June 1 Blogtipping

Happy June! I tip my blog to:
1. You are my Jack Reacher Hero, who invented the Link Leak Virus.
2. You push me to be better and inspire me to be brighter.
3. You know no bounds to your friendship and your loyalty.
Tip: Don’t ever give up your quest. You are the real deal.
1. You are my secret pal, who keeps his own counsel over my journalistic errors.
2. You push me too and got me to grow when I didn’t know for sure which way was better.
3. You live upside-down, but you are always on the up and up.
Tip: Don’t stray too far, because I would miss you.
1. You are a the Internet master, the challenger, who keeps things kicking.
2. You keep my brain thinking and keep the music coming when I need a place to lurk.
3. You see the 30,000 ft view without leaving the ground, and say volumes without writing too many words.
Tip: Every time I give myself room to breathe, everyone around me gets nicer.