Chris Says So

For the One-in-a-Million-Category of:
Best integration of cartoons and theme with inspiration and encouragement. In addition to having a top notch theme that sets a perfect tone and a customized cartoon to help tell the story of every post, to qualify for this category a blog must focus in by choosing a particular niche group of people who especially need encouragement and tips on how to better balance life with work. Oh, and it helps to have the word “Success” in the title. Then top it all off by being as helpful as possible to every blogger out there.
The winner is Tony D. Clark, Success From The Nest.
This award was submitted by: One-in-a-Million Cohort: Chris Cree
Thanks, Chris, for seeing the one in a million in another blogger! Thanks Trée George and Sandy Renshaw for the logo that shouts it out!
–ME “Liz” Strauss