Business, Blogs, Living

Yesterday, I talked about
Today I thought I might take that further and tell how to choose who to follow.
How I Chose 18 Thought Leaders to Follow
Great leaders don’t have the answers. They have the questions. They seek the answers. They look at who came before them. They talk, but listen more. They write, but not as much as they read. Great leaders are a curious lot.
They encourage us to do our own thinking. Here’s the criteria used to choose 18 Thought Leaders and links to their blogs and blog posts to demonstrate what I’m saying.
Follow the folks who like ideas and learning.
- Big ideas by Seth Seth explains why leaders give away ideas.
- TED Talks — Inspired Ideas worth spreading TED Talks is an entire video blog of Inspired talks by the world’s greatest thinkers and doers. Watch one. Then watch one a week.
- The Virtues of Structure by Ann Michael “Ideas have to add up before they multiply.”
Follow the folks who are curious and curious about you.
- Bridge Strategies for Social Media Adoption by Chris Brogan When Chris isn’t sharing new ideas, he’s asking about them.
- The Manager’s Cheat Sheet: 101 Common Sense Rules for Leaders by Dwayne Melancon The tagline of this blog says it all, “Always on the lookout for new things to learn.”
- How Social Networks are Disrupting Everything you Know About Business by Valeria Maltoni Keeping the conversation on the right ideas isn’t easy.
Follow the folks who are positive.
- Positive Thinking Day sponsored by ipop-in by Kirsten Harrell, Psy.D. You’ll find a wealth of positive leadership here. “Help us change the world. One thought at a Time!”
- Joyful Jubilant Learning a community managed by Rosa Say To ho‘ohana is to work with passion and with purpose, and we consider learning a joyful and worthwhile life’s work. We call it our 7 Wonders: Listen, Learn, Laugh, Link, Love, Live, and Leap to Wonder with us.
- Positive Thinking Can Relieve Pain Says Study by the Good News Network More than 320 positive news stories published everyday.
Follow the folks who are jazzed about what they do.
- I’m jazzed! by the Virtual Wire Entrepreneurs, consultants, and small business owners meet here for virtual working partnerships.
- The Jeff Pulver Blog: On Entrepreneurship: Be Passionate by Jeff Pulver You’ll have to go far to meet a guy more jazzed about life.
- Jazzed about Workin . . . from Fast Company by Bill Breen All of Fast Company Magazine Bloggers are fabulous.
Follow the folks who know where they are going.
- Growth by Matt Mullenweg Every month in a wrap-up post, Matt shares his thoughts on the blog world.
- http://Emoms at Home by Wendy Piersall Just watch what she’s got going.
- make art not ads – getting your readers’ attention by Muhammed Saleem Everyday he’s pointing out something new that we should know about.
Follow the folks who’ve made it and are still there.
Need I say more?
- 10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog . . . by problogger, Darren Rowse.
- How to Attract Links and Increase Web Traffic – The Ultimate Guide . . . by copyblogger, Brian Clark.
- Lifehacker. . . .by Gina Trapani and team
The number of leaders on our doorstep is unimaginable. We could be inspired every minute.
Think of the leaders you recommend. What qualities do you use to choose who you follow?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!
I Have an Idea — I Have Lots of Them!
Don’t Hunt IDEAS — Be an Idea Magnet