Join Me at blogworld expo!

Are you going to blogworld expo, Sept 20-21 (Executive & Entrepreneur Conference Sept. 19)? I’m going. Will I be seeing you?
The speaker list is filled with folks you know and folks you should meet. The educational sessions offer tracks for executives, entrepreneurs, real estate bloggers, citizen journalists, folks pushing the edge, videobloggers, podcasters, with additional tracks on monetization, new media, and the business of blogging.
Now’s the time to make your commitment.
Register by August 22, 2008 SAVE up to 25%!
Use this promo code –> LSVIP <-- and save 20% more just because you read this blog!!!
And if you’re in the market for new business cards . . . stop by for beautiful ideas like these.

See all 70 designs at — go take a look now!
Then bring one with you and we’ll exchange cards when we meet at
blogworldexpo next month!
–ME “Liz” Strauss