So Many Self Words
Self-consciousness, self-promotion, self-sacrifice, self-preservation, self-abuse, self-indulgence, self-importance, self-deprecation
It’s hard to see words that start with s-e-l-f, without wondering how they relate to me — this individual self.
Self-esteem, self-centered, self-awareness — once upon a time those words didn’t exist.
It seems that self-respect, self-confidence, and self-control are stronger personal traits when they become respect, confidence, and control.
I’m wondering about the ego that fuels these self-oriented words. The list is self-serving and self-involved in that it’s used to define us. But is it a good thing to separate ourselves like that?

We might believe we have one relationship with ourselves and a distinctly different one with others.
I don’t buy that.
Look around.
You can tell what someone needs by what he or she gives away.
See how these “self” words throw us out of balance?
It’s harder to relate to people when we subconsciously see ourselves as separate from them. Imagine if we had no special “self” vocabulary — no “us” and “the rest of the world” words — simply words for all of us instead?
The words are stronger and more human without the “self.”
Conscious, promotion, sacrifice, preservation, abuse, indulgence, importance, deprecation, esteem, centered, awareness, respect, confidence, control, involved.
So I’ve decided. I’m dropping that “self” syllable. I’m becoming one of the whole. Are you ready to let your “self” join the human race?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!