Three Joys to Be Around

Certain folks just have that knack of lighting up a place when they get there. They’re comfortable with who they are and that makes everyone comfortable with them. Each of these three has that quality — on their own blog and away from it. That’s why I tip my blog to them.
Here’s how it works.
- Choose three or more bloggers you admire and link to them,
- List three reasons why you admire each one.
- Then add a tip at the end.
That’s all there is to it.
1. Christine Kane
I tip my blog to you because
- When I read your blog, I learn things about life, people, and both of us.
- Your archives are a wealth of wisdom and learning to poke around in.
- Your authenticity shows in every word you write.
My blog tip: Come to Chicago again so we can celebrate!
2. TechZ
I tip my blog to you because
- Your writing voice is conversational and authoritative at the same time.
- Your warm presence gives your blog it’s unique and welcoming personality.
- Every statement you make to another person is supportive and positive. You’re a true relationship geek.
My blog tip: One day I want to earn my way out of the Blog Stuff category on your Blogroll. 😉
3. Ben Yoskovitz
I tip my blog to you because
- All of your blogs are well-written, upbeat, and fun to read! Each reflects a different part of the guy we love.
- You’re constantly coming up with exciting, new ideas. Every one catches our curiosity.
- Working with you is a dream. More people should do it.
My blog tip: Put a big button under the Email Me sign on the Instigator Blog that says, “You need to Work with Me. Find out why Liz says so.”
Thanks to all three of you for making my blogging life a nicer place to be.
–Me “Liz” Strauss
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