The Net Was Filled with Fake Fake News

I’ll never forget one particular April Fools’ Joke during my college years in Peoria. That Midwest city is the home of the famous Caterpillar tractor — five major plants in the metropolitan area produce monster land moving equipment of a trademark yellow color.
One April 1st, the Penny Press, the free newspaper. ran a front page article describing how market research revealed that the famous yellow color was dangerous in large construction sites, particularly in non-English-speaking parts of the world. The article said, with all dry humor, that as of certain date Caterpillar Tractor would be changing their signature color to HOT PINK. Most readers didn’t know the article was a joke.
As I recall, the article caused quite stir in the metropolitan area dependent on the tractor company for a disproportionate part of its thriving economy. Folks were talking about losing their jobs.
The Penny Press, a weekly paper, had to wait to before they could let folks know it was a ruse. Was the article good publicity for the Penny Press?
Here are five April Fools’ Jokes from this year.
- Penguins – BBC
- The Finger
- ProBlogger Launches PayPerTweet
- IRS Considers Tax Exempt Status for Bloggers
- Google Buys One Man’s Blog For Undisclosed Sum
What makes a great prank and what makes one great? How credible do they have to be? How easy to figure out? When do they make good press? Is timing important? When do they work for or against the prankster? Which April Fool’s joke will you remember most from this year?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Know that the message you send is the right one. Work with Liz!!
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