Asking for Help

I’m looking at myself and looking my business.
I’m looking at what I have done well in the past.
I’ve been reading recently fabulous articles for big and small business folks. The great ones say to . . . be prepared, be ready, and get in the habit of asking for help at every step. For years, they’ve even given advice on how to ask. So have I. So have my friends and colleagues.
the big things they say are “Don’t be afraid to ask.” and “Think about what you hear.”
Just the other night the wisest and best-suited business advisor I know said to me, “I want to help you. How can I help?”
I sit here with the questions, and they seem too much and too many to ask.
Here I am trusting the world with my thoughts . . . and I can’t ask a simple question, not even the first one. Well I guess the first is the hardest.
Where does this issue of trust come from?
Is it a fear of imposing or a fear of beholding?
I know which it is in my case. Note my comment below.
Do you know which it is when you want to ask for help, but don’t?