A Weekly Series by Teresa Morrow
Iâm Teresa Morrow, Founder of Key Business Partners, LLC and I work with authors to help manage their online book promotion. As part of my job I read a lot of books (I love to read anyway!).
This week I will be highlighting I book that I am working with the author, Jack Katz, author of ‘Competing for Global Dominance’ and the other book I have had on my reading list, ‘The New Social Learning’ by Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner.
The books I discuss in the Social Media Book List Series will cover a range of topics such as social media, marketing, blogging, business, organization, career building, finance, networking, writing, self development and inspiration.
‘Competing for Global Dominance: Survival in a Changing World’
by Jack Katz

“Jack Katz has the rare ability to look out over the horizon and see the future that is bearing down on all of us. His vision of globalization and the survival of corporations and individuals is startling and compelling
âanother outlook for those wishing to compete in global markets.”
Aviad Kamara, President, Israel Operations: Sagent Management
and Founder of HiTechCare
“Jack Katz presents a comprehensive guide for businesses that are either contemplating entering the U.S. market or have already begun the process. In his book he lays out the foundational legal, cultural, and financial strategies for success. Too often foreign businesses do not appreciate how much time and money can be lost without a comprehensive guide like this showing them the way. I highly recommend this book to my clientsâboth domestic and international.”
Michael Moradzadeh Esq., Rimon Law Group
Here are a few more powerful experts from ‘Competing for Global Dominance’ I would like to share with you:
Page 9 – “Today, thanks tomodern technology, for the first time in human history the world marketplace is open 24/7. The “sun never sets” on the world market. For the entrepreneur, the entire world is now
within reach in ways that weren’t possible a few years ago.”
—> (Teresa Thoughts)So true, the opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, and gain new clients from any part of the world is well within reach in today’s society and being able to be communicate and “compete” is a great skill to have in this market.
Page 11 – “For companies to become successful in their target markets they will need to identify and appreciate the differences of their diverse consumers.”
—>(Teresa Thoughts) Ideal point to make. Knowing your target market and what they need and want is another key ingredient to be successful to all businesses.
Page 43 -To compete with the world’s best companies requires foreign manufacturers to design and produce quality products incorporating the latest in technology with the leanest supply chain and
manufacturing principles. It also means promoting the uniqueness of your product. Vying for recognition against numerous competitors, you need to differentiate yourself by your country or history.
—>(Teresa Thoughts) No matter whether your company is based in the US or in another country, staying on top of the trend, new products and latest technology is key in staying competitive in most industries.
Page 57 – Products become exceptional when a consumer is impressed but they don’t expect to be.
—>(Teresa Thoughts) Perfect point to emphasis—-create a product or service that is not expected. See what is out there and find a way to make it new, updated and/ or better.
About the Book:
‘Competing for Global Dominance’ sets the stage for a new paradigm required for growth of the globalized market in the 21st century and outlines the issues that entrepreneurs and businesses will face as they compete for survival in a world marketplace no longer hindered by time and distance.
As the Silicon Valley success model moves into its adolescence and transforms its methodology more into using social and business networking as demonstrated on web sites of Facebook, YouTube, LinkIn, LinkSV, Twitter, Ecademy where groups of individuals and businesses from around the world can meet, communicate and collaborate together to expand their influence and market share by developing new ways of doing business. But before this can be effectively accomplished, a new approach needs to be established for how to compete, grow and survive in this new globalized environment. Many governments, educational and private organizations have tried to duplicate the success of Silicon Valley with limited degrees of success, most without really understanding the new dynamics of global competition and how to enter new markets.
This book shows the thought leadership from a practitioners viewpoint who works with entrepreneurs and companies from around the world to position them for survival and expansion in the new world of globalization.
About the Author:
Jack S. Katz, is identified as one of the ten top people to know by Technology Decisions Magazine, Jack is noted for his knowledge and delivery of accurate high technology and business solutions that have had a dramatic impact on the bottom line of global companies.
With over three decades of Information Systems Management, Marketing and Business Development experience in such diverse industries as Retail, Healthcare, Financial Services, and Information Technology, Jack is an internationally recognized author, speaker and business technology expert.
Jack co-founded Red Hill Partners International, LLC a premier market-entry company which works with emerging companies to define, develop and expand their products and services worldwide. He has previously held senior level management positions with Cisco Systems, Sun Microsystems, Providian Financial Services, Blue Shield of California, and Safeway, Inc.
You can purchase a copy of ‘#Competing for Global Dominance’ online at ThinkAha Books.
*I have received a complimentary copy of Competing for Global Dominance by the author as this book mention is part of a virtual book tour I am conducting. However, my comments (highlighted by —>) are my own solely and I have not gotten compensated for those.
A book on my reading list that I have had the pleasure to read (a little bit and eager to read more), ‘The New Social Learning’ by Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner.
The New Social Learning
by Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner
Here are a few gems I found within this insightful book on social media:
This book starts off with The New Social Learning Playground Rules (here are just a few rules):
1) No loitering in the playground areas. The value is in participation and engagement.
—> SO TRUE! Value comes in with social media with two areas—participation (you must be a part of the networks you are a part of or be sure you are adding value to the conversations)
2) The playground is for people of all ages.
–>Yes, within the social network you can be 20 or 80..and you can enjoy the wonderful benefits of being a part of the conversations and connections.
3) Only people interested in having influence are allowed on the premises.
—> It is good to remember when you are involved in social media, to remember you are there to engage, inspire and support others.
Another gem (page 38)—
“Because online communities are not constrained by the need for anyone’s physical presence, we have greater flexibility with our ability to join, learn, and congregate with people who have similar interests no matter their location.”
—>To me this is the great GLORY of social media!
Another helpful nugget (page 81)
“For busy people who need to find ways to manage their attention stream, micro sharing seems just little enough to not seem like a burden. It’s akin to writing a paper or a blog without the time commitment. It’s sufficiently lightweight to fit into the spaces between the critical work people do.”
—>Yes, I agree that micro blogging, such as Twitter, allows people to share their expertise with people in small bits, however, I do feel that it is a piece in between where blogging and marketing goes.
Additional tidbit (page 110)
“To support keeping information current, create systems that support updates and contributions from many people who are affected or who have additional perspectives–where the group can capture, organize, share and use it’s emerging and dynamic knowledge.”
—> Share, share and share—-offer tips, ideas and support to others by using social media tools that can help you get the message out there. (i.e. I use HootSuite to organize my social media accounts).
About the Book:
Most business books on social media have focused exclusively on using it as a marketing tool. Many employers see it as simply a workplace distraction. But social media has the potential to revolutionize workplace learning. People have always learned best from one anotherâsocial media enables this to happen unrestricted by physical location and in all kinds of extraordinarily creative ways. The New Social Learning is the most authoritative guide available to leveraging these powerful new technologies.
Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner explain why social media is the ideal solution to some of the most pressing educational challenges organizations face today, such as a widely dispersed workforce and striking differences in learning styles, particularly across genera-tions. They definitively answer common objections to using social media as a training tool and show how to win over even the most resistant employees. Then, using examples from a wide range of organizationsâincluding Deloitte & Touche, IBM, TELUS, and even the CIAâBingham and Conner help readers sort through the dizzying array of technological options available and decide when and how to use each one to achieve key strategic goals.
Social media technologiesâeverything from 140-character âmicrosharingâ messages to media-rich online communities to complete virtual environments and moreâenable people to connect, collaborate, and innovate on levels never before dreamed of. They make learning dramatically more dynamic, stimulating, enjoyable, and effective. This greatly anticipated book helps organizations create a contemporary learning strategy that is as timely as it is transformative.
About the Author(s):
Tony Bingham is President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD), the world’s largest professional association dedicated to the training and development field. ASTD is focused on helping members lead talent management, build their business skills, understand the impact of social media on informal learning, close skills gaps, and connect their work to the strategic priorities of business.
Marcia Conner Partner with Altimeter Group, works with leaders every day to bridge the gap between the promise of collaborative technologies and the practice of putting them into action. She aligns digital strategy with corporate culture, engaging people and invigorating the value chain across an organization. Former Vice President and Information Futurist at PeopleSoft and Worldwide Manager at Microsoft, she now advises corporations, writes the popular Fast Company column “Learn at All Levels,” and is a Fellow at the Darden School of Business. Follow her on Twitter @marciamarcia.
*this information was provided by Amazon
*I also received a complimentary copy of this book to offer a book mention/review on Successful Blog. However, my —> (my comments) are mine solely and I was not compensated for these.
You can purchase a copy of ‘The New Social Learning’on Amazon.
I truly hope you will check out these books and please comment and let me know your thoughts on them.