Go for the Gold
I’m writing in response to Brogan’s blog post. He’s only telling his part of the story.
Last year at BlogWorld Expo, the first person I met in the hall was Chris Brogan. I already knew him.
Yet everywhere I went there he was again. In the hallway, Chris Brogan. In the breakroom, Chris Brogan. In the lunchroom, Chris Brogan. I love Chris Brogan. I think he’s awesome, but I was beginning to think there were 55 of him.
Finally, I ducked into the b5 Chris Brogan-less educational session. What a joy! Who should I spy there in the front row, but my dear friend, Glenda Watson Hyatt and her husband! Of course, we had no chance to talk, because speakers were speaking. (Speakers seemed to be doing that in every session.)
Do you know Glenda Watson Hyatt? She’s the one you really want to go to BlogWorld Expo to meet. She’s a published author, an accomplished blogger, and an adovocate of accessibilty rights like no other. She’s also an SOB like most folks around here.
Of course, when I got my opportunity to talk to Glenda, who should be there already romancing her . . . yep, the infamous Mr. Chris.

We got Brogan to take this picture — the three of us got some quality time talking together.
She’s the gold.
Forget about meeting me. Forget about meeting him. Glenda is the one.
Of course, then, you could meet all of us at BlogWorld Expo. It’s Sept 20-21 in Las Vegas, NV.
I hear the BawldGuy is going to be there too.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!