Welcome, Come On In

Welcome to the Second Official Successful-Blog Blog-to Show where we are showcasing blogs from all over the blogosphere. Each official submission has brought a reason to visit and a bit of advice or wise words for you.
A few words before you, enter the gates . . .
It’s amazing, but 78 emails — about 30% — were returned to request information that was missing. Some got their information back to me. Those that are missing parts are at the end.
To anyone who emailed anything to be included after the first post went up, please don’t be looking to find what you sent here. The deadline read “before Saturday.”
The Gates Are Offically Open
So have a look, walk around, and enjoy yourself. Click the blog titles to visit the blogs for a closer. Comments are welcome here and at each invidivual blog. Take a second to let folks know you were there. It’s a great chance to make some fine relationships! Everyone invested time to make this happen . . . show that you noticed!
If you’re on the list, blog about it, stumble it, pass it on so that folks can keep this library of blogs that we’ve built together.
Aggregate POST will go up SUNDAY at NOON — all of these Great New Blogs in one post!Click here to go to the Aggregate Post. It’s up already!!
Congratulations! And thank you everyone!
Come get the aggregate tomorrow! You can out tonight and have some fun to celebrate! . . . But remember don’t drink and blog!
And an explanation of the glitches and mysterious appearing posts on Monday.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!