Done with the Rough Cut, Time To Map the Book

After I found the 140+ pages, I discovered that Phil actually had 6 more months of archives. What a bonus!
So I now sit with close to 170 pages — sorted into 5 categories. Those 5 categories will soon become 7 or 8 book chapters. That will happen when we’ve reviewed the larger ones to break them into more readable chunks.
The next step is to plan how the pages map out.
We’re actually going to make a bookmap.
No Bound Book Has 666 Pages
You may never have thought about it, but it’s a fact:
You can’t have a page 1 without a page 2.
Every sheet of paper has a front and a back.
That’s the first reason that page counts matter. Paper is tangible.
There are some things that paper won’t do.
It’s also a fact that:
No bound book has 666 pages.
Why No Bound Book Has 666 Pages
Books are made from large rolls or large sheets of paper that get folded in a certain way. When they are folded, they are called “signatures.”
Most books are made of 16-page or 32-page signatures. This picture shows a 16-page signature unfolded. The small numbers inidicate the page number in the book. [The image is owned by and linked to — where you could find out more about book building and printing than most folks would ever need to know.]
The smallest signature is 4 pages — 666 divided into 4-page signatures would be 166 and 1/2 signatures. That means 2 pages couldn’t be bound in with the rest. Even at that very small, very expensive signature size, it wouldn’t work. You couldn’t traditionally bind a 666-page book. The book would have to be 664 or 668 pages.
Oh, were you thinking something else?
A Quick Look at Using a Bookmap
Because books are “imposed” onto signatures, we’re going to map Phil’s book out using a bookmap. A bookmap lets us get the big picture of the book on paper, where we can play with it.
Using a bookmap is like filling in a blank book. If we were making an 8-page book it would map out like this.
Notice how an 8-page book really has only 6 pages for text. See that the first page is a right-hand page. Setting up the bookmap this way helps everyone to remember which pages are 2-page spreads (facing pages) and which are front-to-back pages. That can be important when we want to keep certain copy together visually.
Using a bookmap will help us get a sense of the size and scope and the progression of the book. We’ll see how many pages our content will probably need and how many pages we need to fill out a signature. By mapping the book before we start, we’ll be able to plan for useful and relevant content on every page — we’ll avoid the blank pages we sometimes see at the end of books. We’ll deliver more value to our readers. Bookmaps make for better books.
A Free Bookmap for You
In the meantime, if you want to play with a bookmap of your own. Here’s a 32-page expandable bookmap for you. Use more than one to make bookmap for a book as long as you like. If you end on the first box of any line, you will always have an 8-page signature.
Click on the image to enlarge and print it.
HINT: using the smallest sticky notes to move ideas around the bookmap is much easier than writing and erasing them.
Today, an editor friend and I will meet with Phil in Milwaukee. We’ll be sorting through the pages in categories to begin to layout the bookmap for Phil’s new book.
I’ll keep you posted on how that goes.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
If you’d like Liz to help you find or make a book from your archives, click on the Work with Liz!! page in the sidebar.
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