Blogger A Day Call: Hello is Carolyn there?

Carolyn was a bit wet from a rainstorm in Houston, but she was armed with a cup of coffee when the telephone rang at her end. We talked about the Houston weather, but soon enough we were on other topics, such as blogging and getting used to the differences between print and online text.
Then we were discussing the content in spam comments. We had a laugh about the idea of what cartoon characters do for fun. We also talked about how we were the market for spammers, since we’re the ones who read the awful things they try to plant on our blogs.
Carolyn told me about her past life in the financial industry. She pointed out that “People act so differently in a board room.” I could almost hear her asking them, “Why do you do that?” Carolyn says it’s important to break down those boardroom walls for us to get to know each other. I listened to her tell how she does that by connecting art and business to bring out the human side.
Carolyn explained that now she has a custom gift business and in her business she teaches executives how to get to know their clients through personal gift giving.
Carolyn’s approach is to teach executives to talk with clients about their weekend, their family, or something personal before every meeting or phone call. She encourages that as that a “little investigating.” She said that when the time comes, the executive then can give the client a more personal gift for doing business. Carolyn explained that she provides her executive clients choices for first gifts that aren’t too personal, but show that the executive has been listening.
Here’s an example of a thank you Carolyn might send to someone she just met.
Carolyn has found a way to help businesses show they care about people.
That makes it easy to care about Carolyn.
B.A.D. Blogger Quote
Anyone can do it. It’s so accessible to anyone. There are so many great ideas. It’s going to be so exciting to see where it goes. — Carolyn Goodwin
Stop by Carolyn’s Blog, Whirled Events and say hi!
Thanks, Carolyn, you B.A.D. Blogger!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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