It’s not being smart.
Brilliant is far beyond smart. A brilliant person is so because of character, intelligence, wit, wisdom, creativity, ethics. With me it is the same as being in the presence of beauty. Your mind knows you have witnessed something great.Your heart reacts.
SashaKane told me that.
Brilliant is bright beyond belief. So bright in fact, the glare can hurt your eyes if you stare at it directly. Brilliant is sooooo sexy. . . . brilliant, awesome, overwhelming, intense: words that are often used too frequently away from the power of what they mean.
Elizabeth Grattan knows brilliant obviously.
Stopping to savor each word, I squint and can’t help smiling.
Rose said, Brilliant means the ability to see things in new ways and to find relations between seemingly unrelated ideas.
The connecting is brilliant. We know.
Human Folly said, Brilliance means something spontaneous & beautiful with a slice of genius.
I’m thinking every 8-year-old has a slice of that. Right?

Randy added this bit, far enough ahead of the curve that it shines for all to gaze at in bewilderment.
We gaze in bewilderment . . . awe.
A single drop of water doesn’t seem much.
Then it freezes and holds the light while it thaws.
It’s a second. It’s a glimpse.
It’s a momentary catching of the light.
Ever been brilliant? Bet you have.
Will you tell me about being brilliant?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!