260 Blogs: 260,000 Thank Yous!
To all who attended the Second Official Successful-Blog Blog-to Show where we showcased blogs from all over the blogosphere — THANK YOU!
Each official submission is another new reason to be engaged in the blogosphere.
THANK YOU TOO, to everyone who participated, for the submissions, for the hellos, for the visits and comments you shared with each other. It was truly an experience.
Take this Version with You
So have a look, walk around, and enjoy yourself. Click the blog titles to visit the blogs for a closer. Comments are welcome here and at each invidivual blog. Take a second to let folks know you were there. It’s a great chance to make some fine relationships! Everyone invested time to make this happen . . . show that you noticed! If you don’t have time now to check them all out, feel free to take this version with you!
Congratulations! And thank you everyone!
Check in Monday to hear about behind the dashboard and when we’ll do this again!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!
Table of Contents Listing the Bloggers … and Their Blogs
If you’re looking for someone in particular, you might want start here.
1. Kris Rowlands … Fresh Focus
2. Elaine B. … House of Luxe
3-4. John Carson … Make Johnny Cash and Fine Print
5. Geoffrey Philip … Geoffrey Philp’s Blog Spot Blog
6. Ari Herzog … Ari Herzog
7. Debra … Contextures Blog
8-9. Karin H … Kiss2 – The Kiss Business too (2) and 1 plus 1 makes 3
10. Mike Vizdos …Implementing Scrum
11. Keith Brooks … Lotus Evangelist
12. Susan Cartier Liebel … Building ‘Solo Practice University’
13. Delaney Kirk … Ask-Dr-Kirk
14. Romana Mirza … Find creativity in the world.
15-16. Jessica Fritsche … paper graffiti and Daily Tech Diva
17. Rick Grant … New Media Observer
18. Tim King … J. Timothy King’s Blog
19. Beth Robinson … Inventing Elephants
20. Jonathan Fields … Jonathan Fields | Awake @ The Wheel
21. Robert Schilt … Robert@PNG
22. Tammy Lenski … Conflict Zen
23. Michael Sync … Michael Sync – Sharing our knowledge
24. Scot Herrick … Cube Rules
25. cindy lou who … CityStreams
26. C. G. Rosberg … You Ruined My Childhood
27. Julie Roads … Blogging Roads / Writing Roads
28. Andre Ward … Andre Ward’s Blog
29. Mike Kennedy … Facing Up to Your Worst Case Scenario!
30. Michelle … DivinePurposeUnleashed
31. Ann Kingman … Books on the Nightstand
32. Todd Jordan … The Broad Brush
33-34. Michael Martin … Google Android Phones Latest News + gPhone Information and MTV Real World Road Rules News
35. Lauren Krause … Creative Curio
36. Mother Earth … Best of Mother Earth
37. JoLynn Braley … The Fit Shack
38. Alex Ramon … The Bicycle Tutor
39. isabella mori … Change Therapy
40. DB Ferguson … No Fact Zone
41-42. youlki22 … A Learner’s diary and Reviews and ramblings around the blogsphere!
43. Lillie Ammann … A Writerââ¬â¢s Words, An Editorââ¬â¢s Eye
44. Butterfly Media … Butterfly Media Romania Blog
45. Richard … bizRichard
46. Mayank Gupta … StudioWordpress – Best WordPress Themes
47. Benjamin Ellis … WOWNDADI
48. Thomas MacEntee … Destination: Austin Family
49. Cody McKibben … Thrilling Heroics
50. David M. Scott … Web Ink Now by David Meerman Scott
51. Melinda Seckington … Miss Geeky
52. Skip Lombardi … Almost Italian
53. CMcBrown … Branding & Marketing
54. Carla Chadwick … Vintage Holiday Crafts
55. uncle wilco … Shedblog.co.uk
56. Karl Staib … Work Happy Now
57. Mark Avey … FlightSimX
58. c.a. Marks … Alabama Improper
59. Lucy Nixon … Corporate Eye
60. Karl Edwards … Working Matters
62. Aneesa … Love the Game, Don’t Like Puck Bunnies
63. Genie … The Inadvertent Gardener
64. durk kooistra … Fant00m
65. AEB Lemon … lemonologie
66. Amy Boyte … Amy’s Web Log
67. Jeremy Young … ProgressiveHistorians
68. Schelly Talalay Dardashti … Tracing the Tribe – The Jewish Genealogy Blog
69. Jon Peltier … PTS Blog
70. PAMIR KICIMAN … Reiki Help Blog
71. Chuck Frey … The Mind Mapping Software Blog
72. Mad Dog … Doggy Style
73. Chris Osborne … Sapid Existence
74. Brian … “Truth is Freedom”
75. Rose-Dewy Knickers … Flash Your Knickers Here
76. Jim McGee … McGeeââ¬â¢s Musings
77. me.allen … Home Biz Notes
78. Becky McCray … Small Biz Survival
79. Katie Konrath … Get Fresh Minds
80-81. Rachel Smith … Bitten by Books and The Pink Ribbon Review
82. Karen Lynch … The Pink Ribbon Review
83. Abhijeet Mukherjee … Jeet Blog
84. Pelf Nyok … pelf-ism is contagious
85. Scott McArthur … McArthur’s Rant
86. Josh Klein … Josh Klein Web Strategy
87. Tim Brownson … A Daring Adventure
88. wess stewart … [ ! ] The Sugarbuzz Project
89. Allen Lam … Fun And Educational
90. Lionel Valdellon … Acid42 is the Soft Asian Enemy
91. Miranda Marquit … Yielding Wealth
92. Derek Halpern … Prevential
93. Paul Singh … Results Junkies
94. Todd Eastman … Todd’s World In 3D
95. Keith Dsouza … Techie Buzz
96. Rick Wolff … Rick Wolff
97. C Wilkerson … iPentimento
98. SpaceAgeSage … SpaceAgeSage
99. Jon Gatrell … Spatially Relevant
100. Avani-Mehta … Avani-Mehta
101. Erica Ross-Krieger … WellnessCoach.com
102. Trisha … Ideas For Women
103. Simple Sara … On Simplicity
104. Steven Grossman … Why I Failed
105. Drew McLellan … Drew’s Marketing Minute
106. Maricris G … ZenVentures
107. Ma. Merdekah Ybanez-Delid … CustServ
108. Nancy Hudgins … Civil Negotiation and Mediation
109. Sunny Schlenger … SunCoach
110. Linda Abbit … Tender Loving Eldercare
111. Zan Nordlund … NoMoWally’sintheBag
112. Vered DeLeeuw … MomGrind
113. Sarah Parker … Going Bananas Blog
114. George Krueger & Mary-Lynn Foster … Bigg Success
115. Jon Burg … Future Visions
116. Claire Tompkins … Your Organizing Coach
117. Martin Wildam … One-Two-Solved
118. Muhammad Siyab … PuttingBlogsFirst
119. Luc Debaisieux … MINDBLOB
120. Hunter Nuttall … Hunter Nuttall . com
121. Scott White … The Branding Blog by Brand Identity Guru
122. Meg Guiseppi, MRW … Executive Resume Branding Blog
123. Wayne Hurlbert … Blog Business World
124. Michael Miles … Effortless Abundance
125. Thomas Clifford … Bringing Brands to Life!
126. Barbara Ling … Barbara Ling, Personal Edge Insights
127. John Richardson … Success Begins Today
128. Terry Dagrosa … Seduction Meals
129. Gerrit Eicker … Wir sprechen Online.
130. deafmom … A Deaf Mom Shares Her World
131. Liz Scherer … Flashfree
132. John Hoff … eVentureBiz
133. Evelyn Lim … Attraction Mind Map
134. connie ragen green … Ebook Writing and Marketing Secrets
135. Dan Schawbel … Personal Branding Blog
136. Matthew Stublefield … SilverPen Publishing
137. jerry, age 70 … drannaks dribbles
138. Dex … MetaMakeMoneyOnline.com
139. Todd Ramsey … The Todd Blog
140. Mark Yokoyama … Everybody Loves Free Stuff
141. Andrew Dlugan … Six Minutes Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Blog
142. Alexander Becker … WOW: Making You Look Even Better
143. Darla F … Ultra Beauty Boutique
144. James Chartrand … Men with Pens
145. Glenda Watson Hyatt … Do It Myself Blog
146. aschmittylife … It’s A Schmitty Life
147. Dave Weinberg … Jewneric
148. Deanna. … Soul Like a Spider
149. Kelly … SHE-POWER
150. lala … Coastal Commentaries
151. Thursday Bram … ThursdayBram.com
152. Ron Stainforth … Black Dogs
153. Amy L … Earnest Parenting
154. Jeremy Biser … Discovering Dad
155. Suzie Cheel … Law of Attraction in Action
156. Mike Templeton … Payment Industry Insider
157. Robin Dearing … The Hell?
158. Jacqueline Zenn … SEOGroup Blog
159. Rhett Soveran … Epiblogger
160. Marcus Taylor … Invisible Green Photography
161-162. Robert Neville … Stage3 Consulting and RobNeville.net
163. Angie … angie*
164. Laural … Mamasphere
165. Heather Rast … Insights and Ingenuity
166. Melody Platz … The Happy Wanderer
167. Tomas Custer … HispanicTips
168. Sharon Gibson … Conflict to Peace in Relationships
169. Kathryn Boyle … knittsings | Machine Knitting, Passap, DesignaKnit Blog
170. Jane Deere … Type-TalkTherapy.com
171. Douglas Bell … Webmacster87.info
172-173. Mark David Gerson … The Voice of Your Muse and Mark David Gersonââ¬â¢s New Earth Chronicles
174. Jeff De Cagna … Principled Innovation Blog
175. Francie Stirling … LivingLeadership
176. Jay Heyman … All you need is a good idea!
177. Anne Glamore … Tales From My Tiny Kingdom
178. AgentSully … Life Learning Today
179. Miriam Robbins Midkiff … AnceStories: The Stories of My Ancestors
180. Brett Trout … BlawgIT
181. Michael Snell … New Gay Travel Guide
182. Randy Willis … Willis Wired
183. Bamboo Forest … Pun Intended
184. Mona Weathers … HerProBlog.COM
185. Angela Maiers … Angela Maiers Educational Services
186. Ricardo Bueno … Ribeezie
187-188. Derrick Sorles … Business Blogging Tips & Web 2.0 Strategies and Life By Design
189. Linda Sherman … It’s Different For Girls
190. Jenny Stinson … Running 4 Your Life
191. Jamie … Wishcasting
192. Amber Naslund … The BrandBox
193. Marianne Thomas … Writer-Mommy
194. Jasia … Creative Gene
195. Jeanne May … Goals and Aspirations
196. Deb Boyken … Punctuality Rules!
197. Charlene Farber … Confessions of a Barista
198. David Murray … True Education
199. David Reynolds … Book Hotels Cheaper
200. Emily … Genealem’s Genetic Genealogy
201. L. Lee Lowe … Mortal Ghost
202. Victoria Pires … Glowstars
203. Karen Townsend … Pondering Penguin
204-205. Victoria Pugh … Help Your Child Become A Phonics Reading Pro and I Am Free America
206. Josh Mings … SolidSmack
207. Jacqueline Hernandez … Tiny Décor
208-209. Yvonne DiVita … Lip-Sticking and Scratchings and Sniffings
210. Sandra Renshaw … Purple Wren
211. Mary, mom to 10 … Owlhaven
212. Robin … PENSIEVE
213. Wyliekat … Still Life With Wyliekat
214. Scott Fox … Scott Foxââ¬â¢s E-Commerce Success Blog
215. Dave Lucas … Dave Lucas’ Notes
216-217. Kirsten … Exemplify and Taste Buds
218. Angie … BlogCoach.org
219. Margaret Andrews … Nanny Goats In Panties
220. Dr.N.Venkatakrishna … Stock market guide
221. Megan … FriedOkra
222. Laurin Evans … Laurin and Kelly Talk
223. Theresa Zagnoli … Visual, Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
224. Renee … Cutie Booty Cakes
225. Marelisa Fabrega … Abundance Blog at Marelisa Online
226. Barbara … Blogging Without A Blog
227. Amy Lillard … Quiet Rebel Writer
228. PsychMamma … PsychMamma
229. Rosemary Davies-Janes … Miboso Training
230. Carol Solomon … Hypnosis And Diet
231. Davina Haisell … Loving Pulse
232. Ellie Mirman … HubSpot Internet Marketing Blog
233. Dee Langdon … BloggerNewbie
234. Jonathan Harada… Up-Starts..Buenos Aires, Argentina
235. David Wetzel … Freelance Writing: Word Solutions
236. Lawrence Chiu … We Lose Weight This Way….
237. Allison Worthington … Mrs. Fusspants Guide to Life
238. Old School Tim … Kickin’ it Old School
240. Roxanne Darling … Bare Feet Blog
241. Princess Pointful … … and hijinks ensued
242. Jane … What About Mom
243. AL … 7P Productions
244. Bob Hill … Two Texans Down Under
245. Adrian Diaconescu … Rubiqube
246. Ulla Hennig … Ulla Hennig’s Weblog
247. Amber Stults … Amber Stults ââ¬â Book Reviewer and Author
248. Terry Starbucker … Terry Starbucker – Ramblings From A Glass Half Full
249. Alessio Sbrana … Drink a Drink
250. Steve Sherlock … Franklin Matters
252. Anne Wayman … The Golden Pencil
253. Heather Kitty Mak … Packaging Probe
254. Barbara Rozgonyi … Wired PR Works by Barbara Rozgonyi
255-256. Cathryn Hrudicka … What’s Innovation Got to Do with It? – the Creative Sage blog and PR, Social Media and Marketing Mentor – the Cathryn Hrudicka & Associates blog
257. Crystal Unrau … Moms In A Blog
258. Nivas … Key Life Skills that make the most of your life |Personal Development through NLP
259. Kathy Hendershot-Hurd … Virtual Impax
260. Akemi Gaines … Yes to Me
Sorry to Vicky H., Tom and Dustin who made it before the show started, but still missed the before Saturday deadline — all great blogs.
1. From Kris Rowlands
Blog Title: Fresh Focus
Blog URL: http:// freshfocus.info/blog
Blog Tagline: …On Productivity!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Bringing the readers fresh, new, original content that targets GTD, productivity and organization is what I am all about and how I “roll”. Each article is written from a perspective that you might not find in most places: come and see what I’m all about and experience my perspective on things!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
In my opinion, I think it’s really important to listen to the readers, take their advice and implement it. I also feel that it’s necessary to write from your heart, and write original content: I don’t read blogs that are aggregations of others’ feeds, so I wouldn’t expect my readers to do that either.Stop by! I’d love to converse with you!
2. From Elaine B.
Blog Title: House of Luxe
Blog URL: http://houseofluxe.com/
Blog Tagline: This couture designer`s advice on girly, life and trendy
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Don`t let the name fool you. I am an entrepreneur with over 15 years in the graphic design field.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I design and blog about how to get it together at home, managing your business and how to enrich your life doing what you love. House of Luxe is not just about design, but about the things I love, business and life from my point of view. I believe that if you have a home office, carry yourself like your office is downtown. Always have great etiquette and lead by example.
3-4. From John Carson
Blog Title Make Johnny Cash
Blog URL: http://makejohnnycash.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: $2.48 from Google AdWords alone!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Back in November 2006 I got laid off from my job through no fault of my own. Having worked in the online space, I decided to use those skills to market myself into a new job. I set up a blog to write about my job search, and got coverage in the press and on TV. The exposure was excellent and led to some great freelance gigs. Now, I keep the blog going and cover Web 2.0 content, which is also what I do as a day job now.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Web 2.0 is over — Welcome to Web Who.0! It’s about you.Blog Title Fine Print
Blog URL: http://blogs.gcigroup.com/fineprint/
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Fine Print is the official blog of GCI Canada, a PR agency in Toronto that also offers social media marketing as part of its digital practice. All the staff contribute to the blog on a daily basis, and write about their thoughts on the industry, as well as covering such things as Twebinars and joining the conversation with influencers. It has really helped with GCI Canadaââ¬â¢s SEO efforts too.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blog readers want to read your personal insight on a niche subject matter. Itââ¬â¢s good to link to other stories, but try and add some commentary of your own too.
5. From Geoffrey Philip
Blog Title Geoffrey Philp’s Blog Spot Blog
Blog URL: http://geoffreyphilp.blogspot.com/
Tagline: “Every blog is telling a story. What’s your story?”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Jamaican author Geoffrey Philp publishes interviews, fiction, poetry, podcasts, and literary events from the Caribbean and South Florida. And every now and then, he throws in a story with his particular viewpoint about current events.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Forget about blogging, you’re telling the story of your life. Be the hero of your own life.
6. From Ari Herzog
Blog Title Ari Herzog
Blog URL: http://www.ariwriter.com
Blog Tagline: Ari Herzog on politics, society, and culture
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A technology-savvy government administration professional, I write about what I know best. With recent topics on presidential politics, green energy, social media marketing, and fashion divas, I cover it all. Ultimately, the blogosphere who read and comment on my blog help determine my next piece of content. Care to participate?
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
One of my favorite books is “Travels with Charley” by John Steinbeck. It’s a personal memoir about Steinbeck’s U.S. roadtrip with his French poodle, Charley. I continually quote the following passage as it helps explain why I also like to travel on America’s great highways and the world’s scenic byways:
“In Spanish there is a word for which I can’t find a counterword in English. It is the verb vacilar, present participle vacilando. It does not mean vacillating at all. If one is vacilando, he is going somewhere, but does not greatly care whether or not he gets there, although he has direction. Everything in the world must have a design or the human mind rejects it. But in addition, it must have purpose or the human conscience shies away from it.”
Steinbeck wrote about driving and traveling, but it can easily be modified for surfing the super information highway and hyperlinking across World Wide Web sites. Make sure your blog has a design and a purpose, or nobody will reach it.
7. From Debra Dalgleish
Blog Title Contextures Blog
Blog URL: http://blog.contextures.com/
Blog Tagline: Save Time and Money in Business
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Published Monday to Friday, the blog focuses on computer productivity and features tips for Microsoft Office programs. We’re on these computers most of the day, so we should make the best of it!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“To me blog vs. web is like newsstand vs. library. Blog readers want a hot tip or fascinating tidbit, something juicy to chew on, not lug home and study for a week. Readers grab the idea of the day, learning though serendipity. They come to a blog with an open mind, ready to absorb a new idea. They hope to find something provocative or amusing or a helpful tip.”
8-9. From Karin H
Blog Title Kiss2 – The Kiss Business too (2)
Blog URL: http://www.thekissbusiness.co.uk/
Blog Tagline: No More Double Dutch in business
What makes the blog worth visiting?
When in business you encounter good, bad and sometimes wonderful practises, all over the world, to learn from. On the Kiss2 blog I ponder about this, so you can even call it: business ponderings.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Keep It Simple Sweetheart, specially in businessBlog Title 1 plus 1 makes 3
Blog URL: http://blog.1plus1makes3.co.uk/
Blog Tagline: Where combined expertise gives you triple value
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Brand new dynamic interactive website (aka blog) where various experts/expertise from and in various areas will be combined to give you triple value = 1 + 1 = 3
Areas vary from copy-writing, online software, (web)marketing guides and home-studies, practical business building tips and much more. It’s a ‘work in progress’ but stay tuned for more – the ultimate goal is to create the following fact: 2 plus 2 makes 7
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
no matter which marketing tool you want to use to grow your business – make sure it doesn’t turn into ‘shelf-development’ instead of business development i.e. implement it! Now!
10. From Mike Vizdos
Blog Title Implementing Scrum
Blog URL: http://www.implementingscrum.com/blog
Blog Tagline: Scrum looks easy; however, use common sense.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
This is a site for geeky people; fun geeky people. That being said, we have some really funny cartoons that can be used outside of Software Development. If you have a Chicken or Pig fetish, I’d stay away (smile)
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Keep it simple and consistent. Focus on content and the rankings will follow. Stay at it. Consistently! THAT is a secret a lot of people forget. Feel free to link to any that you may want to include in your blogs!
11. From Keith Brooks
Blog Title Lotus Evangelist
Blog URL: lotustech.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: I got Lotus religion, how about you?
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A blog which promotes Lotus software and handles competitive discussions with Microsoft and Google, among others.
Occasionally some left field ideas as well, like IBM buying RIM.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blog because you have your muse and want everyone to fell it too. Started a few other blogs until I found my niche, so can you.
Remember, failure is one more step on the way to success.
12. From Susan Cartier Liebel
Blog Title Building ‘Solo Practice University’
Blog URL: http://buildasolopractice.com
Blog Tagline: Newly Minted or Well Seasoned,
Teaching You How to Create and Grow Your Solo Legal Practice
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A revolutionary new web-based educational community and professional networking forum for lawyers and entrepreneurial law students
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging is like walking around a big town, leaving gifts in the doors of strangers. Bloggers don’t owe us more than we’re willing to accept
13. From Delaney Kirk
Blog Title Ask-Dr-Kirk
Blog URL: www.delaneykirk.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Dr. Delaney Kirk Offers Tips on Taking Back the Classroom and Becoming a More Effective Teacher.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
One of the things Iââ¬â¢ve realized is that you donââ¬â¢t have to reinvent the wheel. Whether itââ¬â¢s advice on teaching or how to blog (or pretty much anything else), there is a community of people on the web to help answer your questions. You just have to reach out.
14. From Romana Mirza
Blog Title Find creativity in the world.
Blog URL: http://www.romanamirza.com
Blog Tagline: get outside of the world you live in
What makes the blog worth visiting?
This blog gets you out of your bubble. It exposes you to other professions, cultures, and work that will inspire a new thought or spark a discussion around an idea or project thatââ¬â¢s important to you.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Please have a purpose and a way of categorizing your information. Too many categories make it really hard to navigate and easy to give up on a blog. Having a purpose will help you to organize your content which will make navigating your space more intuitive for us, now thatââ¬â¢s nice reading.
15-16. From Jessica Fritsche
Blog Title paper graffiti
Blog URL: http://www.papergraffiti.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
On my blog, I write about the humble venture of being a writer, and all the thought processes, tools, tips, tricks, roadblocks and successes that come along with the profession!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that there is no police force, Internet or otherwise, that is going to come and smack me around if I miss my goal. The only thing I can do is just keep pushing ahead. I can’t go back to yesterday and meet the goal I set for myselfââ¬âI just have to meet, and even exceed, the goal that I make for myself TODAY. Beating myself up about missing a writing goal, or not missing a day of blogging, is not going to do anything but make me feel bad about myself.”Blog Title Daily Tech Diva
Blog URL: http://www.dailytechdiva.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I am passionate about technology really enjoy sharing my tech experiences and my gadgets with the Internet at large.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I think that the environment you write in can be as important as what you’re writing about. It should be a place that you feel productive, creative, and happy. Having [my writing space] come together in an organized manner is spurring me on to use the space creatively.
17. From Rick Grant
Blog Title New Media Observer
Blog URL: http://newmediaobserver.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: A look at new media tools and the ways companies are using them by trade journalist Rick Grant.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
This is New Media information for companies that are not in the New Media business but trying to understand it.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
New Media folks will tell you that blogs are about starting conversations. In a perfect world, thatââ¬â¢s quite true. But in the B2B space where I work, your blog gives your prospects a view int your thinking process. They may not comment much, but theyââ¬â¢ll check out your blog whenever they perform due diligence on your firm.
18. From Tim King
Blog Title J. Timothy King’s Blog
Blog URL: http://blog.jtimothyking.com/
Blog Tagline: Stories of a Self-published, Entrepreneurial Fiction Author (née Software Guy)
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I believe the biggest draw to being published [by a third-party publisher] has nothing to do with success. Rather, it’s the same draw that makes college freshmen endure cruel and dangerous hazing rituals, and then turn around and subject others to the same torments. (from “Why I Never Want to be Published” http://blog.jtimothyking.com/2008/03/17/why-i-never-want-to-be-published)
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
If you’re a Christian who thinks libertarians are just conservatives who want to do drugs (insert offensively dismissive guffaw here), tune out now. I’m going to upset you, because I’m going to offend your sensibilities, not to mention your prejudices. If you’re a libertarian atheist, what I’m going to say will make you think I’m crazy, because I’m going to talk about how important religion is to my libertarianism. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
(from “Here’s Talking about Religion and Politics” http://blog.jtimothyking.com/2007/11/21/heres-talking-about-religion-and-politics )
19. From Beth Robinson
Blog Title Inventing Elephants
Blog URL: http://www.inventingelephants.com
Blog Tagline: Thinking towards the whole
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My personal journey as a chemist/MBA/artist/writer towards figuring out how to combine many different points of view to create something new.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
It’s okay to stop what’s not working and try a new path. My first blog was easy, but it took five, or maybe six, depending on how you count it, tries to make a second blog that lasted more than three months. It’s amazing how often the same themes will keep popping up until the day you realize, oh, yeah, that’s it, that’s what I meant to be writing about all this time.
20. From Jonathan Fields
Blog Title Jonathan Fields | Awake @ The Wheel
Blog URL: http://www.jonathanfields.com
Blog Tagline: Blogging at the crossroads of work, life, entrepreneurship and play…with a twist!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Where else can you discover how to make exercise more fun than sex, spend 12 days watching Cool Whip NOT melt, learn box-bashing marketing strategies, billion-dollar (okay $9) blogging tips and entrepreneurial power plays and see seriously doctored pictures of Jonathan lifting weights with a cast on one leg. Itââ¬â¢s the ultimate resource for a life worth living and a business worth building…or at least laughing a lot about!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
1. Be real ââ¬â Your own authentic voice is good enough, go with it, develop it, deepen it, revel in it, but…
2. Be valuable ââ¬â Blog because youââ¬â¢ve got something to say, not because youââ¬â¢re ââ¬Åsupposedââ¬Â to have something to say. If that means you can only add value once a week instead of once a day, so be it. Iââ¬â¢d rather read something that flips a switch or engage in a wonderful conversation once a week than suffer empty drivel once a day.
3. Be light ââ¬â Donââ¬â¢t take yourself too seriously. Bloggingââ¬â¢s natural state is fun, itââ¬â¢s us expectation-driven humans that make it otherwise.
21. From Robert Schilt
Blog Title Robert@PNG
Blog URL: http://www.trupela.com/
Blog Tagline: Personal adventures in the Land of the Unexpected
What makes the blog worth visiting?
probably the only self hosted WordPress Blog in the whole of Papua New Guinea if not the Pacific with close to four years worth of personal stories, adventures and photos in land and place that many describe as the most violent place on earth.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“The Blogging Curse”!!
Been spending too much time on the laptopââ¬Â¦
Digg it man!!
Out of control,
out of mind,
Iââ¬â¢m hookedââ¬Â¦
piddly dial-up connection!
Instead of writing and posting,
Iââ¬â¢ve been obsessed!
The right theme,
the perfect widget,
the ideal plugin!
and RSS feeds,
not to mention comments.
Engrossed in statsââ¬Â¦
How can I attract more readers?
More botsââ¬Â¦
than real people,
and stylesheets,
In the meantimeââ¬Â¦
over 1000 broken links,
posts without excerpts
and tabs playing up in Firefox!
what is it all about really?
The writing,
the playingââ¬Â¦
or both?
What purpose does it serve,
whether I have two sidebars
or just one?
Customise that header!!
Google it!
Add that feed!
Check out the forums!
Where do they find it?
These folks.
As for me,
got to cut back,
find that balance
and get back to blogging!
22. From Tammy Lenski
Blog Title Conflict Zen
Blog URL: http://conflictzen.com/
Blog Tagline: Simple habits for untangling disagreements and getting back on track
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Conflict Zen is about simplifying your life and transforming your most important personal and professional relationships. It’s the only site on the web meshing the know-how of a professional mediator, master teacher and coach, and conflict resolution author.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
There’s an old story about a professor whose teacup is filled to overflowing. Like this teacup, the Zen master tells him, “you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?” Conflict is like the professor’s teacup — full of judgments, diagnoses, opinions, attributions. Nothing can get in until you know how to empty your conflict teacup.
23. From Michael Sync
Blog Title Michael Sync – Sharing our knowledge
Blog URL: http://michaelsync.net
Blog Tagline: Silverlight, C#, Ajax, Jokes, Thoughts, WordPress/Blogging
What makes the blog worth visiting?
If you are a fan of Silverlight or Microsoft latest technology, my blog is just right for you. I’m currently running a contest for Silverlight developers in my blog too.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Don’t keep the goodies that you’ve discovered for yourself. Just share it and let’s grow together. 🙂
24. From Scot Herrick
Blog Title Cube Rules
Blog URL: http://cuberules.com
Blog Tagline: Career Management for Cubicle Warriors
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Cube Rules is a site dedicated to the knowledge worker seeking Career Management Mastery. Both free and paid membership content is provided.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Keep writing ââ¬â you will find the voice for your blog through your consistent writing practice.
25. From cindy lou who
Blog Title CityStreams
Blog URL: http://citystreams.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: n/a
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I’m a newbie mom, a high school Science teacher and the wife of a cop. Every day’s an adventure!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I love blogging because itââ¬â¢s cheaper than therapy, easier than scrap-booking and helps me remember the millions of moments, that I would surely forget if I didnââ¬â¢t write them down. My journey has taken me to places I never expected to go. After two years of medical school, I decided that I didn’t want to be a doctor. Instead, I took a job as a high school Science teacher. Then Hubster and I decided to test our genetic luck, and we had a baby. While I was still in the hospital, recovering from the C-section, he got the call for his job as a police officer. Life’s never dull around here.
26. From C. G. Rosberg
Blog Title You Ruined My Childhood
Blog URL: http://www.youruinedmychildhood.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I recently got a job at a company who is hoping to launch an interactive site, and they want me to spearhead some of the online content and projects, so I began blogging again, in a more meaningful way than I did as a teen. I want to use my anthropology background to look at everyday things in a new way…customer service calls, radio personalities, comic book movies, investor behavior, internet phenoms…anything and everything that attracts my attention.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Bloggy quote”: I guess every social networking site has it’s purpose. I can’t help but wonder how Batman would deal with Twitter. “Beating up mobsters. Hope arm not fractured. Superman now reaching epic douchebaggery.”
27. From Julie Roads
Blog Title Blogging Roads / Writing Roads
Blog URL: www.bloggingroads.com
Blog Tagline: Blog where you want to go. / Write where you want to go.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Things that make my blog worth visiting: Well, one of my recent posts was titled, ‘Me, Virtually Naked’. And I think I just made a massive discovery about how to use your blog as a case study/portfolio app and it’s already helping bloggers, writers and freelancers everywhere (or at least in my blogocosm). I’ve been told by my readers that they really feel like they are part of a conversation when they read my blog – like I’m talking directly to them. This thrills me…because I am.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I’m a writer in a marketing world doing things completely unconventionally because I was not trained as a marketer, but as an educator, ie. a listener, communicator to diverse and demanding audiences.
28. From Andre Ward
Blog Title Andre Ward’s Blog
Blog URL: http://andre-ward.net/blog/
Blog Tagline: Life-Blogging-Motivation
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is worth visiting because my blog is all about motivation, I have seen several bloggers stop blogging. Most of the time because they loose their motivation, and that can’t happen in my eyes. That’s why I created my blog, to motivate others and to help bloggers feel the energy to blog. This is why my blog is worth visiting.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My advice is that if you’re a blogger. Don’t give up on blogging unless its for personal, radical reasons. Why am I so extreme as to not letting you stop blogging? Because in my eyes you, the author, have been given a gift. And that is to write. Everybody has it, but you already have a headstart. So don’t stop and believe in yourself. Keep blogging, you won’t regret it.
29. From Mike Kennedy
Blog Title Facing Up to Your Worst Case Scenario!
Blog URL: http://addsvalue.blogspot.com/2008/07/facing-up-to-your-worst-case-scenario.html
Blog Tagline: Being Aware, Change, Strategies
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Youââ¬â¢ll find my blog worth visiting if you are driving change in your life and are building a life that you love. Itââ¬â¢s full of tools, insights, checklists and videos to help support you through change and achieve your goals. Have a look!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Iââ¬â¢ve had my blog since last April and am relishing sharing my insights, stories and tools with the world. I love the freedom of speech and the open sharing of information in Blogland ââ¬â Power to the People!
30. From Michelle
Blog Title DivinePurposeUnleashed
Blog URL: http://www.twitter.com/DivinePurposeMV
Blog Tagline: Supporting you to live the life of your dreams.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
What is a Divine Purpose? We don’t have the answers, but we’ve sure learned a lot along the way and we share what we are doing to live a live full of purpose and passion.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
CK and Michelle are bloggers scouring the world to get answers to life’s burning questions. Best blog advice? Network with other bloggers.
31. From Ann Kingman
Blog Title Books on the Nightstand
Blog URL: http://www.booksonthenightstand.com
Blog Tagline: Illuminating Conversation about Books and Reading
What makes the blog worth visiting?
We are passionate about books and reading — it’s our day job, our hobby, and an integral part of our lives. That passion comes through in our book recommendations and the topics that we write about on our blog.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My favorite blogs are those where the author lets a little bit of his or her personal life show through, while sticking to the topic of the blog. While I would never go into great deal about my private life, I try to make sure that my posts can only have been written by me. We all have personal anecdotes and stories, and when those stories can be integrated into a blog, I find that it makes for a much richer experience for the reader — and for the blogger!
32. From Todd Jordan
Blog Title The Broad Brush
Blog URL: http://toddrjordan.com/thebroadbrush
Blog Tagline: Demystifying the web and more. Come join me.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The Broad Brush touches on the latest in cool things on the internet while keeping it about the people. The focus is always on interaction and participation. You’ll be encouraged to give new things a try and meet new friends.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging is about conversations and connections. If you think your posting in isolation, why post. There is conversation, even if it’s only in the minds of your readers.
33-34. From Michael Martin
Blog Title Google Android Phones Latest News + gPhone Information
Blog URL: http://www.googleandblog.com/
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Google And Blog is about the latest updates on Google Android and the gPhones that use it.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blog about your passions which fills a community need and it will never feel like work.Blog Title MTV Real World Road Rules News
Blog URL: http://www.mm-agency.com/blog/
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The Real World News blog is about the latest updates on the cast members as well the show and its casting calls.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blog to a need if what you want is a readership greater than 1.
35. From Lauren Krause
Blog Title Creative Curio
Blog URL: http://creativecurio.com
Blog Tagline: Learn, discuss and explore the realm of Graphic Design.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is worth visiting because graphic design is a fascinating subject! Everything from the menu at your favorite restaurant to multi-million dollar advertising campaigns involves graphic design. I don’t pretend to know it all, and maybe you know more than I do. Either way, come share and learn!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Never under-estimate the power of replying to reader comments. Readers are why the blog exists and besides, it’s fun to talk to people from all walks of life from all over the world!
36. From Mother Earth
Blog Title Best of Mother Earth
Blog URL: www.bestwellnessconsultant.com
Blog Tagline: Creating Healthier Lives
What makes the blog worth visiting?
You will find lyrical, humorous, informative commentary on all things wellness. You’ll feel welcomed and appreciated. You may learn something too!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
If you have something to say, say it here on the blogosphere you never know who you might help along the way.
37. From JoLynn Braley
Blog Title The Fit Shack
Blog URL: http://www.thefitshack.com
Blog Tagline: Fitness for Body, Mind, and Spirit
What makes the blog worth visiting?
If you’re looking for a quick fix diet I can’t help ya, but…if you’re ready to do the inner work in addition to the outer to create a healthy lifestyle so you lose weight, get fit, love yourself, and keep the weight off, then definitely come on by!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Remember the value and importance of creating relationships with your fellow bloggers, especially in the comments sections of their blogs. For example, when you leave a comment be real, share your thoughts on their post, drop the selling, and be sure to put your name in the name field – people can relate to you as a person when you have a name. 😉
Get to know them and let them get to know you, see if you click – you never know what may come of it!
38. From Alex Ramon
Blog Title The Bicycle Tutor
Blog URL: http://BicycleTutor.com
Blog Tagline: Learn how to fix your own bike with step-by-step video tutorials.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
If you are interested in bicycling and want to learn how to fix your own bike, I post a new video tutorial every week with topics ranging from basic to advanced. Visitors can subscribe by RSS and leave comments, questions and requests… all for free!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I think in order to achieve any level of blogging success, you have to create quality content that engages visitors and inspires them to join the conversation. It’s helpful to have a simple but easy to navigate site design that puts the visitor’s needs first. It’s also really important to minimize the amount of time spent checking webstats and using social networks, as these can get addicting.
39. From isabella mori
Blog Title Change Therapy
Blog URL: http://moritherapy.org
Blog Tagline: Making lives better, making better lives
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Today, July 26, you’ll find me blogging for 24 hours straight, to raise awareness and funds for the Canadian Mental Health Association. Change Therapy is a place to have thoughtful conversations about psychology, creativity, spirituality and social justice.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Engage in peaceful, friendly conversation, both in your posts and in your comments, and you’ll (almost) never have to deal with trolls.
40. From DB Ferguson
Blog Title No Fact Zone
Blog URL: http://www.nofactzone.net
Blog Tagline: A Stephen Colbert-centric news blog and fan site
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Can’t get enough of the truthiness of Stephen Colbert and ‘The Colbert Report’? Neither can we! No Fact Zone features news articles about Colbert as well as exclusive interviews and contests, daily episode guides of ‘The Colbert Report’ with videos, upcoming guests lists, lots of featured videos, and breaking stories with live coverage of events.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
First and foremost, blog your passion. Without passion, there is no depth to a blog, period.
41-42. From youlki22
Blog Title A Learner’s diary
Blog URL: http://www.learmersdiary.com
Blog Tagline: learning, free resources, links, parent, teacher, blogger, share, learn
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I believe that Learning never ends. At Learnersdiary, You can find FREE resources and links,for parents, teachers and bloggers.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Professionally I am a teacher at a primary school and I am senior teacher for reception year classes. Rest of the time (excluding time for family or myself) I spend most of the time at blogging. It has become my second passion. I enjoy it and love to do it.Blog Title Reviews and ramblings around the blogsphere!
Blog URL: http://myreiwsandramblings.com
Blog Tagline: reviews, blogsphere, blogs, money making, online resources, useful links, interesting sites
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My ramblings around blogsphere show reviews about blogs, money making sites, online resources, useful links, and interesting sites to share with you.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I love to share what I learned as a blogger. I would be reviewing different sites and products at my blog. But first I search for the source first and if I find it really worthwhile then I include it at my blog.
43. From Lillie Ammann
Blog Title A Writerââ¬â¢s Words, An Editorââ¬â¢s Eye
Blog URL: http://www.lillieammann.com/blog
Blog Tagline: Lillie Ammann, Writer & Editor
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I share my life experiences as a Christian freelance writer, my faith and patriotism, and writing advice for both professional writers and those who have to write in their daily lives. My community contributes comments that enhance and enlarge on my posts.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
A blog is not a platform for teaching or preaching but an arena for learning and sharing. Blogging is a large city with hundreds of small neighborhoods, a place to make new friends, synergy that makes the whole more than the sum of its parts.
44. From Butterfly Media
Blog Title Butterfly Media Romania Blog
Blog URL: http://blog.butterflymedia.ro/
Blog Tagline: Marketing, SEO and WordPress
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Butterfly Media Romania Blog intends to provide readers with thoughtful information, advice, tips and tricks and reviews of the most up-to-date techniques for blogging, search engine optimization, promotion and marketing, Google, Yahoo!, WordPress resources, advertisement and more.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Be yourself, let the people know you, write your thoughts and be friendly. It will return tenfold.
45. From Richard
Blog Title bizRichard
Blog URL: http://www.bizrichard.com/blog/
Blog Tagline: practical business building solutions using tried, tested and proven ideas
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Tweaking the business drivers in your organisation, is like driving a car ÃÂ as you move up through the gears, so you achieve better results at a faster and faster pace and more and more efficiently too.
This type and speed of turnaround is virtually predictable when one or more of the critical business drivers I -Richard C – focus on are implemented specifically and applied relentlessly.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging advice: What gets done quickly seems easy. But then comes ââ¬Ådifficultââ¬Â. And then the next stage ââ¬â and thereââ¬â¢s a huge difference – between things being ââ¬Ådifficultââ¬Â. .. and finally becoming ââ¬Åimpossible.ââ¬Â Change the paradigm ââ¬â focus on the beginning, not the ââ¬Ëendââ¬â¢. Obviously you keep the ââ¬Ëendââ¬â¢ in mind, but you focus on ââ¬Ëone step at a timeââ¬â¢ – nothing more.
So focus on the beginning, and on each step along the way. Each individual step, each ââ¬Ëbite-sizedââ¬â¢ chunk, is rarely overwhelming on its own.
And then you will find that ââ¬Ëalmost nothingââ¬â¢ (within reason) is impossible ââ¬â unless, of course, you choose to make it so.
46. From Mayank Gupta
Blog Title StudioWordpress – Best WordPress Themes
Blog URL: http://studiowordpress.com
Blog Tagline: WordPress Design Studio!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
StudioWordpress is a blog on wordpress tips, blogging tips and provides free wordpress themes. One’s got to follow it to keep himself up to date as far as blogging/wordpress goes.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
There is one simple tip I can give when it comes to maintaining a blog. Do it only if the subject (niche) is your passion!!!
47. From Benjamin Ellis
Blog URL: http://redcatco/blog
Blog Tagline: Work out what needs doing and do it (productivity with technology)
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A unique take on getting things done with all this new technology around us.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Like many, I’m an accidentally blogger. OK, you can’t accidentally blog, I know, but I didn’t realise how many people would come and listen and chat. Now I’m nearly three years in, and still learning and loving the conversations and connection.
48. From Thomas MacEntee
Blog Title Destination: Austin Family
Blog URL: http://destinationaustinfamily.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: ââ¬ÅTravelinââ¬â¢ down the genealogy highway looking for my Austin family roots and branchesââ¬Â
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I dig up and unearth the stories of my ancestors. Then I put them up for display (often without cleaning off any dirt or unsavory details) so my viewers and future generations of Austins can cherish them.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
ââ¬ÅNew to genealogy? Or are an experienced expert but lack the technology background to begin research at home? Many of my posts discuss the ways in which I was able to make the transition and greatly expand my family tree using Internet-based tools.ââ¬Â
49. From Cody McKibben
Blog Title Thrilling Heroics
Blog URL: http://www.thrillingheroics.com
Blog Tagline: A Gen-Y exploration of lifestyle, career, and personal development
What makes the blog worth visiting?
ThrillingHeroics.com is a great spot for college students and generation-Y readers who share a common interest in mastering their life ââ¬â both personal and career realms. Cody and his guest writers examine topics like entrepreneurship, personal branding, productivity, personal growth, networking, social media, and even travel, from our generational viewpoint.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
If I could give one piece of advice to new bloggers, it would be to make sure you brand your blog with a very personal flavor, including a photo and bio of yourself, and treat it as a fun tool to build new relationships with other writers and people who share your interests around the globe!
50. From David M. Scott
Blog Title Web Ink Now by David Meerman Scott
Blog URL: http://www.webinknow.com/
Blog Tagline: Online thought leadership & viral marketing strategies using blogs, news releases, ebooks, & online media
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The Web has changed the rules. Prior to the Web, we only had two options to get the word out about our products and services–buy expensive advertising or convince the media to write about us. But, we’ve been liberated because now we publish great content that drive people to our products and services directly.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Some blogging advice or a short bloggy quote that shows personality: Only blog about a subject for which you have tremendous passion.
51. From Melinda Seckington
Blog Title Miss Geeky
Blog URL: http://missgeeky.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A blog about all things I think is geeky: movies, tv shows, video
games, books, but also events and other stuff I go to.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Why am I Miss Geeky?
I’ve been geeky my whole life; I don’t think there has ever been a time that I didn’t see myself as a geek. Since the age of 6, I’ve been addicted to TV shows (my first passion) and still follow at least 20 shows at a time. I love and am obsessed about movies, so much so that my friends call me a walking IMDB. I read a lot of fantasy books and I own more than 500 of them. I get easily hooked on video games; I’ve had my share of all-nighters playing on till daylight. So, is that geeky enough?
52. From Skip Lombardi
Blog Title Almost Italian
Blog URL: http://almostitalian.com
Blog Tagline: Recipes and Stories from the ââ¬ËLittle Italyââ¬â¢ Communities Across America: An Online Book-in-Progress
What makes the blog worth visiting?
‘Almost Italian’ is our attempt to compile the collection of recipes we know as ‘Italian-American.’ That is, recipes developed in America by Italian immigrants that we’ve come to think of as ‘Italian food.’
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Charles Perry of the Los Angeles Times has written that we may be the first bloggers to be publishing a cookbook, recipe-by-recipe, in blog form.
53. From CMcBrown
Blog Title Branding & Marketing
Blog URL: http://www.brandandmarket.com
Blog Tagline: For business professionals with an interest in branding and marketing
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Branding & Marketing provides helpful information, discusses trends and creates a community of how to help with marketing.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“What goes around, comes around is so true of blogging! Being involved in the blogosphere has helped my business and client’s business through new connections and new learning.”
54. From Carla Chadwick
Blog Title Vintage Holiday Crafts
Blog URL: http://VintageHolidayCrafts.com
Blog Tagline: Free vintage images for every holiday!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Vintage Holiday Crafts was created out of frustration because I couldnââ¬â¢t find the selection of vintage images I wanted. So I compiled a diverse collection myself and now offer them free to anyone who wants them.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
ââ¬ÅBeauty should be free.ââ¬Â
55. From uncle wilco
Blog Title Shedblog.co.uk
Blog URL: www.shedblog.co.uk
Blog Tagline: We Love Sheds
What makes the blog worth visiting?
We showcase our favourite sheds from our sister site wwww.readersheds.co.uk, From normal garden sheds to TARIDS sheds to Pub sheds, and also provide a community for sheddies to talk about shed building and general shed usage.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“We love sheds – its that simple, so share your shed!”
56. From Karl Staib
Blog Title Work Happy Now
Blog URL: http://www.workhappynow.com
Blog Tagline: Your Career Should Excite You
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Work should be fun. When it’s fun you succeed. It’s a win-win, but many of us just put in the hours. Work Happy Now gives you hundreds of tips and ideas to improve your working life.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I always like to ask, “What is the best job you’ve ever had?”
57. From Mark Avey
Blog Title FlightSimX
Blog URL: http://www.flightsimx.co.uk
Blog Tagline: Daily flight simulator news, views and reviews
What makes the blog worth visiting?
One of the very few regularly updated flight simulator blogs out there.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My advice? Find your niche and stick with it. At time’s it’ll seem
frustrating, but if you keep at it with good content, the readers will
58. From c.a. Marks
Blog Title Alabama Improper
Blog URL: http://alabamaimproper.com
Blog Tagline: Moody Opinion by c.a. Marks
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is worth visiting because I change my damned mind all the time. You never know what you’re going to get with me. Follow me as I “trudge the road to happy destiny.”
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I’m just a gal living in southern sinful bliss, roping in the clueless and delivering moody opinion.
59. From Lucy Nixon
Blog Title Corporate Eye
Blog URL: http://www.corporate-eye.com
Blog Tagline: tools for better websites
What makes the blog worth visiting?
We share our experience to help companies who want to improve their corporate websites, in Brand, Media, Investor Relations, CSR, Careers, Corporate Governance and more. I reckon we’ve viewed more corporate websites than most, and you can be sure we’ve got strong views on them.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
You’ve got to know your audience – and think about their audience. Who does your audience need to please? Our audience needs to please their investors, job-seekers, journalists, analysts, customers, community, employees, suppliers, resellers … as well as keep the corporate bosses happy and manage their corporate brand. No easy job.
Your audience may not have so many stakeholders as a major corporate, but I bet they have people they want or need to keep happy. Think wider than your immediate readership.
60. From Karl Edwards
Blog Title Working Matters
Blog URL: http://www.boldenterprises.com/
Blog Tagline: Who’s designing your working world if you aren’t?
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Join the conversation about engaging fully and making a difference at work! You are the expert here on what works and doesn’t work in leadership, team-building, organization and meaningful careers.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Some of us go through life believing the world belongs to others, which means that we need to learn the rules of success “they” have defined in order to get a good job, advance in our careers, and be happy in life. To those people we wish the best of luck. There are plenty of organizations ready to help you learn and win by those “rules.”
61. From William Thornton
Blog URL: http://hillcountryofmonroecountry.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: The only blog in the world that gives a hoot about the hill country of Monroe County, Mississippi.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
HILL COUNTRY is the original HOGS BLOG — a little History, a few Observations, a tad of Genealogy, and a whole bunch of Stories. Articles range from cooking critters and the joys of eating cornbread to the sanctification of Miss Charity all the way to country sayings to grave yard transcriptions to Shhhhhhhh! Let’s Not Talk About This unionism in the Deep South during the Civil War and to personal recollections and hill lore of country folks.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
The author of HILL COUNTRY Terry Thornton rarely gives advice to bloggers but he feels strongly about Meum et teum — Mine and Thine and advises blog authors to proudly sign their blogs in Nom de blog: On Signing Ones Name
62. From Aneesa
Blog Title Love the Game, Don’t Like Puck Bunnies
Blog URL: http://idlehandsbreedkaos.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Love the Game, Don’t Like Puck Bunnies is a Black female’s perspective on the predominately white male sport of ice hockey. Written by an international development specialist under her alter ego, Aneesa, a pseudonym meaning “passionate,” Love the Game has been described as an intelligent and thought-provoking blog about an avid fan’s healthy obsession with the greatest goaltender, the fastest sport, and the best ice hockey team on Earth.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Idle hands breed chaos but nothing can ease it but the scratching of a pen or the clicking of a keyboard on your greatest obsession.”
63. From Genie
Blog Title The Inadvertent Gardener
Blog URL: http://www.theinadvertentgardener.com
Blog Tagline: It’s amazing what I’ll do for a good tomato.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
About the blog: If you’re looking for hilarious stories of garden foibles, delicious recipes easily recreated in your home kitchen and an opinionated take on eating locally, I’m your blog.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Good storytellers write good blogs.
64. From durk kooistra
Blog Title Fant00m
Blog URL: http://fant00m.org
Blog Tagline: Your daily dose of art.icles
What makes the blog worth visiting?
We are a platform for new media art with a blog, an e.zine and a net.label. We also organize live music events. But foremost, Fant00m is a place where creativity flourishes and ideas take shape.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Your Niche Is Your Friend”
65. From AEB Lemon
Blog Title lemonologie
Blog URL: http://lemonologie.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: Life…Lemons…The Pursuit of Lemonade
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I write about life.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I try my best to write honestly and openly. Writing about events that occur in my life, even trivial ones, is cathartic for me. I started lemonologie because I had a lot going on in my life, and I wanted to use writing as a form of therapy. It was going to be something for me and no one else. It has become so much more. Readers encourage me daily and in ways I would never have expected. I think this is the great thing about personal blogging – it allows people to relate to each other.
66. From Amy Boyte
Blog Title Amy’s Web Log
Blog URL: http://amyboyte.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: A Place for Sharing
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I’m Amy, and this is my web log. My tastes are highly eclectic. I collect music, books, art and miscellaneous tidbits of information that I will never need to know for my job or general advancement in life. This is my place to share stuff that I find or hear about with you.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
67. From Jeremy Young
Blog Title ProgressiveHistorians
Blog URL: http://www.progressivehistorians.com
Blog Tagline: History For Our Future
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A group blog dedicated to the intersection of history and progressive politics.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My advice to other bloggers: find a niche and stay there! I spent four fruitless years in the political blogosphere before I figured out that I’d have more fun combining politics with my professional field, history. Now my site is one of the most popular history blogs around!
68. From Schelly Talalay Dardashti
Blog Title Tracing the Tribe – The Jewish Genealogy Blog
Blog URL: http://tracingthetribe.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Tracing the Tribe is a blog about Jewish genealogy – All the developments, tools and resources you’ll need to peer more closely into your family tree.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Tracing the Tribe was honored in the “Best for Jewish Researchers” category in Family Tree Magazine’s Best 101 Genealogy Sites for 2008. It covers news, personalities, books, conferences/events and everything relevant to Jewish genealogy, including gastronomy! Blogger Schelly Talalay Dardashti is a genealogy journalist, former Jerusalem Post genealogy columnist and writes for Jewish media.
69. From Jon Peltier
Blog Title PTS Blog
Blog URL: http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/
Blog Tagline: PTS Charts and Stuff
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog features tutorials, explanations, and discussions centered around using Microsoft Excel, particularly as a data visualization medium. Themes involve preparing data for use in charting, exploratory charting, charting approaches for informative displays. Topics include tricks for making Excel charts do what you want and what the designers of Excel never imagined. The approach is to show the steps and explain the reasoning, to help people learn to help themselves.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging is an easy and informal way to maintain contact with your audience. Blogging is more of a discussion than a broadcast, and its focus can change from day to day without losing focus.
Blog Title Reiki Help Blog
Blog URL: http://reikihelp.com/blog
Blog Tagline: Helping you help yourself & the world
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is a sanctuary to discover enhancements to all things human: inner balance, mind & body wellness, spirit & matter, relationships, green living, responsible citizenship…
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My blogging advice is: “Don’t be the flotsam in the bitstream.”
71. From Chuck Frey
Blog Title The Mind Mapping Software Blog
Blog URL: http://mindmappingsoftwareblog.com
Blog Tagline: What’s new in the world of mind mapping software
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is the definitive source of information, trends, tips and techniques about mind mapping software – a powerful technology that can help people to get better organized, make better decisions and reach clarity faster on key issues.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“I view my role as the human filter on the news, trends and success factors in my niche. I separate the wheat from the chaff, digging for the insights that will help my readers to be more effective with visual mapping technology. I always ask myself, ‘What’s in it for them’ when I’m writing posts.”
72. From Mad Dog
Blog Title Doggy Style
Blog URL: http://www.maddogblog.com
Blog Tagline: “Putting the pro in Prozac”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Doggy Style is an almost daily dose of Mad Dog’s humor, for those who get tired of waiting for a new humor column. After 3-1/2 years he still has quirkyt takes on pop culture, politics, people who discover nails in their heads they didn’t know were there, and more.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Have fun. It shows. If it’s work, your readers will know it. And you should find another blog topic. Life is too short to suffer from painful blogging.
73. From Chris Osborne
Blog Title Sapid Existence
Blog URL: http://sapidexistence.com
Blog Tagline: Seeing the Beauty in the Everyday
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Sapid Existence is a photoblog that can be appreciated on many levels. For the casual reader, there is the quality of the photographs. For other photographers, there is the EXIF and a short explanation that goes with each photograph.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
The most important part of blogging is the passion. Blog because you have something to share with the world, not because you have the ability to share something with the world. Quality is a lot more important than quantity.
74. From Brian
Blog Title “Truth is Freedom”
Blog URL: http://hummingbunny.wordpress.com/
Blog Tagline: “One Breath One Day at a Time”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I write poetry and stories, post pictures and links to my novel. But what I live as a multiple personality is the truth that abuse is always wrong.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging should be for yourself whether it is for fun, business or advocacy. Write about topics you feel strongly about and are interesting to you. Trying to attract an audience by writing what you think they want to hear will not be successful in the long-term. If you have a passion, then show it and people will come to visit. Unless you intend to write about a single genre, then publish a wide variety of posts about items that are important in your life.
75. From Rose-Dewy Knickers
Blog Title Flash Your Knickers Here
Blog URL: http://dewyknickers.wordpress.com/
Blog Tagline: “Flash Your Knickers Here”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Welcome to my blog; my name is Rose Dewy Knickers. I’m a real woman who’s a multiple personality in a man’s body. Through my words I wonder why and how I came to be. The more I learn, the more I realize that the world is not meant for people like me; the ones who are different. Do I care? Not one bit. So flash your knickers here and leave a comment. Maybe even join the Fresh Knickers Club. 😉 What’s that you say? It’s vulgar? This blog is for anyone who believes in freedom of expression and fights for the rights of those who aren’t allowed to ‘flash their knickers’. Write it and post it, that’s what I do. Soon you can read my first book.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I’ve always written for pleasure with my blog, no matter the content. For me writing of course is the sole means of communication and one that gives me great pleasure. There is no topic or word I avoid, I prefer life in the raw although I realize there are many taboos in all cultures. Yet the words still endure, the phrases and cliches that represent something beyond letters. With diligent practice writing becomes something more, something tangible that communicates emotions and experiences of others.
76. From Jim McGee
Blog Title McGeeââ¬â¢s Musings
Blog URL: http://www.mcgeesmusings.net
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I started McGeeââ¬â¢s Musings in October of 2001 while I was teaching at Northwesternââ¬â¢s Kellogg School of Management. Itââ¬â¢s grown into the place where I think through how technology is affecting the work we do when we do the work we call knowledge work.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
ââ¬ÅThe cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.ââ¬Â – Dorothy Parker
77. From me.allen
Blog Title Home Biz Notes
Blog URL: www.homebiznotes.com
Blog Tagline: All about home business
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Home Biz Notes reveals the secrets for developing successful home businesses and having fun doing it.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Enjoy your blogging by reaching out to others with information and personal anecdotes. Keep your readers returning for the encouragement that they can succeed… at blogging, their home business, whatever they’re writing about. Sprinkle in a few surprises. Also some humor. Become a unique entity.
78. From Becky McCray
Blog Title Small Biz Survival
Blog URL: http://www.smallbizsurvival.com
Blog Tagline: The small town small business resource
What makes the blog worth visiting?
We bring promising technologies to the regular everyday small business people of the rural world. Stop by for a Guided Tour.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Running a small business is tough enough. But if you’re running a small business in a small town, there’s a secret you need to know… it’s more fun than being in the big city!
You don’t believe me? Well here’s the top 5 small town advantages …
1. You don’t need GPS Navigation
2. Out network is smaller, but we care about you and your business
3. No “rush hour” – only “rush moment”
4. Random encounters are good for business
5. People are helpful
If you recognized your small town in that list, then join us for more articles, tools, resources and more fun at Small Biz Survival, The Small Town, Small Business Resource
79. From Katie Konrath
Blog Title Get Fresh Minds
Blog URL: www.getfreshminds.com
Blog Tagline: “Creativity, innovation and Ideas so fresh… they should be slapped!”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
getFreshMinds.com is worth visiting because it takes a fun look at creativity, innovation and great ideas. There’s a lot to learn there, but it never takes itself too seriously!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My advice is to always consider the reader by creating posts that are interesting, easy-to-read and on-topic.
80-81. From Rachel Smith
Blog Title Bitten by Books
Blog URL: http://bittenbybooks.com
Blog Tagline: Books with BITE!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The focus of the Bitten by Books website is to provide book reviews for all types of paranormal fiction, urban fantasy and horror. We offer a variety of fangtastic author events and contests.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Visit Bitten by Books to get your daily dose of darkness!Blog Title Weird Stuff in my Desk
Blog URL: http://weirdstuffinmydesk.com
Blog Tagline: Honest Product Reviews and Random Musings
What makes the blog worth visiting?
This is a place of, honest product reviews, random musings and occasionally fun stuff to delight the senses. I invite you to look through my Drawersââ¬Â¦come on, you know you want to.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
There are all kinds of things in my drawers (no comments from the ex’s out there). Strange and wonderful, often bizarro things. Desk art, corporate crap, pens, pencils, rubber bands, toothpicks, salt packets, ancient salsa and ketchup packets. Stuff.
82. From Karen Lynch
Blog Title The Pink Ribbon Review
Blog URL: http://www.pinkribbonreview.com
Blog Tagline: Dedicated to raising breast cancer awareness
What makes the blog worth visiting?
If you live with breast cancer, either as a survivor like myself, a caregiver, or someone simply vested in the cause … The Pink Ribbon Review is the place for you. By reading it, you’ll stay informed about all things pertaining to breast cancer — news items, product reviews, resources — you name it, if it is relevant to a survivor, it’s worthy of the Pink Ribbon Review.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“If you are passionate about something, that’s the something you should be blogging about. Your passion will come off the pages and your blog will soar. Likewise, without passion … your blog will take off .”
83. From Abhijeet Mukherjee
Blog Title Jeet Blog
Blog URL: http://www.jeetblog.com
Blog Tagline: About Productivity, Technology, Blogging and a Better Life
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Jeet Blog aims to improve your experience on the web through efficient use of technology and showcasing various easy-to-use web apps. We aim to make you more productive and hence a better citizen of the internet 🙂
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
” Read, research, understand and network…and then start your blog. There are millions blogging already just for the sake of it. Stand out and start right away with strategic blogging. And remember, writing unique content doesn’t always mean doing different things, instead do things differently. Learn to give that new twist to an existing topic. That’s how you can sustain in the long term in this world where a new blog is born every nanosecond ! ”
84. From Pelf Nyok
Blog Title pelf-ism is contagious
Blog URL: http://chenpn.com
Blog Tagline: pelf-ism is contagious
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I’m a grad student from Malaysia, and I was recently awarded a 4-month turtle conservation scholarship to the United States. So far, I’ve had some hands-on experience with some turtle research projects in Chattanooga (TN), Ojai and Ventura (CA) and I am now undergoing a 10-week internship at the Wetlands Institute in Stone Harbor (NJ). In the last 2 months, I have been documenting my adventures in the United States on my blog.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I would say that the most important thing that I have learned from blogging is not only to NOT write the wrong stuff at the wrong time, but to learn to maintain my own blog (upgrading and all other housekeeping chores) because these are matters that you don’t want to rely on other bloggers all the time. But of course, I’d also say that being friendly with the not-so-popular bloggers won’t hurt a bit, especially if you’re popular (sometimes popular bloggers intimidate me).
85. From Scott McArthur
Blog Title McArthur’s Rant
Blog URL: http://mcarthursrant.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: Human Resources, Organisations and HR 2.0
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Blog that attempts to make sense of the most complex of all workplace issues – the people. Source of all matters organisational psychology, real HR and advice on presentations and communications.
McArthur’s Rant started life 18 months ago and has established itself as one of the top HR blogs in the UK and beyond. A great source of current news on HR the blog also provides advice on how to make practical use of theory and best practice.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Perhaps the most popular element of the blog has been it’s use of strategic artists to bring to life complex workplace issues such as organisational design, performance management and strategy development.
86. From Josh Klein
Blog Title Josh Klein Web Strategy
Blog URL: http://www.joshklein.net
Blog Tagline: Web Strategy for Businesses, Individuals, and Civilization.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Learn about the daily adventure to make great websites, and the way our connectedness is changing EVERYTHING.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I don’t want to isolate the world’s information from my every day life. I want an overlay, one reality on top of another, to enhance my every day life. I’ll want to turn it on and off ââ¬â I don’t want to know the current temperature of the Sun while I’m watching the it set ââ¬â but I do want data availability.
87. From Tim Brownson
Blog Title A Daring Adventure
Blog URL: www.adaringadventure.com/blog/wordpress
Blog Tagline: The Discomfort Zone
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The discomfort zone is strictly for people that want to have fun with their personal development. If chin stroking is your thing, then it wont be the place for you. Life is too short to be taken seriously.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Just be yourself bloggers. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it’s also boring as hell.
88. From wess stewart
Blog Title [ ! ] The Sugarbuzz Project
Blog URL: http://thesugarbuzzproject.net
Blog Tagline: Learning how to make money, be cheap, and be a family guy!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My site offers my unique perspective on blogging, making some extra money, saving time and money, and some other random things as well.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Look at it this way: some of the leading affiliate marketers say you should diversify your sources of income so that you have a more reliable cash flow.
Have I ever followed the ‘rules’ of blogging? Huh?
89. From Allen Lam
Blog Title Fun And Educational
Blog URL: http://FunAndEducational.com
Blog Tagline: Watch Fun and Educational Videos
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I have combed the web looking for the most noteworthy and high-quality videos to post on this site. So you don’t have to comb through a lot of useless stuff.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
If you blog about stuff you love, you don’t need any other motivation to keep on blogging.
90. From Lionel Valdellon
Blog Title Acid42 is the Soft Asian Enemy
Blog URL: http://acid42.bluechronicles.net/blog
Blog Tagline: Media reviews + spiritual reflections from a Catholic communicator
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The blog exists to share the joys and trials of everyday life as a Catholic husband, writer, communicator and musician, in a world not particularly friendly to holiness. And to praise the God who created me.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
The best blog entries come from the most difficult things to talk about, or from the experiences that most change you.
91. From Miranda Marquit
Blog Title Yielding Wealth
Blog URL: http://www.yieldingwealth.com
Blog Tagline: Taking finances personally
What makes the blog worth visiting?
It’s practical, real life advice on getting your personal finances in order. Doable, actionable information peppered with debate about issues that affect your ability to build wealth.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
You’ll be much happier as a blogger if you act like yourself, rather than focusing on traffic and ad revenue. You might not make as much money as others, but at least you’ll have your self-respect and enjoy what you’re doing.
92. From Derek Halpern
Blog Title Prevential
Blog URL: http://www.prevential.com
Blog Tagline: Opportunistic Online Reputation Management
What makes the blog worth visiting?
What are you doing to take control of your online reputation?
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Success in blogging is directly dependent on how much you’re willing to experiment. As Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed, I Have found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”
93. From Paul Singh
Blog Title Results Junkies
Blog URL: www.resultsjunkies.com
Blog Tagline: A brief guide to getting ahead in life. Whether it’s pay, power or prestige, I’ll help you make the big leap.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
What makes any blog worth visiting is relevant content. It is really that simple — and that hard. When I first sat down to begin my blogging adventure, I spent hours trying to find all the “tip & tricks” that other bloggers offered. I quickly noticed that the first thing they always put on their lists was that you needed to write good content. Sure, I now spend a little bit of time trying to clean up the site to help with SEO, usability and the like. But I spend the vast majority of my time just trying to come up with new content.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
This blog started back in March 2008 and has grown rapidly to where is today (~150K+ monthly pageviews). Since then, I’ve learned quite a bit about blogging — the two most important pieces of advice I’d give any new bloggers:
1. Just get started. Don’t get bogged down in details, we all tend to make to many excuses and waste time unnecessarily. Once you get over that initial hurdle, you’ll find that everything is much easier than you originally expected.
2. Measure everything and run experiments. Install Google Analytics, Statcounter, whatever — start comparing traffic between different posts to start understanding what readers find interesting, what they click on, how long they stick around, etc. I can’t believe how much I’ve learned by doing this — everything from how different length post titles affect clicks to what kind of content is more likely to get stumbled, etc.
94. From Todd Eastman
Blog Title Todd’s World In 3D
Blog URL: http://eastman-writing.com
Blog Tagline: The World… As I see It
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Sometimes funny, sometimes depressing, sometimes controversial. Always a good read that makes you think.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Blogging is like walking around your house in the nude. Sooner or later, someone is going to see you.”
95. From Keith Dsouza
Blog Title Techie Buzz
Blog URL: http://techie-buzz.com
Blog Tagline: Know your technology head on.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
As the tagline says my main aim with blogging is making technology easier for those who want to learn about it. I try to keep people updated with the latest news and updates about technology in general. At Techie Buzz users can also find out about useful utilities and tools that will improve their productivity on the PC. I also tend to write productivity tips for heavily used applications such as Firefox.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging requires a lot of energy, it definitely is not a piece of cake once you grow into it. Not many people have the privilege of being a full time blogger, so you have to understand that some day you would feel tired about blogging, and you have to be ready for it.
The best thing I do is to give myself a few days off here and there to enjoy myself and get back into a groove, I tend to do that at least twice or thrice a month. Remember your readers will not leave you if you stop writing for a couple of days, and there is no reason why you should take the extra pressure to just keep with one post a day. Blogging is supposed to be a fun thing, don’t turn it into a full time stress job when it’s not the primary source of your income.
96. From Rick Wolff
Blog Title Rick Wolff
Blog URL: http://www.rickwolff.com
Blog Tagline: A post-50 suburbanite with a stalled career, a sick wife, eyeball-level (well, maybe waist-level) debt tries to beat the odds and at least break even. Hey, at least we don’t have kids!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A post-50 suburbanite with a stalled career, a sick wife, eyeball-level (well, maybe waist-level) debt tries to beat the odds and at least break even. Hey, at least we don’t have kids!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
A post-50 suburbanite with a stalled career, a sick wife, eyeball-level (well, maybe waist-level) debt tries to beat the odds and at least break even. Hey, at least we don’t have kids!
97. From C Wilkerson
Blog Title iPentimento
Blog URL: http://ipentimento.com
Blog Tagline: Genealogy, history, family stories…whatever!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Family tree building is one of the most popular pursuits online, with thousands, perhaps millions of families connecting every day. iPentimento is my personal genealogy blog that details the research I do, how and where I find information, and how you can find your family too. Genealogy is a great self-esteem builder for everyone. Go back a few generations and find yourself.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
What do you get when you connect two or more bloggers? It’s a network! What were you thinking?
98. From SpaceAgeSage
Blog Title SpaceAgeSage
Blog URL: http://spaceagesage.com
Blog Tagline: Where Wisdom Fuels Growth
What makes the blog worth visiting?
“The SpaceAgeSage Blog provides insight and perspective on how to become the person you want to be when you look in the mirror. Don’t settle for less when you can be more.”
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“The blogging universe is an amazing connecting point for anyone who wants to join the online dialogue. As a blog author, I have re-connected to family and to my inner writer. As a blog reader, I have been amazed at the voices of joy, fear, curiosity, hate, and compassion ââ¬â all within this worldwide blossoming of self expression. Some folks whose blogs I’ve read have talked of suicide or an incurable disease. (A few have never come back online, so I wonder what is up with them.) Other bloggers are just crazy, happy to be writing, sharing, or having a cathartic experience of life story telling. Still others want to give information and insight out of the wealth of their life experiences. What an amazing thing this world of blogs!” ~SpaceAgeSage
99. From Jon Gatrell
Blog Title Spatially Relevant
Blog URL: www.spatiallyrelevant.org
Blog Tagline: influence your space
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Looking at social media and things through more a business lens. Sometimes being on the inside is tough stuff.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Actually Iââ¬â¢m looking for advice and best practices on how we can work through standards and social media to impact a little change in the industry. Picked up a little not for profit hobby.
100. From Avani-Mehta
Blog Title Avani-Mehta
Blog URL: http://www.avani-mehta.com
Blog Tagline: Food For Mind
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Avani-Mehta blog shares tips, techniques and ideas on personal development in a simple and easy format. Current focus of the blog is on stress and relaxation, decision making and short thought-provoking stories.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My belief and favourite quote: “Itââ¬â¢s not whatââ¬â¢s happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, itââ¬â¢s your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what youââ¬â¢re going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny. – Anthony Robbins”
101. From Erica Ross-Krieger
Blog Title WellnessCoach.com
Blog URL: http://www.wellnesscoach.com
Blog Tagline: Exploring Wellness from the Inside Out
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Get the inside scoop and unique tips on all things wellness from someone whoââ¬â¢s navigated the arena for 20 years in her own pursuit of integrated wellness. No topic in the wellness arena is off-limits…I tackle it all ââ¬â from meditation to menopause, with a conversational tone. Leave the confusion about conflicting wellness tips behind…I sift so you donââ¬â¢t have to.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
If you are sitting by the side of the blogging pool waiting until youââ¬â¢ve got it all figured out before jumping into the water, just let go and jump. There is not ââ¬Åright wayââ¬Â or ââ¬Åwrong wayââ¬Â. But you will have the swim of your life if you follow author Angeles Arriens Four-Fold Wayî principles when blogging: 1) Show Up; 2) Pay Attention to what has heart and meaning; 3) Tell the truth without blame or judgment; and 4) Be Open to Outcome, not attached to outcome.
102. From Trisha
Blog Title Ideas For Women
Blog URL: http://www.ideasforwomen.com/news/
Blog Tagline: Inspiring, Daring and Educating women to Achieve and Succeed
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I want to create a community on my site where women (and men too) can inspire, dare and educate each other about many topics including health, money, careers and parenting to help them achieve and succeed whatever they want in life.
A brief paragraph of blogging advice or a short bloggy quote that shows a little personality:
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My blogging advice? Use wordpress. Try out some plugins – some are really useful both for you and your visitors. Make it easy for people to leave comments. Make it easy for people to subscribe to your feed. Look for opportunities to network with other bloggers – like participating in Liz’s Showcase for Blogs.
103. From Simple Sara
Blog Title On Simplicity
Blog URL: http://www.onsimplicity.net
Blog Tagline: Your life. Simplified.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
On Simplicity is all about creating a happier, easier, more enjoyable life for yourself. If you’re interested in having less but enjoying more, then On Simplicity is written for you.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Not surprisingly, my blogging advice is to keep it simple. Write when you’re inspired, let your passion come through, and know when to stop. (Writing, that is, not blogging.) Great ideas presented with passion instead of precision are worth a thousand “perfect” posts that lack soul.
104. From Steven Grossman
Blog Title Why I Failed
Blog URL: http://www.whyifailed.com
Blog Tagline: We are all failures – at least, all the best of us are. – JM Barrie
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Why visit? My name’s Steve Grossman: man – husband – father – former musician – failure – reader – business man – successful – encourager – teacher – writer – entrepreneur – dreamer
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging is about transparency and giving. As a writer and a reader, I’m only interested in blogs that have an authentic focus on making the reader better in some way. This can only be accomplished by an attitude of transparency and giving. The most successful blogs have both. My advice? Don’t write to be successful. Write to make us better by sharing who you are.
105. From Drew McLellan
Blog Title Drew McLellan
Blog URL: http://www.drewsmarketingminute.com
Blog Tagline: Where strategy and passion collide
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is a high octane blend of marketing and branding tips, social media exploration and storytelling — all aimed at helping you create love affairs with your customers.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Advice: If you want to create a better blog ââ¬â think of the entire thing as an experiment. Be brave. Write things that make you a little nervous. Share more than you think you ought to. Shock yourself now and again. Be remarkable or go home.
106. From Maricris G
Blog Title ZenVentures
Blog URL: http://zenforyou.dalefg.net
Blog Tagline: Nothing but the Yin and Yang of Life(with some
geekyness in between)
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog aims to help make life easier to juggle
for working or stay-at-home mom, with frugal tips and cool advices
while enriching them with my geekyness some times! 🙂
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Patience is the best virtue when you’re blogging. For
blogging like wine, the longer you let it ferment, the best tasting it
107. From Ma. Merdekah Ybanez-Delid
Blog Title CustServ
Blog URL: http://custserv.gbwatch.com/
Blog Tagline: Customer Relations – The New Competitive Advantage
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I believe that “effective and ineffective service is a matter of sensitivity, sincerity, attitude, and human relations skillsââ¬âall of which can be learned.” At CustServ, we’ll be learning all these and more… together.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I learned about service while blogging, too. Every day, I strive to post good, useful information for my readers. Their satisfaction, fulfillment is always at the back of my head. When I get comments asking for help, I would promptly extend help. I build a community, and eventually I share meaninful relationships with my readers. These are the basic principles of customer service, and the driving force of blogging, aren’t they?
Lately, I felt grateful and flattered by Becky Carroll of Customers Rock! for quoting me:
“The relationship that is formed when marketing and customer service meet is like saying that you’re making good on your promises.”
Link: http://customersrock.wordpress.com/2008/07/15/who-speaks-louder-marketing-or-customer-service/
108. From Nancy Hudgins
Blog Title Civil Negotiation and Mediation
Blog URL: www.civilnegotiation.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
What makes my blog worth visiting: My blog offers tips and strategies on negotiation and mediation in a straightforward manner.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Donââ¬â¢t neglect your family!
109. From Sunny Schlenger
Blog Title SunCoach
Blog URL: http://www.sunnyschlenger.com/
Blog Tagline: Uniting Self, Space and Spirit
What makes the blog worth visiting?
What makes my blog worth visiting: Observations and photos on enjoying life as you live it, as well as keeping it organized
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Donââ¬â¢t edit out your personality. No one else can say what you can say, the way that you say it.
110. From Linda Abbit
Blog Title Tender Loving Eldercare
Blog URL: http://tenderlovingeldercare.com
Blog Tagline: Helping You Provide TLC For Your Aging Parents
What makes the blog worth visiting?
If we are lucky, we will all become family caregivers for our aging parents. Read my blog to learn what to prepare for, resources for help, and a dose of laughter and inspiration to get through those difficult times caregiving can create.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Since I am a pretty new blogger, I don’t think I’ll give advice, but I will share a favorite quote that applies to blogging and to life:
“The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” ~~ William James
111. From Zan Nordlund
Blog Title NoMoWally’sintheBag
Blog URL: http://www.nomowallysinthebag.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: Recycling, Reclaiming, Green Interior Design.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Reclaimed coffee bags, high-end upholstery remnants, and painted windows all crafted for the way we live today. We’re always up to something at NoMoWally’s intheBag!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“What if you shopped and you shopped, and you found the perfect dress, and you brought it home…and you put it on…and you gave a dinner party…and nobody came?” (ee commings — HIM) BLOGGING is a lot like finding a perfect dress. (Zan Nordlund).
112. From Vered DeLeeuw
Blog Title MomGrind
Blog URL: http://momgrind.com/
Blog Tagline: A Mommyblogger Wannabe
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Cath Lawson said about me and three other bloggers (including Dooce!): “If youââ¬â¢re smart witty and interesting like these fine people, you may be able
to get away with blogging just about anything”. http://cathlawson.com/blog/2008/07/24/what-is-a-blog-and-will-it-feed-you-or-eat-you/
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“People WANT to make money. Wanting to make money shouldnââ¬â¢t be something to be ashamed of. Perhaps Zen monks are the exception to this universal tendency to WANT MONEY, but Mr. Babauta is not a Zen monk. He is an American. He has six children. SIX! He has every right to turn his
popularity into profits.” http://momgrind.com/2008/06/05/when-successful-bloggers-try-to-gasp-make-money/
113. From Sarah Parker
Blog Title Going Bananas Blog
Blog URL: http://www.goingbananasblog.com
Blog Tagline: Living on fruit and greens only since January 2007
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I invite you to follow my radical self experiment as I leave the world of cooked food behind and enter a raw vegan/fruitarian lifestyle in an attempt to recreate my health. Am I just another nut or have I actually discovered the world’s greatest secret? Come and decide for yourself!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I blog because I love everything about it – the freedom of a blank canvas to splatter the contents of my mind on in technicolor, the intense creation of posts, the ability and responsibility I’m given to reach so many people and the conversations I am privileged to have with strangers who usually do not remain strangers for long. My only advice: Proofread and rethink, then proofread and rethink again before hitting that “Publish” button.
114. From George Krueger & Mary-Lynn Foster
Blog Title Bigg Success
Blog URL: http://biggsuccess.com
Blog Tagline: The how-to, can-do place for people on the move.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Spend five minutes or so with us daily as we share lessons we’ve learned about personal and professional success as well as a few laughs. Come share your knowledge with us.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Bloggers are some of the most giving people we’ve ever met. Don’t be afraid to reach out to fellow bloggers who have been where you are.
Taking our own bigg blogging advice, we attended SOBcon this year. We’re so grateful for all the incredible people that we met and the advice we received from them. And then there’s Liz … what more can we say?
There’s just one downside … we had to go to work!
As a result, you’ll see some changes to Bigg Success in the next couple of months:
Still personal and professional development.
Still lessons and laughs.
New focus on making your world fit your terms, instead of changing your behavior to meet the world on its terms.
So let’s put our worlds together and help each other grow!
115. From Jon Burg
Blog Title Future Visions
Blog URL: http://jburg.typepad.com/future
Blog Tagline: It’s not about what’s next, or what’s new. It’s about where we were, why we’re here, and what’s driving us to tomorrow.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The future is will not be driven technology alone. Future Visions explores a four-fold evolutionary dynamic: (1) historical user behavior, (2) technology trends and capabilities, (3) the resultant evolution of the user/market digital experience, and (4) the media/marketer’s perspective on change – because after all, someone has to foot the bill.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging isn’t a channel. It’s a dynamic. It’s a conversation. And it’s a soapbox. But most of all, it’s about the human connections. The world is changing. Working together, we can direct funnel these efforts toward a better tomorrow.
Had I only thrown in the words viral, 2.0, ecosystem, community, traditional media, and the microtrend du jour (semantic meta-liveblogging anyone?), that could have been an actual piece of inauthentic dribble. What a shame…
116. From Claire Tompkins
Blog Title Your Organizing Coach
Blog URL: www.cluttercoachblog.com
Blog Tagline: This blog provides tips and tricks so you can get organized and stay that way.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My aim is to encourage and help folks be as organized as they need to be, as easily as possible. I like techniques that have a big payoff relative to the time spent, such as taking 5-10 minutes at the end of the day to tidy up your desk and write a few notes to help you get started quickly the next day. This not only speeds up your work the next day, but it allows you to formally stop working today and enjoy your evening.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
If you need to do some decluttering but find yourself putting it off, try this tip. A friend of mine likes to put on headphones and listen to music while she’s going through piles or boxes of stuff. The entertainment value helps the time go by, of course, but the headphones also serve to isolate her from the things she’s handling and that makes it easier for her to release them. When she’s in her own little musical world, she feels detached from everything else around her.
A big reason that it’s hard to get rid of things is that you get caught up in the “backstory.” If you find it hard to get rid of stuff because of all the associations and reminders and emotions it brings with it, try a little music and tune out.
117. From Martin Wildam
Blog Title One-Two-Solved
Blog URL: http://1-2-solved.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: Life is making mistakes and learn. Learning the lessons is the intention…
What makes the blog worth visiting?
There is suffering – there are problems, they shouldn’t be suppressed – they should be faced, analyzed and be solved.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
There was a question from the audience at a buddhism event I attended by accident many years ago: “Is the computer a bad thing that we should avoid?” – I expected the speaker to say: “Yes, it is a bad thing”. But he answered: “A computer is a wonderful thing that can help us having satori (enlightment)”. Later I understood that the computer taught me analyzing and solving problems and nowadays the computer makes it possible that all you nice bloggers help me with your good posts. Thank you very much.
118. From Muhammad Siyab
Blog Title PuttingBlogsFirst
Blog URL: http://www.puttingblogsfirst.com
Blog Tagline: Laser Targeted Tips for Effective Blogging
What makes the blog worth visiting?>
Advice to lead you in the right direction as a blogger, presented in a clear and comprehensible way. Only you and the content; nothing else.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“A blogger is like a river. As long as he stays near the village and fulfills the people’s need for water, they’re happy. But as soon as he changes course, the same people are angry at him.” – Muhammad Siyab
119. From Luc Debaisieux
Blog URL: http://mindblob.typepad.com/
Blog Tagline:
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Please come feed The Blob with your ideas… Welcome to MINDBLOB!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging, Social networking… What can we do out of these connections from brain to brain? There are so many brilliant ideas out there. How can IDEAS be pushed forward, through the web… towards a nice and efficient landing into reality? This is the subject of my quest. Finding out-of-the ordinary ideas and talent, engaging conversation, sharing, and keeping the magma dynamically moving towards innovation. But of course creativity, ideation, MARKETING, innovation… make no sense without being HUMAN and heading towards good VALUES. Let’s shake the perspective to the wild now… What if Aliens wanted to understand us? How could we help them out?
120. From Hunter Nuttall
Blog Title Hunter Nuttall . com
Blog URL: http://hunternuttall.com/blog
Blog Tagline: Stop Sucking and Live a Life of Abundance
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My personal development blog was mentioned in “The Last Lecture” by my great teacher Randy Pausch. I write about all kinds of topics related to self-improvement, in a fun and original way.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Lately I’ve been hearing people say that you need to avoid branding yourself personally so you can one day turn your blog over to other writers. That’s crazy. Your blog is your fingerprint. If there’s anyone on this planet who can write the same way you do, you’re not being authentic enough.
121. From Scott White
Blog Title The Branding Blog by Brand Identity Guru
Blog URL: http://www.brandidentityguru.com/wordpress
Blog Tagline: Life Experiences and Opinions From Branding Guru Scott White
What makes the blog worth visiting?
We call out the good, bad and very ugly of branding today.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I got an email from Jinal Shah requesting that I take a look at her clients new branding effort. Her client is A & E Network and theyââ¬â¢ve just made some big branding changes. Jinal is a long time reader of my kick ass, in your face branding blog so she must know what sheââ¬â¢s in for right? Truth, Justice and the American Way, Baby!
122. From Meg Guiseppi, MRW
Blog Title Executive Resume Branding Blog
Blog URL: http://www.executiveresumebranding.com/blog
Blog Tagline: Career advice and musings by a Master Resume Writer and Personal Branding Pro
What makes the blog worth visiting?
You’ll find what you need to know to navigate executive job search 2.0 and land faster in your next great career opportunity.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging is where I want to be. I can’t believe I didn’t see the light sooner. My blog is my opportunity to share nearly 20 years experience in the
careers industry.
123. From Wayne Hurlbert
Blog Title Blog Business World
Blog URL: http://www.blogbusinessworld.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: Blogs in business, marketing, public relations, and SEO search engine optimization for successful entrepreneurs
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Social media is an awfully big pie, so Iââ¬â¢m trying to help peers and businesses eat it one bite at a time. And if we canââ¬â¢t have a little fun once in a while, it just wouldnââ¬â¢t my kinda thing.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogs are all about making connections through conversation with others. Be open, honest, and transparent and share a bit of yourself with your readers. Offer help and guidance, and share your knowledge freely, and without hesitation. When we share our ideas and knowledge, and when help one another, everyone succeeds.
124. From Michael Miles
Blog Title Effortless Abundance
Blog URL: http://effortlessabundance.com
Blog Tagline: Money and Success – the Easy Way
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The Site exists because we are all connected to a source of unlimited power, through which all forms of abundance – monetary wealth, health, confidence, happiness, success – can flow to us all in an easy and natural way, through the action of the subconscious mind. At EffortlessAbundance.com, we discover how this works.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Life was meant to be easy!
125. From Thomas Clifford
Blog Title Bringing Brands to Life!
Blog URL: http://www.directortom.com
Blog Tagline: “Let’s see that again!”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog will change the way you think about and see corporate videos. I’ll inspire you to produce the most compelling video story for your company.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Capture the heart and soul of your organization through personal stories.”
126. From Barbara Ling
Blog Title Barbara Ling, Personal Edge Insights
Blog URL: http://www.barbaraling.com/
Blog Tagline: Success….is an Attitude!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Why my blog is worth visiting: My 10+ years of online marketing/networking experience gives readers an added edge within their network. Plus, I appreciate the beverage of the gods. 🙂
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Life….It’s Character Building
127. From John Richardson
Blog Title Success Begins Today
Blog URL: http://www.successbeginstoday.org/wordpress
Blog Tagline: Inspiring & Motivating People To Success
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A sentence or two about what makes your blog worth visiting. Here is a site with some cool tools to help you set goals, manage your time, and become more productive. Just download the free MS Word templates to your computer and within minutes you’ll have a pocket organizer, desktop flowchart, and a daily planning sheet to make life much more manageable.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Share Your Life: Blog!
128. From Terry Dagrosa
Blog Title Seduction Meals
Blog URL: http://www.SeductionMeals.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Seduction Meals is about food + romance (and everything in between) based on the premise that everyone should learn to master one dish that is their signature dishââ¬âa Seduction Meal, to enchant and captivate that special someone in your life. I share recipes, music play lists, tips on cooking with spices, slides shows on plating the dish, must have products and more. Stop by and share your seduction meal–we’d love to hear from you.
Celebrating two of life’s universal pleasures: food + romance: Seduction Meals
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Start a conversation…..reveal your passion…find your voice……connect with like minded people…sprinkle in a dash of marketing smarts…repeat…readers will follow…
129. From Gerrit Eicker
Blog Title Wir sprechen Online.
Blog URL: http://Wir-sprechen-Online.com
Blog Tagline: “Wir sprechen Online.” The blog title is the tagline of eWerx!..communications
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Wir sprechen Online. is a micro-blog that gathers interesting news about online related advertising, marketing, PR. About 75% of its content is in English, 25% in German.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I started blogging back in 2004 (http://eWerx.com/news) but found it too time consuming at the end of 2006. After micro-blogging at http://twitter.com/Eicker I restarted (micro-)blogging at Wir sprechen Online., so it’s a spin-off of prior twitter-activities which now is feeded via the micro-blog using http://twitterfeed.com.
130. From deafmom
Blog Title A Deaf Mom Shares Her World
Blog URL: http://www.deafmomworld.com
Blog Tagline: I’m a deaf mom of three deaf and hard of hearing kiddos. Here’s a peek into my world.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Want to make zillions off the internet? Want to have thousands of adoring blog readers? Ooops, wrong blog. A Deaf Mom Shares Her World is about none of that. Instead, you’ll get a dash of this and a pinch of that, with some humor thrown in. Go grab a cup of coffee, come visit and we’ll chat about life.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Speaking of life, did you know that life is too short to pout all the time? Go have fun with your blog–if it’s not enjoyable, chances are, your readers aren’t enjoying it either.
131. From Liz Scherer
Blog Title Flashfree
Blog URL: http://www.flashfree.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: Not your mama’s menopause
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A timely, honest, modern and sometimes irreverant look at menopause and the issues surrounding its stigma and treatment. Flashfree aims to meet the needs of women who find themselves drowning in a sea of bad, confusing, repetitive information that either talks down, at or over them rather than addresses their needs. The majority of treatment information is of the alternative, complementary, or integrative vein and overall, the blog aims to engage, enlist and lighten the burden of growing older in a youth-obsessed culture.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
So, how do you like your information served? Sugar-coated with a cherry and whipped cream? Or organic, fresh and crisp, just-picked and newly-ripened, one perfect portion at a time, presented with you and your needs in mind?
I only ask not be ââ¬Åtalked atââ¬Â but spoken to in an engaging, respectful manner. I didnââ¬â¢t believe those tampon ads back in the 70s depicting two happy teenage girls on the beach exercising, and I donââ¬â¢t believe that I should be told that I will delight in a drenching hot flash, perspiration rolling down my face, and huge sweat rings staining a new silk blouse.
So, hereââ¬â¢s my promise to you. Straight talk, no shooter, engaging, factual, and timely. If you catch a few words here and there that resonateââ¬Â¦well, weââ¬â¢re halfway there!
132. From John Hoff
Blog Title eVentureBiz
Blog URL: http://eventurebiz.com/blog/
Blog Tagline: An Entrepreneurial & Web Development Blog
What makes the blog worth visiting?
People who visit my blog tag along with me as I journey through and discuss the bumpy road and trials of being an online entrepreneur, business owner, web developer, and real estate investor. They can learn and socialize with me about marketing (both online and off), how to think like an entrepreneur, and how to develop a winning website.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Albert Einstein once said, “If I had to do it over again, I’d of been a plumber.” As in any profession, owning your own business can be rough and sometimes you wish it were something you could punch in the nose and say, “cooperate!” We’re all on a learning path and a wise entrepreneur has the insight to know a key to success is learning from others and to never give up.
133. From Evelyn Lim
Blog Title Attraction Mind Map
Blog URL: http://www.AttractionMindMap.com
Blog Tagline: Attracting abundance begins from the mind.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog shares about getting past limiting thoughts and negative emotions in the quickest way possible for a life of much abundance, success and happiness.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Many bloggers fail in achieving the success they have been dreaming of, because they do not realise that they have a lot of sabotaging negative thoughts. They need to clear them first; otherwise they will find themselves struggling and working very hard with little signs of progress. However, much of the negative thinking is born out of habit and have been inculcated since an early age. Knowing some self help techniques, that are simple, effective and quick, can help expedite the process of clearing the limiting beliefs. My blog offers solutions to readers on what these techniques are.
134. From connie ragen green
Blog Title Ebook Writing and Marketing Secrets
Blog URL: http://www.ebookwritingandmarketingsecrets.com
Blog Tagline: How to write articles and ebooks to build your credibility and visibility online, as well as the technology needed to build a profitable online business
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is worth reading because it gives my readers information they need to write their articles and ebooks and learn how to use the technology they will need to be successful. I explain everything in detail so they can get started right away. I also offer free weekly teleseminars on each topic I blog about, whether it is writing or technology.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
If you are blogging, be available to your readers so they can contact you with their individual questions and concerns. Basically, be there for your readers and they will remember you.
135. From Dan Schawbel
Blog Title Personal Branding Blog
Blog URL: http://personalbrandingblog.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: Navigating you to future success!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
It’s time to learn about yourself, build a powerful eBrand and communicate it to the world. With this blog, you will have all the knowledge you need in order to excel in your career and be part of an amazing community in doing so.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“It’s what you do that makes you who you are and how you project that to others that makes you memorable.”
136. From Matthew Stublefield
Blog Title SilverPen Publishing
Blog URL: http://silverpenpub.net
Blog Tagline: Commonly Creative in the Creative Commons
What makes the blog worth visiting?
SilverPen Publishing is a site dedicated to writing for the sake of writing, rather than to make money, and is an experiment in giving away my work for free. I wanted to see if someone could do with words what webcomic artists do with their comics, but SilverPen Pub is also a developmental tool; for now, the work on there is in progress, and as full books are written, they will be self-published and available on the site for free or purchase, depending on what the reader wants to do. SilverPen Publishing runs on WordPress-MU with a separate blog for each project, and most everything is done through blog entries rather than static pages.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
One of the keys to a successful blog is knowing your niche and having a solid theme to your writing (so readers get what they expect and desire) but not being so narrowly focused that you run out of things to write. Unfortunately, when youââ¬â¢ve got half a dozen completely different topics on which you want to write, it can be difficult organizing that into a single blog. Therefore, I use WordPress-MU to modularize my blog and have a single site that houses numerous projects. I can now add as many different topics as I want, manage it all through a single back-end, and my readers can see the content they desire while ignoring the rest. Itââ¬â¢s all about choice: will you let your blog limit you, or will you use it to achieve your goals?
137. From jerry, age 70
Blog Title drannaks dribbles
Blog URL: http://drannak.org/blog
Blog Tagline: Non semper ea sunt quae videntur
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Read about the trials and tribulations of a kid growing up in the 40’s and 50’s…
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
If you are over 50 and blog to get love and adoration from one and all, you will be disappointed with the negative responses unless you “twitter”…
138. From Dex
Blog Title MetaMakeMoneyOnline.com
Blog URL: http://www.metamakemoneyonline.com/
Blog Tagline: Distilling the best internet marketing posts – we read hundreds of blogs so you don’t have to
What makes the blog worth visiting?>
I think my blog is worth visiting because … I work hard to find great blog posts from bloggers – both big and small. A lot of bloggers have a great voice but need an audience. I’m willing to promote any blog post with great, useful content whether they have 1 daily visitor or 100,000.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Some advice? Do what I do … Blog about what you love, with passion. Blog to benefit others, not to benefit from them. Stay the course, because it’s always worth it. Great content will always find a great audience, don’t settle for anything less, and finally, the blogosphere makes it easy to be generous to our fellow bloggers, so be generous, and reap the rewards tenfold.
139. From Todd Ramsey
Blog Title The Todd Blog
Blog URL: http://toddblog.net
Blog Tagline: Itââ¬â¢s pretty fun if you say it fast.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The ToddBlog is my personal web blog, but more than just post about what I ate for lunch or my favorite cats, I try to post questions about very real struggles or quandaries Iââ¬â¢m facing. The posts are short, cover numerous topics and I try to make them enjoyable and worthwhile to read.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Get over the question ââ¬ÅWho will care what I write about?ââ¬Â Thatââ¬â¢s the absolute quickest way to kill whatever inspiration might be headed your way.
140. From Mark Yokoyama
Blog Title Everybody Loves Free Stuff
Blog URL: http://blog.epromos.com
Blog Tagline: (I guess the title IS the tagline)
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Call them what you will – promos, giveaways, schwag or tchotchkes – everybody loves free stuff. This blog is dedicated to the best, worst, most creative and most entertaining promotions and products.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Find a topic in which you are truly an expert, and write the best blog in the world about that topic. If youââ¬â¢re considering a topic where you could never have the best blog in the world (e.g., restaurants in New York), change your focus to a topic you can be the best at (e.g., restaurants in your neighborhood). Write well, use photos & post regularly.
141. From Andrew Dlugan
Blog Title Six Minutes Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Blog
Blog URL: http://sixminutes.dlugan.com/
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Helps you will become a more effective and confident public speaker. Includes weekly public speaking blogosphere spotlights, speaking tutorials, book reviews, and speech critiques of excellent speakers.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Lao Tzu once wrote “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Blogging is a perilous journey where every step — every article you write, every comment you leave, every subscriber you hook — brings you one step closer to your ultimate goal of a successful and outstanding blog.
142. From Alexander Becker
Blog Title WOW: Making You Look Even Better
Blog URL: http://wow.alexanderbecker.net/blog/
Blog Tagline: Excellence Ãâ Chutzpah = Irresistible + Invincible
What makes the blog worth visiting?
WOW is about curiosity and education; the recipe is to multiply excellence and chutzpah to achieve peak performance, become irresistible and invincible and look even better in business, fitness, on stage, and beyond.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Making you look good: That’s all I’ve ever done and all I ever will. Not that you don’t look good in the first place — the opposite is true — I will make you look even better. Who wouldn’t want to look better, especially when given an exact plan and the means to do it.”
143. From Darla F
Blog Title Ultra Beauty Boutique
Blog URL: http://www.ultrabeautyboutique.com
Blog Tagline: Beauty Inside & Out
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Darla is an all-American Iowa girl. She’s all about family and friends and having fun. She is wife to the Chief-of-Police for almost 16 years (and if there was a category in high school for “least likely to marry a cop” she would have won that hands-down) and mom to an 11-year-old boy. It’s all about the testosterone at her house!
Currently she works from home as an accountant and also as a silver power seller on eBay. Decorating, saving money, and finding STEALS is her passion. She and her husband also build and flip houses for “fun.” (HA!) Darla shares her successes as well as mis-haps (cuz Darla is all about the mis-haps) with you all.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Share your mis-haps as well as successes. People like to know you’re for real. Even when it’s extremely humbling. LOL!
144. From James Chartrand
Blog Title Men with Pens
Blog URL: www.menwithpens.ca
Blog Tagline: Shooting From the Hip
What makes the blog worth visiting?
If you want straight-shooting advice and no-fluff tips for freelancers, writers and online entrepreneurs, the Pen Men have it all. Covering better writing, better business, better design and better blogging, these guys go the extra mile to teach you how to reach success.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging with attitude, confidence and a ton of personality, the Men with Pens are cohorts with a conscience, promoting integrity, smart business and plenty of community spirit. “We believe in the little guy coming out of left field,” says James Chartrand, the frontman of the team. “And we’re here to help.”
145. From Glenda Watson Hyatt
Blog Title Do It Myself Blog
Blog URL: www.doitmyselfblog.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I share my experiences living with cerebral palsy to motivate and inspire others to think about how they perceive their own situation and their own world around them. I do all this by typing with only my left thumb!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
There is much information, many strategies and courses, and countless (and often conflicting) opinions on how to become a successful blogger. In the end, it is your passion, your integrity and your readers. Read, learn, listen and ask questions, and then do what feels right for your blog.
146. From aschmittylife
Blog Title It’s A Schmitty Life
Blog URL: http://aschmittylife.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: well, it’s not that bad! A mommy blogger trying to find the humor in her every day life!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Mrs. Schmitty is a SAHM of 3 and wife to 1 (no polygamy here!). I try to find the humor in my every day life, because honestly, if I don’t, I may just lose my mind!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My advice? Just have fun! Try to laugh at your life, because sure enough, everyone else will be! So, why not join the crowd?
147. From Dave Weinberg
Blog Title Jewneric
Blog URL: http://Jewneric.com
Blog Tagline: A New Platform for the Jewish Voice
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Jewneric is a Jewish blog which brings together a global community of diverse personalities to create a new forum for the Jewish voice. By calling upon so many talented individuals in a variety of fields, Jewneric is a source for news, opinion and entertainment. Through its content, Jewneric creates a platform that encourages conversation and provides both the outlet and the tools necessary for our community to discuss the topics they feel most passionate about.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
While content is king, 80% of success is still just showing up. The reason Jewneric decided from the outset to be a group blog was to allow for the constant flow of original content. The more talented people we brought on board, the more often we would get new articles and the more often our readers would return to the site. This has proven to be true. We ask our contributors, now over 60 from around the world, to write about what they want, so long as it sticks to our theme: Somehow Jewish. We also ask that they write around once every two weeks. We don’t pressure anyone, we aim to ennoble and motivate our team to be passionate about writing and being consistent with their efforts. Slow but consistent growth over the past year has helped grow Jewneric into a Top 25 Jewish Blog.
148. From Deanna.
Blog Title Soul Like a Spider
Blog URL: http://whythulc.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: A blog about the little and the sublime.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Everything from jetlag to china plates, from sunlight to dragons, from overheard conversations to anything else a noiseless, patient spider might talk about.
I don’t exactly run a blog about business or marketing. I do however write about the beauty in this life, whether that be through a quote I overhear, a day bursting with warmth and sunlight, a conversation, or maybe a letter to someone in my past. I occasionally feel like a poet stuck inside a world of newspapers, but I suppose that’s half the fun of it.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“My hunger for the beauty of this life far exceeds physical hunger. It manifests itself in some of the smallest ways, and yet this is the hunger that keeps my feet moving, my eyes open, and my heart swelling and beating. Itââ¬â¢s my hunger for oxygen when I wake in the morning, my hunger to laugh, my hunger to sit and have conversations that last for hours, my incredible hunger to understand how you see your life around you, my hunger to unlock doors, answer questions, put two and two together and to make one plus one equal three.”
149. From Kelly
Blog Title SHE-POWER
Blog URL: http://she-power.com
Blog Tagline: “Searching for inspiration and wisdom. Laughing at life along the way”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
SHE-POWER is a cocktail of ideas on inspiration, wisdom and the search for personal truth. Add a double shot of humor, a glass of tequila (don’t be stingy now), some original fiction and shake until frothy. Serve in a tall glass and settle down to watch the fall-out from Kelly’s always entertaining SHE-POWER Men and Women interview series.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
SHE-POWER. There’s nowhere else like it.
150. From lala
Blog Title Coastal Commentaries
Blog URL: http://by-la.com
Blog Tagline: a southern belle turns beach bum
What makes the blog worth visiting?
As a newcomer to Cape Canaveral and Cocoa Beach Florida, through informative posts, musings and my own photography, I explore restaurants, attractions, beaches and the coastal lifestyle in general.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My blogging advice is to just be yourself and post on a regular basis. Anyone can write a universal truth that others relate to. Read other blogs and leave thoughtful comments. I’ve found that in doing so, they will visit your blog, read your words, and be compelled to comment on the common threads that connects us together as human beings.
151. From Thursday Bram
Blog Title ThursdayBram.com
Blog URL: http://www.thursdaybram.com
Blog Tagline: The Business of Freelance Writing
What makes the blog worth visiting?
There are thousands of blogs on the web that cover writing ââ¬â publishing, polishing and perfecting. But we cover the practical ââ¬â running your writing business and earning money from your words.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Despite current economic troubles, blogging and other social media are actually growing. More people go online every day, looking for blogs and other sites that interest them. That means opportunity, during a time when other businesses are struggling, especially for anyone with good writing skills. Are you going to let that opportunity pass you by?
152. From Ron Stainforth
Blog Title Black Dogs
Blog URL: http://radstainforth.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: The diaries of R.A.D. Stainforth, the last man in Europe, or his footprints on the sands of time.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is a cultural melting pot, the last desperate bid of an intelligent man to make sense of the world around him
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I think it is important to find a focus for your blog and stick with it. Someone gave me this advice:
153. From Amy L
Blog Title Earnest Parenting
Blog URL: http://www.earnestparenting.com
Blog Tagline: Actually I have more than one. My designer has them rotating. The one up now is “Honest Discussion for Parents: You’re Not the Only One”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is worth visiting because I try to provide ideas and suggestions that help parents do a better job with discipline and creating loving environments. We try to have some laughs as often as possible too.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
That was when I yelled. Loudly. And a lot. I told the Captain to put on a shirt and sent them outside so I could yell some more. Then I called Hubby and told him what had happened and we were united in our outrage. Ohhhhhhh I haven’t been that angry in, sheesh, I don’t know. It’s been a long time, I can tell you that. When I went outside to see the boys I lectured some more on the evils of permanent ink on skin eSPEcially after a certain individual PROMISED to be responsible with said ink pen. http://www.earnestparenting.com/2007/07/05/no-permanent-ahem-damage/
154. From Jeremy Biser
Blog Title Discovering Dad
Blog URL: http://discoveringdad.net/
Blog Tagline: Learning what it means to be a good Dad
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Discovering Dad is an uplifting site where dads (and moms) can connect, learn and communicate about important topics affecting parents and couples. It’s about learning what it means to be a good dad, but more importantly, the site helps people learn what it means to be a good parent and a good person.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Help others more than you help yourself. Find a way to add value to readers, so that they feel like the time spent on your site was worth it. Respect your readers and listen to their feedback. Write passionately and have fun!
155. From Suzie Cheel
Blog Title Law of Attraction in Action
Blog URL: http://www.abundancehighway.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Suzie shares her experiences including her setbacks as well as her achievements openly. She explains how the Law of Attraction in works in Action. Many people find this inspiring. Visit to get inspired and to get motivated.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Be daring share you dreams and your challenges. You might be surprised how many people will relate to that. Be Real”
156. From Mike Templeton
Blog Title Payment Industry Insider
Blog URL: http://www.paymentindustryinsider.com
Blog Tagline: A thought-provoking look at the payment and credit union industries.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Our blog aims to take a unique, educated look at the payment and credit union industries and to share our discussions with our audience. We address how professionals and organizations in these fields can make the most of opportunities and talk about how to leverage the latest technology to their advantage.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
ââ¬ÅJust because you havenââ¬â¢t heard of something doesnââ¬â¢t mean it doesnââ¬â¢t exist or isnââ¬â¢t useful.ââ¬Â
157. From Robin Dearing
Blog Title The Hell?
Blog URL: http://rivetergirl.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: Whenever I eat pie, I wish it was cake.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
‘The Hell? chronicles the ups of downs of a mom and wife who works full time, teaches part time and pretends to be a rock star on the side.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I blog because it quenches the persistent thirst of my narcissism and constant need to be the center of attention. My blog is my own world in which I can post as many pictures I want of my kid, my band and the tiny pencil I use everyday at work. I blog so that I can tell my story in my way while leaving out the bits that would embarrass my mom the most.
158. From Jacqueline Zenn
Blog Title SEOGroup Blog
Blog URL: http://seogroup.com/blog/
Blog Tagline: SEO and Internet Marketing Tips, News, and Thoughts from the perspective of an SEO and web design company in Chicago.
What makes the blog worth visiting?>
The blog is worth visiting because although there are a lot of blogs that offer internet marketing and search engine optimization advice, we have a unique (and often humorous) style and a creative flair that isn’t often seen in the industry (if I do say so myself). We also focus on optimizing for users first and the search engines second (no black hats here!).
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Blogging (and SEO) is both an art and a science, but most of all, it is a form of communication, and remembering that truth is the key to success, however you define it. Furthermore, you shouldn’t blog in a vacuum – commenting, linking to, and learning from other bloggers is perhaps the best part of blogging.”
159. From Rhett Soveran
Blog Title Epiblogger
Blog URL: http://www.epiblogger.net
Blog Tagline: The organic center of blogging
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Like organic farmers, Rhett Soveran and Lee Robertson—the bloggers of Epiblogger—work to teach organic methods of blogging without succumbing to the pressure of pre-packaged, botox-injected blogs.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
When a product or service can speak for itself, than I can honestly sell it to you without making greasy promises of making an eighteen figure salary or all the fame and glory. – Rhett Soveran, “Being Sold (Out): The Organic Switch” (http://www.epiblogger.net/being-sold-out-the-organic-switch/)
160. From Marcus Taylor
Blog Title Invisible Green Photography
Blog URL: www.invisiblegreen.com
Blog Tagline: Beauty with expression
What makes the blog worth visiting?
InvisibleGreen.com has beautiful photos to help you enjoy the world when you can’t get out in it.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogs about photography and photoblogs are two different animals. A blog about photography has a lot of text, and discusses a lot of things related to photography. It might even contain a lot of photos, but if the main focus of the site is the text, then what you’ve got is a blog about photography. On the other hand, a photoblog expresses itself through the photos. Yes, it can include text, to provide context, or an explain why a particular image was chosen, but the text should not interfere with the message the image is trying to communicate.
161-162. From Robert Neville
Blog Title Stage3 Consulting
Blog URL: http://www.stage3consulting.com
Blog Tagline: Small Business on Auto-pilot
What makes the blog worth visiting?
If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, then you’ll want to read my blog. A large number of people I’ve encountered that start a business end up working more hours than ever before just to keep their business running. This is a shame since those same folks probably went into business as a way to achieve freedom from the 9-5 grind. I talk about strategies and techniques to reduce the amount of time the business owner has to spend personally.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Don’t be afraid of laziness.
I had teachers and other people telling me that I was lazy my whole life and I believed them.
Later, I realized that they were all wrong. I wasnââ¬â¢t lazy. I just couldnââ¬â¢t stand inefficiency. It would drive me mad if I had work any harder than necessary. I had let my teachers and employers beat my creativity out of me. Iââ¬â¢d believed them that there was something wrong me because I was constantly searching for the shortcut, the easier road.
Thatââ¬â¢s not lazinessââ¬Â¦thatââ¬â¢s a relentless obsession for efficiency and effectiveness.Blog Title RobNeville.net
Blog URL: http://robneville.net
Blog Tagline: The Renaissance Geek
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Nothing. There is nothing interesting there at all. I don’t write *about* anything. I don’t write on anybody’s schedule. For some reason, people find the blog interesting – despite my best efforts to make it otherwise.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Don’t follow anybody’s rules. Don’t set out to make money blogging. If you do (end up making money), that’s great, but if you’re trying to – well, that’s like trying to be cool – the minute it becomes a conscious effort, you lose it. Don’t be afraid. That’s YOUR name at the top of the blog – write what YOU think, not what you feel others want to hear. Will some people hate it? Will some people be offended? If no one hates your blog or gets offended by it, then I’d say you’re doing something wrong. What your blog needs most is YOU.
163. From Angie
Blog Title angie*
Blog URL: http://angilio.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: angilio: loud and proud
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Big laughs from a short girl: A carefree, engaging blog about city life, fun finds, good reads and random-but-relatable tidbits all from the perspective of a happily sarcastic twenty-something graphic designer in Chicago.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Be honest and don’t second guess yourself. Its an open forum and the more real you are…the more readers you’ll attract. And – have fun!
164. From Laural
Blog Title Mamasphere
Blog URL: http://mamasphere.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: All things mama and more
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I’m an Oregon grown feminist hippy girl, married to a macho Brasilian boy with a crazy traditional Brasilian family, raising a bi-lingual four year old daughter who has four imaginary sisters, trying to fit into ultra hip San Diego. My blog is my saving grace.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Never give your blog address to anyone you work with! Never never never. Not even the security guards. There WILL be a time you need to vent, or want to share something crazy that happened to you at work, and you can’t because of the water cooler gossip circuit. ‘Tis a shame, because those could’ve been some great posts.
165. From Heather Rast
Blog Title Insights and Ingenuity
Blog URL: insightsandingenuity.com
Blog Tagline: Connecting the bunny trails with verve and moxie
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Make uncommon connections between marketing, branding, consumers, and communications influencers.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Write with a clear, distinctive voice that truly reflects your personality and position, not to mention your passion.
166. From Melody Platz
Blog Title The Happy Wanderer
Blog URL: www.melodythehappywanderer.com
Blog Tagline: Writer, Melody Platz, travels all around and shares the fun.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The Happy Wanderer is worth a look because people are always saying, “I wish something good was going on.” My blog provides a constant stream of entertaining adventures, encouragement to visit and enjoy the great things available to them, and if they visit me often enough, my sense of joy and hope will rub off on them and they will start to see good things going on all around them.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I believe experiencing travel is a state of mind. You don’t have to leave your state, or even your neighborhood, to meet great people and do exciting things. Last week, I traveled to live auto show with real cars, Pittsburgh’s Vintage Grand Prix. I took shiny car pictures, met heroic volunteers, and realized that there are awesome events all over the country like this. All people have to do to enjoy the fun is show up and look around.
167. From Tomas Custer
Blog Title HispanicTips
Blog URL: http://www.hispanictips.comBlog Tagline: The Most Relevant Hispanic y Latino News :: Trusted, Comprehensive & Useful
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Now the largest minority group and growing fast – Pivotal in this election year – Hispanictips is the most relevant and comprehensive news – 40k+ posts in 3 years – one of the best examples of handpicked aggregation done at a blistering pace by an individual
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I don’t need no stinkin’ personality just gumption. I am an aggregation pro. I pro blogger. My advise is if ever plan on not updating your blog for more than a week or two it is perhaps better never to start. How many journals have you started and forgotten. You can’t do this with blogs without running the risk of looking bad. It does take gumption. Do what excites you. Do what you love and have passion for and aim to create useful tools.
168. From Sharon Gibson
Blog Title Conflict to Peace in Relationships
Blog URL: http://www.conflicttopeaceinrelationships.com
Blog Tagline: Have communication challenges? Who doesn’t? Discover insightful tips which will move you from conflict to peace in your relationships.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Much of the insights and advice on this website came about as
a result of learning how to work through intense conflicts so it is not theory but tested and practical. Tips are explained in easy to understand language and real life examples illustrate many of the principles.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging should be something that satisfies not only your audience but you as well. Why waste your life writing on things that don’t interest and satisfy you? Everyone has a niche to fill and an unique voice that needs to be heard. So let yours be heard and find the deep inner satisfaction of expressing, discovering and sharing yourself in the process.
169. From Kathryn Boyle
Blog Title knittsings | Machine Knitting, Passap, DesignaKnit Blog
Blog URL: http://knittsings.com/
Blog Tagline: Knitting machines galore since one is never enough, free knitting patterns, and photo tutorials
What makes the blog worth visiting?
There are literally thousands of hand knitting blogs but only about a dozen machine knitting. I’m working towards being the blog knitters seek out when they need a machine knitting fix, escapism, humor, or simply a hand to hold by offering detailed information, free patterns, and lots of photo tutorials.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Since I’ve chosen a niche (machine knitting) within a niche (knitting), I have my work cut out for me. I don’t know yet what level of traffic I can realistically hope for. Many view machine knitting as a dying craft even though those of us who still do it, love it. I’ve only been on WordPress for two months, having left iWeb, and it has made a huge difference in Google generated hits. I also use Google’s blog search to enter my targeted keywords to find other bloggers talking about machine knitting, regardless of their blog’s focus. I leave a comment and frequently they not only have visited, but thanked me for finding them. Good machine knitting sites with photos are hard to find.
170. From Jane Deere
Blog Title Type-TalkTherapy.com
Blog URL: www.Type-TalkTherapy.com
Blog Tagline: Today is going to be a good day!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is the day in day out experience of dealing with anxiety, depression and panic attacks. What some of the challenges are and how I deal with and survive those challenges!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Courage is to never let your actions be influenced by your fears.” – Arthur Koestler
171. From Douglas Bell
Blog Title Webmacster87.info
Blog URL: http://www.webmacster87.info
Blog Tagline:
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A personal blog about technology, news, school, life, the search for world peace, or whatever I feel like writing about. Also includes interesting videos, opinions about news happening on the internet and around the world, and articles about things people are interested in, and about my own life as well.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
A personal blog about technology, news, school, life, the search for world peace, or whatever I feel like writing about. Also includes interesting videos, opinions about news happening on the internet and around the world, and articles about things people are interested in, and about my own life as well.
172-173. From Mark David Gerson
Blog Title The Voice of Your Muse
Blog URL: http://thevoiceofyourmuse.com
Blog Tagline: Tools, tips and inspiration to unleash the power of your creative potential
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Whether youââ¬â¢ve never written a word or have written forever, The Voice of Your Muse offers you information, inspiration and suggestions to get you writing, keep you writing and overcome any creative blocks you might be experiencing.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Offer your readers something they can take away with them. Ask them questions that will give the post immediacy and carry it into their lives.Blog Title Mark David Gersonââ¬â¢s New Earth Chronicles
Blog URL: http://newearthchronicles.com
Blog Tagline: Expressing the Spirit of Creative Transformation
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Blending inspiration and practical guidance, New Earth Chronicles offers a grounded look at the changes weââ¬â¢re all living through.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
It’s what we do with each moment and situation that governs our destiny, that decides whether we live in our greatness or in the shadow of someone else’s, that determines whether we build fences or tear them down.
174. From Jeff De Cagna
Blog Title Principled Innovation Blog
Blog URL: http://www.principledinnovationblog.com
Blog Tagline: Moving from imagination to impact
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Most people don’t give too much thought to what happens in associations, even though hundreds of millions of people worldwide belong to them. But there is a vibrant community of association executives and professionals who manage these organizations, and a growing number of us who blog about the issues and challenges their leaders must confront. I think a broader audience of readers would be very interested to learn more about the conversations we’re having about the future of our community.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging gives me a space where I can be provocative with a purpose. My role as a strategic advisor to associations is to help my clients think differently about the future, and to make leaders feel some discomfort with their current assumptions in the process. The Principled Innovation Blog is one way I try to accomplish this goal.
175. From Francie Stirling
Blog Title LivingLeadership
Blog URL: http://francies.wordpress.com/
Blog Tagline: Reflections and observations on leadership in business and everyday life
What makes the blog worth visiting?
From Julius Caesar to Donald Trump, from Baby Boomers to Generation Y, from new business trends to tried and true concepts – I’ll explore it. Sometimes educational and informational, sometimes just plain fun!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“You may not find the final word on Leadership here, but I promise youââ¬â¢ll always find an honest and educated perspective mixed with an occasional dose of heartfelt sentiment. ”
“My plans were to share my thoughts and insights as another means of establishing my credibilty for potential clients or interested acquaintances. (and of course friends and family, if so inclined) I never realized how many smart, like-minded (and sometimes different-minded) people from all over the world I would encounter in such a short time. ”
176. From Jay Heyman
Blog Title All you need is a good idea!
Blog URL: http://allyouneedisagoodidea.typepad.com
Blog Tagline: “Make your business conspicuous.”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My new (four-month old) blog is designed for small businesses who want to learn to create marketing ideas that will help them to stand out from the 740 others in the yellow pages and Google who do exactly what they do.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My best advice, known by many, remembered by few, is that when you do your marketing, PR or blog, always ask yourself, “So what/who cares?” if you can’t create something that will get people’s attention, don’t bother.
177. From Anne Glamore
Blog Title Tales From My Tiny Kingdom
Blog URL: www.mytinykingdom.com
Blog Tagline: Don’t Fart In My Minivan!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Anne Glamore has been described as the Erma Bombeck of the new millennium, entertaining readers with the adventures of raising three tweenage boys. She’s perfected the male version of the sex talk, and she’s training her boys to scramble eggs, brew coffee and hang up their wet towels so women will want to marry them and get them out of her house.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“So, let me back up a little. To make a baby, you have to have an egg and some fertilizer. Every month, moms make an egg.”
Finn stared at me in amazement. “Do you lay it?”
“No, I just make the egg inside my stomach, but that’s a good question,” I said, deciding to skip the whole menses part of the talk. “But you should know that it is very hard to make an egg. Sometimes it makes women crotchety. So if I’m in a bad mood you should be sweet to me because inside I am probably working very diligently to make an egg.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Mom, but it seems to me like maybe you’ve been making an egg today,” Finn commented.
178. From AgentSully
Blog Title Life Learning Today
Blog URL: http://LifeLearningToday.com
Blog Tagline: Life Improvement Tips You Can Use Today!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Free personal development articles and tools in the areas of productivity, goal setting, career, relationships, happiness, and health, including no-nonsense tips on how to achieve the healthy in-shape body you’ve always dreamed of. Plus, much, much more! Looking forward to your visit!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
The best blogging advice I can give is this:
Know what your blogging goals
Plan how to acheive them.
Engage your target audience by filling a need.
Write, write, and write some more!
Read and learn from the best bloggers out there.
Enjoy it!
179. From Miriam Robbins Midkiff
Blog Title AnceStories: The Stories of My Ancestors
Blog URL: http://ancestories1.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
This is my blog about my genealogical research: my triumphs, my challenges, my research notes…plus some research tips and family history links for you. Learn about Scanfest, too!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Research tips and family history links.
180. From Brett Trout
Blog Title BlawgIT
Blog URL: http://BlawgIT.com
Blog Tagline: Patent Lawyers Can be Fun
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Granted Internet law can be a little dry. Poking fun at the inefficiencies of the law and lawyers bridges the lawyer/client gap
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blog like no one is reading.
181. From Michael Snell
Blog Title New Gay Travel Guide
Blog URL: http://www.newgaytravelguide.com
Blog Tagline: Gay travel, gay news and gay events from around the World!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Readers come to our site looking for gay and gay-friendly travel and vacation information. We highlight great places to visit, exciting gay events from around the world, fabulous photos and general news that is of interest to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Commuities.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Like Derrick said, we sort stumbled into blogging. And since we love travel, we figured if we were to start blogging, we might as well launch a travel site. It has been an amazing journey and the blog has grown over the last 2 years and it’s exciting when someone like MTV calls and says they found our blog and wondered if we can help them promote something. We have created this colorful online magazine that is now being read in 100 different countries! We just recently launched 6 new city sites – but it’s hard to find enough time in the day to juggle them all. We love what we are doing and it’s exciting!
182. From Randy Willis
Blog Title Willis Wired
Blog URL: http://www.williswired.com
Blog Tagline: Life. Leadership. God’s Mission.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Willis Wired is a blog written by Randy & Joleen Willis. While they write mostly about leadership and life lessons (based on personal experience), most recently they’ve been writing about their experience of adopting a wonderful baby boy from Korea.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Write about your passion and keep your focus fairly narrow. Make your posts readable — short paragraphs, bold text to highlight important words/phrases, spellcheck, proofread, understand that usually, less is more (okay, so we don’t always take our own advice!). Mostly, though, write to add value to others, and ultimately, to make the world a better place!
183. From Bamboo Forest
Blog Title Pun Intended
Blog URL: www.punintended.com/blog
Blog Tagline: Pun Intended is your playground.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The P.I. Blog is where me (Bamboo Forest) and my brother (Flying LlamaFish) hang out. We talk about everything under the sun, including self improvement, and humor, among other things. We are lighthearted in our presentation, and our voice is always inspired.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Advice on blogging? Blog about what you know and believe in. Blog about what you’re passionate about. If you can pull that off, and sprinkle in a little hard work – everything will fall into place. Enjoy!
184. From Mona Weathers
Blog Title HerProBlog.COM
Blog URL: http://herproblog.com
Blog Tagline: Women Blog. Women Influence. Women Earn!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The number one goal of HerProBlog.COM is help women bloggers from all walks of life, all levels of blog publishing understanding, and desired income earning goals, create and maintain professional blogs. Whether your goal is to earn a respectable income through blogging or because of blogging, HerProBlog.COM is here to help.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
We are offering you this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and save yourself years of research….. Learning from professional
women bloggers across the Blogosphere.
185. From Angela Maiers
Blog Title Angela Maiers Educational Services
Blog URL: http://www.angelamaiers.com
Blog Tagline: Stepping Towards Success by Putting Learners First
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I try to always strive to find and share big ideas in every million dollar conversation. My blog is a platform for such conversations. Together we are Smarter.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Be a Resource by sharing knowledge and where you find it.
186. From Ricardo Bueno
Blog Title Ribeezie
Blog URL: http://www.ribeezie.typepad.com
Blog Tagline: Specializing in Motivation, Humor, Change and questioning the world of Social Media… Read along and share in the conversation…
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is for anyone who wants to better themselves in life. But it’s not only about motivation and personal development, it’s also an ongoing discussion on social media and building community… All delivered with a little humor because we gotta at least enjoy the journey.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
The best way to get to the top is to do the best that you can in what you’re doing right now.
187-188. From Derrick Sorles
Blog Title Business Blogging Tips & Web 2.0 Strategies
Blog URL: http://www.businessbloggingtips.com
Blog Tagline: Tips and Strategies to Help You Be Found By Readers & Search Engines
What makes the blog worth visiting?
We’ve launched many blogs, for clients and ourselves, and have learned how to leverage blogs and discovered cool Web 2.0 tools that can help attract relevant readers/traffic, make a blog better, and help the search engines find you through search faster. Each week, we give readers free advice on making their blog all they can be and avoiding common mistakes that many online publishers often make.Blog Title Life By Design
Blog URL: http://www.officiallifebydesign.com
Blog Tagline: Because life does not come with an owners manual.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Is your life headed in the direction you wish? How do you change it if it is not? Life By Design is an inspirational and motivational blog seeking to provide tips and strategies for the betterment of anyone’s life journey .
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
We got into blogging quite by accident and now it has taken over our life! My partner and I have launched 10 blogs of our own and frequently consult with clients about helping them launch a blog or taking the blog to a new level. We love what we do! I just wish there were more hours in a day. It’s exciting to create this information that is being read by hundreds of people!
189. From Linda Sherman
Blog Title It’s Different For Girls
Blog URL: http://itsdifferent4girls.com/blog
Blog Tagline: International Womenââ¬â¢s Lifestyle, Work & Empowerment by Linda Sherman
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My most popular posts compare men and women. These are two of them:
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
… it seems to me that women try harder than men. We are the Avis of the sexes.
190. From Jenny Stinson
Blog Title Running 4 Your Life
Blog URL: http://Running4YourLifeblog.net
Blog Tagline: http://Running4YourLifeblog.net
What makes the blog worth visiting?
When we hear the expression, ââ¬ÅRun For Your Life!ââ¬Â it is almost always said with urgency, and it implies, ââ¬ÅSAVE yourself – Do whatever it takes!ââ¬Â ââ¬ÅRunning 4 Your Lifeââ¬Â is about taking ACTION – present, ongoing steps to improve the 4 major areas of your life – physical, emotional, relationships, and spiritual – no matter what it takes.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging should be about things that you know and love, while at the same time provide your readers with motivational, inspirational, or some other helpful information. I love to run. And, I love to help people achieve their goals. So, for me Running is a metaphor for the way I do things. And the way I approach my running is the way I approach everything else in my life:
* I am committed to staying physically fit
* I am enthusiastic and have a positive outlook on life
* I plan ahead, manage my time, and am disciplined in following my plan
* I persist until I succeed, and I never give up
* I commit to a goal and then focus on the process
* I help and encourage other people to break through barriers
* I finish what I start
I will often use running examples to illustrate a principle, but you donââ¬â¢t have to be a runner to apply the teachings. Itââ¬â¢s the lessons I learn through my running that I hope others can apply to their own lives and find helpful.
191. From Jamie
Blog Title Wishcasting
Blog URL: www.wishcasting.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: A safe haven for wishes
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Wishcasting is a fertile field in which to plant wish seeds and have them witnessed and tended lovingly. Support the wishes of others, take inspiration from the biweekly prompt or wish for anything your heart desires. Let the magic begin.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging is a precious way to find your tribe. The more you speak with your real voice; the more your people will find you.
192. From Amber Naslund
Blog Title The BrandBox
Blog URL: http://thebrandbox.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: Making Business Sense of Marketing & Social Media
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Social media is an awfully big pie, so Iââ¬â¢m trying to help peers and businesses eat it one bite at a time. And if we canââ¬â¢t have a little fun once in a while, it just wouldnââ¬â¢t my kinda thing.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Sharing what you know and are passionate about are key. You can blog about seahorses or beachballs or SpongeBob Squarepants or whatever, but your enthusiasm comes through in every post. Your visitors are like houseguests; treat them with courtesy, engage in great conversation, and invite them to come back. (And if you can figure out how to put some M&Ms on the table, thatââ¬â¢s always a nice touch.)
193. From Marianne Thomas
Blog Title Writer-Mommy
Blog URL: http://www.writer-mommy.com
Blog Tagline: Scribbling my way through life, one word at a time.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Because I have grand delusions of writing that Big Breakout Novel, and I’m not afraid to talk about them. I actually started the blog to keep myself writing through these years of mommying small children; what I didn’t expect to discover was how much there is to love about blogging beyond just the writing. I’ve become a proud mommyblogger and I’m always happy to share a horrendous public tantrum story so fellow mommyfolk will know they’re not alone as they face the mayhem that is modern mommying.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
From this post, talking about why I decided to keep my blog public after getting viciously slammed on Stumble Upon earlier this week:
“I want to be part of what is good online, part of the quiet revolution of moms typing their hearts out because they’re passionate about their lives and because they know how much just one word of compassion, understanding, or humor can matter when you’ve had one of those days that drains the well of motherlove and leaves you wondering how you’ll ever survive the next.”
194. From Jasia
Blog Title Creative Gene
Blog URL: http://creativegene.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A blog for those with an interest in genealogy, photography, Poland, and Polonia. Home of the Carnival of Genealogy!
Stop by for tips on researching your family history in Michigan, Greater Detroit, and Poland, plus tips on general genealogy research too. You’ll find information on how to combat the Declining Membership in Genealogical Societies, Using City Directories in Genealogy Research, and Polish Wedding Traditions.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging your genealogy research and family history can connect you with cousins you didn’t even know existed. It’s a great way to connect with others who share your interest too! I’ve found the online genealogy community to be a supportive and welcoming group. Visit the Creative Gene blog and you’ll find a whole community of people passionate about genealogy among My Blogging Buddies. If you already have a blog about genealogy, consider submitting an article to the Carnival of Genealogy!
195. From Jeanne May
Blog Title Goals and Aspirations
Blog URL: http://www.goalsnaspirations.com
Blog Tagline: information, inspiration, guidance and support
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I work with spiritually minded people providing them with information, inspiration, guidance and support to achieve their goals and dreams. My blog is updated several times a week and features topics related to goal setting and achieving.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Treat your blog in the same way you would treat your best friend… give it lots of love and attention, heaps of open communication, be a good listener and provider of new information and ideas… above all, maintain your enthusiasm, your sense of humour and your optimism!
196. From Deb Boyken
Blog Title Punctuality Rules!
Blog URL: http://www.punctualityrules.com
Blog Tagline: Using Grammar and Good Manners to Save the World
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A blog devoted to writing, grammar, good manners, and basically trying to save Civilization, one punctuation mark at a time.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
This blog is called “Punctuality Rules” for a couple of reasons. One, the name is a play on the word “punctuation.” Originally I had thought to just write about writing, grammar and spelling, but then I thought about the true meaning of “punctuality.” Punctuality is not just about making meetings on time, but about being exact. It’s about doing what needs to be done at exactly the time it should be done. To me, that’s an issue that transcends mere punctuation. That ripples right out into the real world. Doing what is right, and doing it precisely. When you have everybody doing exactly that, well, it seems to me that that’s more or less the foundation of basic civility . . . and civilization itself.
197. From Charlene Farber
Blog Title Confessions of a Barista
Blog URL: http://baristaconfessions.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: Just give me my coffee and no one gets hurt.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A home barista and espresso drinker, see what Charlene has to say on her thoughts on views on all things coffee, from cupping to coffeehouse culture.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
If you wonââ¬â¢t do it in public, like yell your phone number across a crowded room of strangers, or share your address with every twit who asks, then donââ¬â¢t do it online — anywhere.
198. From David Murray
Blog Title True Education
Blog URL: http://www.tuitionu.com/trueeducation
Blog Tagline: Life Lessons No Student Loan Could Buy!
What makes the blog worth visiting?>
My blog mixes true life experiences with higher education/financial aid information for students and parents.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Having recently begun my blogging adventure I would share the following advice:
÷ Blog on something you are truly passionate about.
÷ Take the time to listen and to read what is being said in your niche.
÷ Don’t worry about learning all the tools ââ¬â focus on your content.
÷ Be part of the blogging community ââ¬â there are some amazing people waiting to meet you!
÷ You’ll learn as you go so don’t get too caught up in getting it right!
÷ Blog as much as you possibly can but never force it.
÷ Value is just as important when commenting on other people’s blog.
÷ Keep a notepad or something to take down ideas nearby. You’ll never know when inspiration will hit.
÷ If you haven’t already, play on Twitter. It turned this hard skeptic into a believer J
÷ Most importantly – have fun!!
199. From David Reynolds
Blog Title Book Hotels Cheaper
Blog URL: www.bookhotelscheaper.com
Blog Tagline: A how to blog from an industry expert on how to reserve hotel rooms at the lowest cost available plus valuable travel tips and advice.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I write about current events; (economic conditions, hotel forecasts, even the American Idol tryouts last week); offer valuable travel information (such as need for travel insurance, how to not waste time and money when traveling, inside information about internet travel sites) and give valuable advice on how to find the lowest rate a hotel offers.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Like any industry, scams are present in the travel arena too. Here’s late-breaking news out of Kansas of yet another scam intended to separate people from their money. It could be heading your way too…
It’s always easy in retrospect to say “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is” but when an official looking mailer arrives telling you about ‘opportunities’ in a particular area, many are initially caught off guard. This appears to be what drives this latest scam – located this time in Wichita, Kansas…” David Reynolds
200. From Emily
Blog Title Genealem’s Genetic Genealogy
Blog URL: http://genealem-geneticgenealogy.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: Northwest Regional Coordinator and Speaker for ISOGG (www.isogg.org)
Administrator for eleven FTDNA DNA Projects
What makes the blog worth visiting?
DNA is a hot topic and very valuable for family historians and genealogists, and genealogists do not have time to write their own memoirs, usually. I give presentations on Genetic Genealogy (use of DNA for genealogical research) as well as on writing one’s childhood memories and family stories using a simple technique. This blog addresses various genetic genealogy issues from time to time, but also lets the public know where I’ll be speaking. By emailing me directly the public can get support in understanding DNA testing, what tests would be helpful, which companies are best as well as learn how to easily write their family stories for their descendants.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
DNA Testing, a genealogist’s most accurate tool, proves your paper trail is correct. How do you spell research success? I spell it D-N-A!
Every researcher wants to find a diary or journal of an ancestor….where’s yours??? Write it easily with Emily’s booklet: “Memoing” My Memories. Everyone’s life story deserves to be told!
201. From L. Lee Lowe
Blog Title Mortal Ghost
Blog URL: http://mortalghost.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: A YA Fantasy Novel
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Online and e-fiction are beginning to come into their own, and it’s no longer necessary to go to a bookshop to find exciting, well-written fiction. It’s only a mouseclick away – and not just for teens!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
The PDF file of Mortal Ghost is downloaded 50-100 times per day in places as far-flung as Iran and Mongolia and Chile and Uganda and Singapore and India, as well New York and London and Sydney. The best part of writing for an online readership is knowing that your book is reaching people who might otherwise not have access to a print edition – or who couldn’t afford it.
202. From Victoria Pires
Blog Title Glowstars
Blog URL: http://www.glowstars.net
Blog Tagline: Little Bits
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I’m a 20-something working mum juggling life in the ‘burbs of London with working in the City and being a pastor’s wife. There’s some ghosts, probably no skeletons in the closet, maybe a little bitchiness on occasion, but generally some good old fun.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“‘This is never going to be about me’ she said. You are kidding right? This is always about me. I’m the writer!”
203. From Karen Townsend
Blog Title Pondering Penguin
Blog URL: www.ponderingpenguin.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: Politics, Current Events and Life
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is written in essay form and my writing is on politics, and current events. Sometimes life makes its way into the blog, too.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I think the best blogs are those written by writers with a passion. I write about politics and current events because it is my passion. My blog has evolved into a political blog over the course of the three years I’ve been blogging. I finally found my voice. My political thoughts are a bit different than those of typical Republicans. I’m a proud moderate and believe in listening to all sides.
204-205. From Victoria Pugh
Blog Title Help Your Child Become A Phonics Reading Pro
Blog URL: www.PhonicsReadingPro.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Reading with phonics will guarantee that your child becomes an excellent reader from the start and, no doubt, be an avid reader for life!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
When you write on your blog do it with passion. I am passionate about literacy and helping our young children develop a love of reading by first learning how to read…making it easy and fun!Blog Title I Am Free America
Blog URL: www.IAmFreeAmerica.com
Blog Tagline:
What makes the blog worth visiting?
You are free in America today but what about tomorrow? Use your freedom or lose it!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
You can make a difference. Reach out and touch the world with your genius mind, no one else can.
206. From Josh Mings
Blog Title SolidSmack
Blog URL: http://www.solidsmack.com
Blog Tagline: Putting the Smack Back in 3D CAD, Cool Tech and Product Design
What makes the blog worth visiting?
SolidSmack.com posts daily on 3D Design and related Technology with eye peeling perspectives on product designs and the future of CAD.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Amazing Algorithms: 3D Visualization and Kinetic Design
I’m lovin’ me some algorithms. I’ve actually become so interested in them it’s affected my posting frequency and I’m starting to see domino-like creatures forming beautiful patterns in my numerically challenged nightmares.
An algorithmic approach to design. Boring huh? Well, the results these patterns of numerical data create are the most amazingly fluid and kinetically pleasing designs you’ll feast your eyes upon.
207. From Jacqueline Hernandez
Blog Title Tiny Décor
Blog URL: www.tinydecorblog.com
Blog Tagline: Create a Naturally Modern Nursery
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Tiny Décor is an eco-friendly wonderland for all things baby and kid related. We are first-time parents, new to being green and we invite other parents to join us on our journey to find cool green products for the naturally modern nursery.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
We believe in keeping it real and trying to keep it green. We say what we really think and admit we are not perfect, but we are trying to do better for us and for the environment. Blogging has been a great outlet for us and a great networking experience to meet like-minded parents.
208-209. From Yvonne DiVita
Blog Title Lip-Sticking
Blog URL: www.lipsticking.com
Blog Tagline: Marketing to Women Online
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A blog with a focus on women and women’s issues, and advice on how to market to women, especially online.
Why visit? We have all the best advice and insight into marketing to women. It’s not tricky or mysterious…come on over and learn the real truth.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Blog is an active verb, not a noun. You have to do it (write in your blog) — and then visit others and comment appropriately…to build your community.”Blog Title Scratchings and Sniffings
Blog URL: http://www.scratchingsandsniffings.com
Blog Tagline: A blog for pets and their people.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
This petblog talks pets, shares stories, does promote its sponsor, Purina, on occasion, but it’s a friendly, fun place to visit, and learn, complete with great podcast from Yvonne and Dr. Larry on pet health and pet issues.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“When you comment, you should be commenting on the post content…not on the blog. If you want to comment on the blog, email the blogger. We love connecting.”
210. From Sandra Renshaw
Blog Title Purple Wren
Blog URL: www.purplewren.com
Blog Tagline: Tools and techniques for business communications.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I use a lot of imagery in my posts, especially Wordless Wednesdays.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Blogging is the best thing since the introduction of the printing press. We have an opportunity to reach people around the world.
211. From Mary, mom to 10
Blog Title Owlhaven
Blog URL: http://owlhaven.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A mom of 10 talks about frugality, cooking, adoption, international activism, funny mom moments, and ways to make the most of every minute.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
From 4 women, 1 bathroom
“Me? I still had a blanket crease on my cheek and I couldnââ¬â¢t find my shoes. Also, sadly, I discovered Iââ¬â¢d left my mascara at home. Fortunately Iââ¬â¢d been incredibly lazy the night before and hadnââ¬â¢t ever gotten around to taking off yesterdayââ¬â¢s. So now not only did I have second day hair, I had second day mascara.”
212. From Robin
Blog URL: http://pensieve.typepad.com/pensieve/
Blog Tagline: Magically delicious!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Would you visit PENSIEVE if $1,000 was up for grabs? Ok, it’s not, but does bribery work, ’cause with all these FABULOUS blogs Liz is showcasing, what in the WORLD do I say to entice you to visit mine? Laughter is divine and you’ll find a healthy dose of it there amidst a Southern slice of life with two teens and a tween…and then I’ll move you to tears when you never saw it coming. The ellipses is my favorite punctuation mark with exclamation points trailing slightly in second place. Often tongue in cheek, always encouraging, snarky but NEVAH mean!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
p.s. I’m really an A-list actress, secretly blogging under the PENSIEVE pseudonym, and if you look closely, you’ll guess who I am.
213. From Wyliekat
Blog Title Still Life With Wyliekat
Blog URL: www.wyliekat.com
Blog Tagline: Not a visible one, but here it is: No matter what happens, this is Still Life. And it’s worth living.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
When I rampage, I do so in a more-or-less grammatically correct way. I rampage frequently.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Okay. So there’s a part of me that’s channeling your grandmother. I can’t help it. I was awoken one night by the smell of mothballs and rose water and before I could even really see the chin wattle and the white lace collar, she’d body snatched me. Or at least part of me. No need to get into which bit, you dirty thing.
214. From Scott Fox
Blog Title Scott Foxââ¬â¢s E-Commerce Success Blog
Blog URL: http://www.scottfox.com/blog_index.html
Blog Tagline: Free Online Marketing Advice to Help You Grow Your E-Commerce Business
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Entrepreneurship strategy and Internet marketing resources, free email newsletters, and weekly podcasts of ââ¬ÅE-Commerce Success Storiesââ¬Â from the Author of Internet Riches, the best-selling guide to starting your own business online.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
The Internet is the greatest business platform for entrepreneurs in history but enough with the hype! Like my book, Internet Riches, my E-Commerce Success blog is an international conversation about the practical, realistic strategies that YOU can take to build an online business success story of your own. Please come join us!
215. From Dave Lucas
Blog Title Dave Lucas’ Notes
Blog URL: http://dave-lucas.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: “News, views and commentary.”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog aggregates, agitates, concentrates, emulates, sophisticates, subjugates and annihilates whatever else you’ll read throughout the blogosphere.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My absolute best blogging advice to anyone who dares type a word on a keyboard: persevere. write, write, write and write! Keep doing it until you are a master. Don’t let anyone stop you!
216-217. From Kirsten
Blog Title Exemplify
Blog URL: www.kristenschiffman.com
Blog Tagline: Following The Footsteps of Freedom
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
ââ¬ÅIf you’ve been around here for a little while you know my favorite posts include: cooking disasters, coffee, coffee, coffee and of course, lattes.ââ¬ÂBlog Title Taste Buds
Blog URL: http://www.kschiffman.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: How Sweet Are Your Words To My Taste
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
ââ¬Å… I believe this may be why I am now sporting an awesome Flexeeze Wrist Sling. Yes, it is true. I am so cool, I need a wrist band to help fight off Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. And if you think I am joking, just ask Jesus.ââ¬Â
218. From Angie
Blog Title BlogCoach.org
Blog URL: http://blogcoach.org
Blog Tagline: “Grow Your Blog”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
At BlogCoach.org you’ll find helpful, informative articles about blogging, blogging resources, and a whole community full of friendly folks eager to help you grow your blog. Get blogging advice from well-known bloggers, discover how to add dimension and interactivity to your site; get helpful design tips from professional blog designers; learn how to make money from your blog, ask questions and get answers, or just hang out with novice and established bloggers on our community board.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Launching a blog is a lot like starting a new workout. Both take time to become part of your normal daily routine. You’ll find yourself hitting your stride after the first few weeks. At the same time, don’t feel like you have to post every day. Once or twice a week is fine at first. As with a workout, if you push too hard, you may burn out and give up. Your brain, like your body, needs time to recharge.”
219. From Margaret Andrews
Blog Title Nanny Goats In Panties
Blog URL: www.nannygoatsinpanties.com
Blog Tagline: “Eliminating all hope for world peace, one post at a time”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
“Nanny Goats In Panties is a humor blog guaranteed to make you laugh or your money back. Minus the shipping.”
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My advice: it’s all about the LPC (Love, Patience and Content). In other words, love thy blogging neighbors unconditionally; promote others as you would promote yourself. Write with your readers in mind. They don’t have time to read your silly blog; they’ve got lives to lead, other blogs to read, not to mention families to feed. Attract them with love, keep them with content. Patience will reward you for it. Me? I want to make you LOL and keep you coming back for more. Like heroin, with less homelessness.
220. From Dr.N.Venkatakrishna
Blog Title Stock market guide
Blog URL: http://www.stockmarketguide.in/
Blog Tagline: Making investors rich
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Blog on Indian stock markets with daily stock recommendations and advice for investors.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I am a doctor and stock market advisor from India. Blogging, Browsing, Reading and music are my hobbies.
221. From Megan
Blog Title FriedOkra
Blog URL: http://friedokra4me.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A stay-at-home Mom to her 3 year old daughter, Bean, and plump as a ripe summer melon with child number two, a boy, due in August 2008, Megan currently parents somewhere at the intersection of Ohmygranny, what on earth do I do now? and Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. She invites you to laugh along with her as she bumbles and stumbles sleepily through her transition from Mama of one to Mama of two, which she has heard will likely look something like what happens when you tie four cats together by the tails and set a mouse free in the room.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“You know what always makes me laugh when I go to the OB for an internal exam? Always, because it never fails? That I’m going into that exam room with the full knowledge that the doctor’s going to make herself quite familiar with all of my South-of-the-waistband anatomy, making full use of stirrups and bright lights and instruments and what have you. There’ll be no stone un-turned down there when she gets done, yet I always very carefully fold my unmentionables and tucks them surreptitiously under my little pile of outer clothing. BECAUSE WE WOULD NOT WANT THAT SAME DOCTOR, THE ONE WHO’S ABOUT TO GO SPELUNKING IN OUR HINTERLANDS, TO CATCH A GLIMPSE OF OUR UNDERPANTS.”
222. From Laurin Evans
Blog Title Laurin and Kelly Talk
Blog URL: http://laurinandkellytalk.com
Blog Tagline: Two modern birds talk about life, kids, fashion, food and everything else!
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Visit Laurin and Kelly Talk to get great tips, articles and funny anecdotes from these two good friends who blog about what they talk about.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Kelly, I know you loved my tip about Babble, and the Etsy color picker tool used up the last bit of your free time, so I feel pretty sure Polyvore might send you over the edge. It’s an outfit assembler where you get to make an online outfit collage using pieces and accessories from a bunch of different stores. Good stores, like Shopbop and J. Crew. You can make it really artsy, and even put in backgrounds to jazz it up.”
223. From Theresa Zagnoli
Blog Title Visual, Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Blog URL: www.theresazagnoli.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: Communication for the boardroom, the courtroom and the living room
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Donââ¬â¢t settle for an ordinary life due to less than extraordinary communication. Check in to my blog regularly and you will find out why you are not that good at knowing how others perceive you and what to do about it.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Itââ¬â¢s not that you canââ¬â¢t get by without knowing. You have managed thus far. But you choose ââ¬â ordinary or extraordinary.
224. From Renee
Blog Title Cutie Booty Cakes
Blog URL: http://www.cutiebootycakes.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Thoughts of a work at home mom obsessed with diaper cakes and starting a new business. Who says I can’t be Superwoman?
This blog is chronicles the challenges of working at home building a business time management, diaper cake creating and family. What more could you ask for? Humorless and pointless but still worth visiting. No, really it is.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
There is a hobbit living in my home. Well, maybe not a hobbit but certainly a troll or some other mythical creature that steals random things that are never to be seen again. For example, where in H E double hockey sticks (I have no problem with saying hell, I just thought that might be cute. On second thought, it isn’t). Where in HELL IS MY OVEN MITT??? That’s right my oven mitt is missing. Where could it be? I don’t know – perhaps you know. Anyone with information about my missing oven mitt please call 555 – 1212. See, what I mean? Random stuff that no one could possibly want, except of course a hobbit, troll, sock monkey. You get the picture.
225. From Marelisa Fabrega
Blog Title Abundance Blog at Marelisa Online
Blog URL: http://abundance-blog.marelisa-online.com
Blog Tagline: Abundance, Authenticity, Simplicity, Productivity, Creating Your Best Life, Celebrating Life
What makes the blog worth visiting?
What makes my blog worth visiting: Instead of just decluttering and organizing, create sacred space. Simplify your life by listening to your inner self, and become more productive not just by doing more in less time, but by allowing coincidences and synchronicity to move your life forward.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Every time you learn something new, pass it along. If youââ¬â¢ve found a great product that has helped you improve your life, recommend it to others. Blogging allows you to help others while helping yourself.
226. From Barbara
Blog Title Blogging Without A Blog
Blog URL: http://bloggingwithoutablog.com
Blog Tagline: Blogging Lessons, Links and Observations
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Blogging Without A Blog is about helping, sharing with, and listening to new bloggers (and some, not so new). I teach what I’ve learned and work on building community, not only on my blog, but on others. Once a week, I find and showcase a new blog for my “New Blog Of The Week” series (on Tuesdays).
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I’m currently running a fabulous interview with Lorelle VanFossen which is making readers think, comment and (maybe) change the way they look at their blogs and writing. Liz, “Part Four” (on Monday 7/28) will include a link to your blog, and your new book, in a heart warming paragraph dedicated to you (written by Lorelle). For anyone looking to meet other bloggers and
joining a community of like minded people, Blogging Without A Blog is the place to be. Hope to see you there!
227. From Amy Lillard
Blog Title Quiet Rebel Writer
Blog URL: www.quietrebelwriter.com
Blog Tagline: “Writing and Creative Success Through Righteous, Rockin’ Rebellion”
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Here’s the deal: By quietly rebelling against some freelancing lore, I’m making my career work. By quietly rebelling against the old status quo in the outside world, including my relationships, my identity as a woman, my general conduct, and more, I’m making a unique and infinitely happier life. Perhaps by writing about this, I’ll provide an interesting and irreverent take for readers on ways to make their lives their own, and to get moving on that whole “pursuit of happiness” thing.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Writers have to be rebels. We have to take the idea of normal and turn it on its head. We have to examine the status quo and the world that exists around us, analyze it, question it, and present it to our readers in ways that make them think and see and feel. Writers have to be a little weird, perhaps even annoying or troublesome or inexplicable. We subject the world inside and outside to tremendous scrutiny, and it can leave us a little touched in the noggin. Writers also have to build immunity to levels of rejection and criticism that far exceed that for sanity. So why do it? At Quiet Rebel Writer, I try to figure it out.
228. From PsychMamma
Blog Title PsychMamma
Blog URL: http://psychmamma.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: Wit & Wisdom From Everyday Life
What makes the blog worth visiting?
post about parenting tips and tricks, product reviews for parents and kids, and my own experiences as a SAHM to my spunky 2-year-old daughter who has special medical needs. Come visit me soon. Bring coffee & chocolate.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Excerpt from post: 12 Tips for Better Doctor Visits with Kids
12 Tips for Better Doctor Visits with Kids
Bring a change of clothes for child AND YOU. — You can leave them in the car, but nobody wants to drive home wearing surprise vomit.
Bring something to catch said ââ¬Åsurprise vomit.ââ¬Â — We always carry two extra cloth diapers and a plastic bag, which wads up nicely in a corner of the diaper bag.
Bring crayons for coloring on exam table paper. — This is the one thing that helped Jenna to not be afraid of getting on the crinkly sounding/feeling paper.
Take a favorite stuffed animal or doll. — Have the nurse and/or doctor do ââ¬Åscaryââ¬Â procedures on special buddy first.
Ask for Sweet-Ease before shots or blood work. — Or you could bring your own in a medicine syringe. This is simply sugar water, but we learned the trick from NICU nurses. It calms and soothes due to an endorphin release. Drug-free soothing. Sweet!(Ha!)
Look forward to seeing you soon!
229. From Rosemary Davies-Janes
Blog Title Miboso Training
Blog URL: http://mibosotraining.com/
Blog Tagline: Exploring and Explaining Training
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Today, training comes in far more flavors, formats and formulation than Baskin-Robbinsââ¬â¢ ice cream. As few can afford the time or money required for retraining, knowing which training format give you the fastest results and greatest retention is critical. MibosoTraining.com offers tips, insights and perspectives that will help you effectively navigate the wide world of training choices.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
A sample of blogging advice from
The paradox in selecting executive training is that what will minimize the pain of the issue is often chosen over that which will tackle the source of the pain. From the inside, it can be very difficult to tell the difference, as the pain can be overwhelming. And indeed, in industries experiencing a great deal of pain, such as manufacturing executives who are facing a loss of competitiveness due to their huge labor costs, a general anesthetic may be a necessary prelude to life saving surgery. But the anesthetic will only hold the pain at bay for a short time. If surgery is not conducted, recovery will not be possible. The entityââ¬âas it wasââ¬âwill cease to exist and a new life form will emerge to take its place. Addressing whatââ¬â¢s causing the pain in your organization requires courage. Anything less than complete truthfulness leaves remnants of the problem intact. They fester and reinfect the organization. Repeat surgeries increase the odds of executive or organizational mortality.
Our Training Needs Analysis is designed to diagnose the true cause(s) of your organizationââ¬â¢s pain and provide a succinct and targeted prescription formulated to kill the infection and establish an environment for vigorous growth. And if, after reading this, you think, ââ¬ÅHah! Yeah, right,ââ¬Â perhaps the disease you are dealing with is indifference to the truth?
230. From Carol Solomon
Blog Title Hypnosis And Diet
Blog URL: http://hypnosisanddiet.com
Blog Tagline: Weight Loss Without The Huffing And Puffing
What makes the blog worth visiting?
This blog is worth visiting because it will make your weight loss easier and more effective. You’ll stop doing all the wrong things and finally get results.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
From what I can tell, most people want to eat a mountain of junk food, go to bed fat and wake up thin, never having to think about it. While it may not work exactly like that, programming the subconscious can considerably shorten the learning curve, and ease the pain of any diet.
The subconscious cannot distinguish reality from imagination. In fact, it runs on pictures and imagination. So if you think to yourself ââ¬ÅI gain weight just looking at food,ââ¬Â or ââ¬Åthese brownies go right to my thighs,ââ¬Â you are giving instructions to your subconscious mind.
Itââ¬â¢s like a big, hungry robot. You program it to do something and it does it, but it can only do what you tell it to do. Controlling your self talk is critical, because the subconscious mind is always listening for your instructions. Self talk is a form of self hypnosis.
The good news is that the subconscious is a VERY powerful tool that can be used to your advantage. Hypnosis and Diet shows you how to program in what you want. Then wash, rinse and repeat it often enough, and you are in control.
231. From Davina Haisell
Blog Title Loving Pulse
Blog URL: http://lovingpulse.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: I trust and allow the loving pulse of my spirit to connect me with the wisdom of life’s mysteries.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
To share in the journey.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
As Samuel Butler says, “Words are clothes that thoughts wear.” So, come and enjoy Davina’s fashion show.
232. From Ellie Mirman
Blog Title HubSpot Internet Marketing Blog
Blog URL: http://blog.hubspot.com
Blog Tagline: (none)
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The HubSpot Internet Marketing Blog helps business leverage inbound marketing practices using the Internet to generate more inbound leads online. For the Internet marketing newbie or for inbound marketing pros, this blog provides tips to improve your businessââ¬â¢ marketing effectiveness.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
We are amazed, time and again, by the blog-reluctance of many small businesses. We hear things like ââ¬ÅI donââ¬â¢t have time to blogââ¬Â, ââ¬Åblogging doesnââ¬â¢t make sense in my industryââ¬Â, and sometimes even the dreaded ââ¬Åwhat the heck is a blog?ââ¬Â
The reality is if your company provides unique products or services, you should be blogging. (And if your company doesnââ¬â¢t, you should probably consider a career change.) The truth is you donââ¬â¢t have time NOT to blog.
There are 6 fundamental benefits to corporate blogging:
(1) Gain visibility as a thought leader
(2) Engage customers in a dialogue
(3) Every blog article is an SEO opportunity
(4) Blogs are link bait
(5) Humanize your brand
(6) Search engines love more and fresh content
233. From Dee Langdon
Blog Title BloggerNewbie
Blog URL: BloggerNewbie.com
Blog Tagline: Blogging for the “real” beginner
What makes the blog worth visiting?
My blog is the day in day out experience of a BloggerNewbie. What are the challenges and how I meet those challenges!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“The only limitations we have are the ones we place on ourselves.” – author unknown
234. From Jonathan Harada
Blog Title Up-Starts..Buenos Aires, Argentina
Blog URL: http://tutoramigos.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: Life (nearly) off the map and start-up businesses flying below radar
What makes the blog worth visiting?
For the international arm chair entrepreneur, it’s a way to get embedded without buying the economy class ticket.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Don’t be afraid to be yourself”, and “Try not to spend all day being yourself”. For newbies like me, it’s the Ying and Yang of blogging. I worry about how I present myself through the blog and how it will reflect on my small business. (“Don’t be afraid to be yourself.”) But also I need to remember to put my fanny in the computer chair of a potential reader (“Try not to spend all day being yourself”) It’s the only way I manage to get a post both started and finished.
235. From David Wetzel
Blog Title Freelance Writing: Word Solutions
Blog URL: http://drwetzel.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: ââ¬ÅProviding Information About Writing for all Those Who Wish to Expand Their Knowledgeââ¬Â
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The focus of this blog is on providing resources for anyone who is a writer or interested in writing. Resources include writing strategies and techniques, along with the best technological resources for a freelance writer.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
This is why I write, I want to know new things. I want to know why and how to explain it to others if I can. This is called inquiry! Finding out why things are the way they are. Writing is just like the central idea of inquiry. To be able to write about something, you need to ask a question – why or what do I need to know? Then find the answers and explain it to others in my own words.
236. From Lawrence Chiu
Blog Title We Lose Weight This Way….
Blog URL: http://hoogoodies.wordpress.com/2008/07/24/we-lose-weight-this-way/
Blog Tagline: Adult, Balanced Diets, Calories, Companion, Diet Program, Favourite Foods, Lose Fat, Lose Weight, Menus, Metabolism, No Exercises, No Pills, Obese Teenagers, Overweight, Psychological Support, Self-Confidence, Weight Loss Experience
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A sentence or two about what makes your blog worth visiting:
To share our real life weight loss experience from myself and my 13 years old obese daughter to people in need. This is especially suit to parents yet looking for effective ways to lose weight for their obese teens. Overweight adults are also recommended for reading. Wish our experience be helpful.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I am a mid forty guy, married & with a cute teenage daughter 🙂
Basically, I work at home since the 2005 on internet marketing. So far I’ve been quite enjoying this type of life as I can work freely and have more time staying with my family.
I love my family and love my life. I named my blog as HooGoodies because I like funny things that make me happy.
Furthermore, I wish I could always share every goodie with my beloved ones to make them happy always.
Life is hard, but we should always make ourself live on happily 🙂 ….
237. From Allison Worthington
Blog Title Mrs. Fusspants Guide to Life
Blog URL: http://www.mrsfussypants.com
Blog Tagline: We Can’t Both Look Good. It’s Me or the House
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Just your average homeschooling mother of five young boys. Popular series include; “Life doesn’t suck as much as I thought”, “Fight the Frump”, “Name that Inappropriate Photo” and “How to Ruin your Life.” The site is fun, upbeat and occasionally insightful.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My best advice about blogging is to love your readers. Jump right out of the screen and hug everyone. Let them know how grateful you are that they spend time with you. Also, scannable, easy to digest posts, because we live in an age of so much distraction. Readers want graphics, photos and entertainment as well as valuable written information. Let your authentic voice come through and you will, over time, build a loyal and sizable readership. Just don’t forget to hug everyone.
238. From Old School Tim
Blog Title Kickin’ it Old School
Blog URL: http://OldSchool.tblog.com
Blog Tagline: One dude’s point of view on all things pop culture & sports related
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Kickin’ it Old School is one dude’s point of view on all things pop culture & sports related. It often (but not always) focuses on topics relating to the 1980’s decade and often (but not always) uses Top 10 lists to generate discussion. Each issue ends with three special features including ‘Check this out’ calling attention to something funny and/or interesting, ‘Quote of the day’ providing some inspirational words, and ‘Download this’ recommending one song that might be worth adding to your personal collection.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Write both as if you think no one else is reading it and as if everybody is reading it. To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes by Oliver Wendell Holmes, it’s faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a blog worth writing.
239. From Rob
Blog URL: http://www.weeklysongcast.com
Blog Tagline: A New song written, recorded and published every week in paradise.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I wanted to inspire people to follow their dreams, so I decided to inspire myself and be inspiring by following my own dream. I am writing songs in a tropical paradise and my dream is to make it my job. Follow me, be inspired by the music as I soak up a new culture and let it seep into my songwriting. You may even find your own dream is closer than you think.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Your blog is a service, no matter how many readers you may attract. If you want to make the most of your blog, well anything in life really, you have to be certain: Certain about your message, your manifesto and your vision & purpose if you want your blog to have any lasting impact. Without a vision & purpose your blog has no value to anyone because it will have no meaning or value to you and it won’t hold your enthusiasm or anyone else’s for long. With enthusiasm in your writing, you will convey something irresistible to your readers.
Authenticity is key to your writing, so be authentic, be committed to providing value and a reason for readers to come back regularly, happily spread the word about how your blog is worth the time it takes to read.
240. From Roxanne Darling
Blog Title Bare Feet Blog
Blog URL: http://www.barefeetstudios.com
Blog Tagline: Internet Literacy for Business
What makes the blog worth visiting?
We speak to the newbies of social media who want to use the internet for business but don’t consider themselves part of the technorati class. We are focusing lately on reaching out to the Hawaii tourism community – and others whose business or brand is managed by out-sourced agencies. We love video podcasting and are experts at helping companies craft show ideas to assist their customers and extend their brands.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
“Don’t Get It? Don’t Worry?!”
We think each business has specific requirement and resources, and really like to tease apart “group think” that is increasingly popular in business advising. You won’t find posts like “10 Things You Must Do…” on our blog! We also produce the internet TV show – Beach Walks with Rox. Daily chill out from the beautiful beaches of Hawaii.
241. From Princess Pointful
Blog Title … and hijinks ensued
Blog URL: http://hijinksgalore.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: Random babblings from my world
What makes the blog worth visiting?
What makes me different from other bloggers is my general spirit of eclectism (as well as my tendency to make up words like eclectism). I will post about why seahorses are cool alongside a list of scandalous confessions all below musings on the nature of empathy.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
It is a little delicious having a secret identity. Granted, the grad-student-by-day, secret-blogger-by-night combination is hardly the calibre of Clark Kent/Superman. Still, as this nocturnal identity seeps in through my pores, I find my sense of self shifting a little.
242. From Jane
Blog Title What About Mom
Blog URL: http://www.whataboutmomblog.com/
Blog Tagline: I’d gaze at my navel, but, have you seen that thing?
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Um. Why not? My kids are above-average, my husband is dorky but forgiving, and I have a 5-ingredient recipe for Molten Lava Cakes.
“I can only hope that when my daughters are old enough to be mothers themselves, they will read what I have written about them, and what thousands of other mothers have written about their own children, and know that I never lied to them: I didn’t enjoy the potty-training or the whiny, high-pitched voices or the syrup on the carpet or the embarrassing runs to the ER for croup or the daily ruining of nice clothes or the stinky poop, but I did enjoy them.
They are the reason I am not even more self-absorbed and impatient and intolerant. They are why I get up in the morning and why I feel guilty when I stay up too late. They are why I am who I am today.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I am mommy: hear me blog.
243. From AL
Blog Title 7P Productions
Blog URL: http://7pproductions.com/blog/
Blog Tagline: Dedicated to achieving goals and dreams.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Hi, my name is Al. My humble site is about making dreams come true.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
The seven P’s are passion, purpose, planning, pursuit, progress, power, and peace. For a little sample, here’s is a snippet from a recent post: “Whether we like it or not, an apology is admitting to the world a weakness and that you failed. Good – be weak. Show youââ¬â¢re human. Make mistakes. Make them early and make them often. Learn from them. Grow. When you fail, say, ‘I’m sorry. I’ll do better next time.’ And make sure you back those words up.”
244. From Bob Hill
Blog Title Two Texans Down Under
Blog URL: www.twotexansdownunder.com
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting?
For anyone considering moving to Australia or wishing they could, but also for Aussies interested in how immigrants view their country, this blog is part travelogue, part practical advice about relocating, and part celebration of a big island 8,333 miles southwest of Dallas where people speak an interesting form of English.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My best advice to fellow bloggers: love what you write about. You’re probably going to spend a lot of time up to your elbows in it. I love my home country with all its flaws and I love this new country that has accepted my partner and me so generously, even though it, too, has flaws, of course. Sorting out the differences and the similaritiesââ¬Â¦ that’s fun for me. — Bob
245. From Adrian Diaconescu
Blog Title Rubiqube
Blog URL: http://rubiqube.com
Blog Tagline: Freelancing, Blogging, Design, Online Income
What makes the blog worth visiting?
I write about my daily activities as freelance web designer and part-time blogger. I think freelancer wannabes can learn a lot from my experiences, just like I did from other freelancers / bloggers. I also write about WordPress and how you can customize its functionality and design, so bloggers might also find some of my articles quite interesting.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
My blogging advice: There’s no such thing as The Lone Blogger, so go out there and interact! That’s what blogging is all about.
246. From Ulla Hennig
Blog Title Ulla Hennig’s Weblog
Blog URL: http://ullahennig.wordpress.com
Blog Tagline: Thoughts and Photos
What makes the blog worth visiting?
It is a kind of photoblog – photos mixed with thoughts. I don’t focus on the technical side of photography. The photos are photos of nature, landscapes, places in and outside of Berlin. I am German, but I have taken the challenge to write in English, which I hope is not too bad.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
The photos are starting points for thoughts about life (not too philosophical, I hope).
247. From Amber Stults
Blog Title Amber Stults ââ¬â Book Reviewer and Author
Blog URL: http://www.amberstults.com
Blog Tagline: Her writing space on the internet
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Short stories donââ¬â¢t get as much attention as their longer counterpart, the novel. Each month I highlight a short story written by someone else that I canââ¬â¢t get out of my head.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Keep blogging on a regular basis. Youââ¬â¢ll develop a group of regular visitors and as soon as your blogging becomes sporadic so will their attention.
248. From Terry Starbucker
Blog Title Terry Starbucker – Ramblings From A Glass Half Full
Blog URL: http://www.terrystarbucker.com/about-this-blog/
Blog Tagline: Dealing with the literal world in a positive way
What makes the blog worth visiting?
If you’re looking for encouragement, inspiration and advice that can help you live your life to its “half fullest”, this is the place!
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I’m a believer in what is sometimes called “the law of attraction” – that is, if I can put a positive enough vibe out there, laced with the possibilities of a path to happiness and fulfillment through a personal philosophy, and infused with encouragement and a genuine desire to help other people, then I can transfer some of that to those who read it.
249. From Alessio Sbrana
Blog Title Drink a Drink
Blog URL: http://www.drinkadrink.com
Blog Tagline: Drink a Drink, for a better drinking experience
What makes the blog worth visiting?
News, reviews and recipes about the World of Drinks: bar, cocktail, longdrinks, bartendering and much more for a better drinking experience. Drink a Drink is a multi-author thematic blog on the world of drinks: six friends with a common interest in bartendering and drinking alcoholics amenably, goes around reviewing bars and cocktail and sometime they cast videorecipes also.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
250. From Steve Sherlock
Blog Title Franklin Matters
Blog URL: franklinmatters.blogspot.com/
Blog Tagline: Your source for information in multiple media formats on what matters in Franklin, MA.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Many Town Council and School Committee meetings are reported with live postings then summarized in a weekly podcast with my own insights and analysis on what matters in Franklin and why you should care.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
251. From Sondra Santos LaBrie
Blog URL: http://happyhealthyhip.blogspot.com
Blog Tagline: Peace Begins in the Home
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Dedicated to Moms and Dads alike, HAPPY HEALTHY HIP PARENTING features articles on parenting, relationships, and sex as well as product and book reviews for parents.
HAPPY HEALTHY HIP PARENTING is a fun and unique place to go for the most recent discussions on trends, relationships and sex as well as some fun product reviews and quizzes to make the daily routine more exciting.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
252. From Anne Wayman
Blog Title The Golden Pencil
Blog URL: www.thegoldenpencil.com
Blog Tagline: Making good money as a freelance writer.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Anne knows her stuff; she’s been a successful freelance writer making good money for years and she tells you how to do it too.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
253. From Heather Kitty Mak
Blog Title Packaging Probe
Blog URL: http://www.packagingprobe.com/blog.html
Blog Tagline: none
What makes the blog worth visiting? >
none offered
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
I’ve seen it, and you’ve seen it. Things that are overpackaged! Report it, talk about it, improve it.
254. From Barbara Rozgonyi
Blog Title Wired PR Works by Barbara Rozgonyi
Blog URL: http://barbararozgonyi-wiredprworks.com
Blog Tagline: Getting the Media to Work for You
What makes the blog worth visiting?
A fine blend of branding, entertainment, public relations, SEO and social media.
“You can be anyone you want to be – you just have to tell your world about it. Come on over – I’ll show you how.” Barbara Rozgonyi, speaker, entrepreneur, imagemaker
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
255-256. From Cathryn Hrudicka
Blog Title What’s Innovation Got to Do with It? – the Creative Sage blog
Blog URL: http://www.CreativeSage.com/blog
Blog Tagline: http://www.CreativeSage.com/blog
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The Creative Sage blog is for organizations, work teams and individuals who want to soar to peak performance, be remarkable, lead and sustain their organization in the innovation economy. Tips about business creativity and innovation in different fields and markets. Insights into executive, transition and reinventing retirement coaching, and coaching creative people.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
noneBlog Title PR, Social Media and Marketing Mentor – the Cathryn Hrudicka & Associates blog
Blog URL: We bring your message to the world, and the world to you. Let’s start a conversation.
Blog Tagline:
What makes the blog worth visiting?
The Cathryn Hrudicka & Associates blog features tips about integrating public relations, social media and marketing outreach programs, using social networking tools and online communities effectively, and discussing industry events, developments and issues.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
257. From Crystal Unrau
Blog Title Moms In A Blog
Blog URL: http://momsinablog.com
Blog Tagline: Inspired, Empowered & Informed
What makes the blog worth visiting?
none offered
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
258. From Nivas
Blog Title Key Life Skills that make the most of your life |Personal Development through NLP
Blog URL: http://lifeofexcellence.com/blog
Blog Tagline: where Excellence is Unleashed.
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Success is always simple and it the human mind that makes it much more complicated.Success in life comes from mastering certain key fundamentals and using them every single day.Discover those Key Fundamentals that make the Tremendous impact and help you have a radical growth in your life.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
259. From Kathy Hendershot-Hurd
Blog Title Virtual Impax
Blog URL: http://virtualimpax.com
Blog Tagline: Creating Exceptional Online Marketing Tools For Business Owners Who Don’t Speak Geek
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Kathy’s strength is translating geek speak into plain English. In her blog, she shares what you need to know with her blog clients. However, you don’t have to be a blog client to appreciate Kathy’s posts. From how to subscribe to an RSS feed to defining what Alexa is why you should care, Kathy writes about complex technical issues in an easy to understand way.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
260.From Akemi Gaines
Blog Title Yes to Me
Blog URL: http://yes-to-me.com/
Blog Tagline: Life Purpose, Entrepreneurship, Spiritual Growth
What makes the blog worth visiting?
Inspiring posts by Akashic Record Reader Akemi Gaines on how to grow as a person and as an entrepreneur. Also features Interviews With Successful Entrepreneurs.
Blogging advice or a short bloggy quote:
Sorry to Vicky H., Tom and Dustin who missed the deadline — all great blogs.