It’s Hard to Believe

I once worked for a woman who believed that if you got great grades at university you went to an easy school.
Every choice she made included taking the hard way. Somewhere in her thinking was a fear of being accused of taking the easy way. Even when the “easy way” was the most efficient, the smartest way, the best ROI for the company, this vice president had to be convinced every way to Sunday that it wasn’t a way to get out of doing the hard work that “should be” done.
This same person didn’t suffer dreamers. Dreams were for sleeping and children playing games of imagination. Sadly, she had been trained as a teacher. She taught me discipline with the details — I’ve lost some of it since. She taught me patience.
She taught me that some people can never make a dream happen. . . . because they think dreams aren’t real and they think being a dreamer is easy.
Dreams, hopes, goals are within our reach.
Why is that so hard for us to believe?
We can believe that the other guy will win, but not us. He will be the President, the rock star, the artist. She will be the CEO, the actor, the international lawyer. But it never crosses our mind to aspire to that path.
Have the big kids taken so much and told so much that they’ve wiped the stars from our eyes?
Believing in a dream is hard. Look at me. Go ahead, tell me I don’t know.
Believing in a dream is hard, because it’s saying out loud, “Here’s what I’m going for.”
Everyone knows it’s way easier to sit right here and say nothing at all.
Unless you just can’t.
People who have dreams. They don’t let go until they make their dreams happen. They fall down, but they get up and they keep right on going. They see that dream as sure as you see these words here.
It’s a little house.
It’s learning to read.
It’s building something that no one has ever seen.
It’s seeing peace in a family.
It’s seeing peace on Earth.
Believe in a dream, please.
We can change the world — just like that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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