Blogger A Day Call: Hello is Jesse there?

I found an email in my old Successful Blog account. It was from a young man named Jesse offering to do a guest post. I suggested to him that we have a B.A.D. Blogger call. That’s how we came to talk. Jesse Petersen is one interesting man to have a conversation with.
Jesse told me that he got married a few months ago. We talked about the first year of being married. We discussed the way the world changes how it looks at person the second that the wedding takes place. That it changes the way we look at ourselves, our jobs, and our lives and how everything fits our world view.
Jesse told me that he’s technical editor for flight simulators. I asked him what that meant. He said he translated and trued up the documentation. I laughed and said it must be a lot like the work that I used to do on educational textbooks. We found a lot of places where the two jobs were the same. Jesse said he had an affinity for formatting the documents. I told him that was also my favorite part. We talked about the difficulties in turning what engineers wrote into prose that regular people might read. I mentioned an engineering text I worked on last year that had engineering editors from four different countries. I think we moaned in a sort of harmony, understanding the unique misery.
Jesse and I discussed the post that he wanted to write for Successful Blog. He was looking for feedback and was ready to hear what people had to say. I told him if he would rewrite what he sent that I would edit it. He said he’d be happy to.
Jesse sent a sincere and honest post asking how he might make a difference. The post went up. The discussion was interactive and enlightening. Jesse listened to the answers he got, and the answers he got were the best in the blogosphere.
I think Jesse will find that difference.
B.A.D. Blogger Quote
I like the interaction of hearing people respond and knowing what people think about what I think whatever that is. — Jesse Petersen
Stop by Jesse’s Blog, Gitr’s WoW Blog, and say hi!
Thanks, Jesse, you B.A.D. Blogger!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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