Three Really Great People

Each of these folks brings a special humanity to the blogosphere you can see that in the energy and insight of every word that they write. So today being Blogtipping Day, August 1, I tip my blog to them.
Here’s how it works.
- Choose three or more bloggers you admire and link to them,
- List three reasons why you admire each one.
- Then add a tip at the end.
That’s all there is to it.
1. Ann at Manage to Change. I tip my blog to you because
My blog tip: Consider writing a post on Liz’s Blog :).
My blog tip: Your comments are the best promotion for your blog. Use them often and liberally at new blogs every week.
3. Robert at Accidental Taorist
My blog tip: I love your template, but I’d love it better if it worked in IE. 🙂
–Me “Liz” Strauss
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