’t ever seem shameless. They talk about the kind of people they help and the help they give.
When we’re fully-engaged in our work, telling others about an offer is like talking to our friends about what we do. It’s natural, conversational, and about them. If you have something of value, here’s how to have conversations that matter.
- Do your homework. Find out who’s interested. Research to know the people or businesses who need your product or service. Know their needs before you even say hello.
- Be curious about their dreams. When you meet with prospective clients, start by asking them about their goals.
- Be a learner, not a hunter. Look and listen for ways to help them move their goals forward.
- Then talk about how your goals and theirs work together. Let them know the kind of helping that you do.
Don’t wait for the stars to align. Align your goals with theirs. Sit on the same side of the table with your customers. Business happens when it’s to their benefit to do business with you. Show them how working with you will get them where they want to be.
Great promotion is helpful, not hypeful. How do you talk about your work as helpful?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!