Michael A. Stelzner, Guest Writer

Information overload. Filters. Time constraints. Limited patience.
Marketing excess makes the task of influencing a chore!
Getting an audience with someone important and presenting vital points have never been harder. It is just plain tough to persuade people if you can’t speak to them.
Fortunately, there is way.
The white paper is often ushered past the guards and into the inner courts of important people.
White papers are sought after to help readers make decisions. Like the ancient wise man, the great white paper will have a significant impact on its readers.
These informative (and often persuasive) documents tend to contain information that is very valuable.
The persuasive white paper:
- Identifies problems facing its readers (to build affinity)
- Discusses trends (to push a need for change)
- Provides solutions without selling (by speaking broadly and objectively)
- Suggests what to look for (think key considerations when seeking a solution)
The art of persuasion involves building interest, providing valuable information and directing readers to act in a very specific manner. When applied to white papers, the result is a virtual salesperson that acts in your best interest, all the time.
This article is the fourth in a five-part series on the advantages of white papers. The next article will examine how writers can grow their businesses by writing white papers.
Your action: Learn how to persuade with white papers and watch people respond in ways you never imagined. An excellent resource to help you master this art is the new book, Writing White Papers: How to Capture Readers and Keep Them Engaged.