Blogger A Day Call: Hello is Tom there?

When I suggested to Director Tom that he be a B.A.D. Blogger, he was, as he is, the curious person who makes stories on film. He wondered about what we would do, and say. He suggested “Saturday morning with a cup of coffee sound.” 🙂
I thought here’s a guy who was going to be a perfect conversation partner for me — worth looking forward to the way children look foward to Saturday morning cartoons.
I tried to set his mind to ease a bit with “We’ll just talk like regular people. 🙂
It’s a phone call. I bet we’ll get it right. Probably have a whole lot more fun than Dinner with Andre.”
Tom set the tone for the call when he replied to my email with, “Regular people? Fooey! Aw, c’mon.” 🙂
What could I possibly answer to that, but “Okay then, like us.” 🙂 . . . ? And looking back I have to say that’s exactly who we were.
Tom answered the phone and immediately we were talking, and laughing. Laughter comes easily to both of us. We spent most of our time working on changing things on Tom’s blog, while we did so we talked about blogs and what he did. Boy that was fun!
Tom talked about his awards and his films, but I liked most the part when he talked about how he started blogging. He said that he went online looking for someone, anyone,who explained how to do what he does. “Everyone has a website,” Tom said. “I don’t want to attract other filmmakers. I want to tell folks who want to tell stories on film how to do that.”
Tom explained to me that there were three important questions I needed to answer to tell a good story on film — I should know
- What do you want to say?
- Who’s going to say it?
- What pictures compliment the story?
Tom said that’s how to tell a smart story in a smart way.
Go read his blog I think he does great job of it and every time he leaves me wanting to say, “Hey Tom, would you do it again?”
B.A.D. Blogger Quote
I love all sorts of ideas and philosophies. . . . I need to play around in the sand boxes. . . . I have to at least look, with blogging, I wanted to participate. — Thomas R. Clifford
Stop by Tom’s Blog, Director Tom Blog, and say hi!
Thanks, Tom you B.A.D. Blogger!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Want to be a B.A.D. Blogger see the. . . a B.A.D. Blogger? page in the sidebar