Jan and Joanna Inspired Me!

It’s such fun to be inspired!
Jan of Circular Communication wrote a wonderful guest post for Lorelle called Why A Link Post Should Be Like Mingling at a Party. Joanna of Confident Writing used it as a springboard into a post of her own, How to write a links post.
Joanna’s Definition of a Great Link Post
Joanna said that as a writer she prefers to write link posts that have these characteristics. This is one fabulous definition. [I’ve edited her words slightly.]
A great links post
- has a theme, something that connects the links together
- has been percolating for a while
- links five different pieces of writing
- is of value to readers
- has a structure, a hook or a theme that connects the strands together and turns them into something bigger, different, new. . .
Can you write a thematic link post that meets Joanna’s definition? It’s like telling a story. . . . Vern does it every Sunday linking three or four blogs. It’s not as hard as it seems and it’s quite satisfying.
Are you up for the challenge? If you come through, I’ll build a story link post linking all of your thematic link posts together.
Go on, make my life miserable . . . the more who participate, the more work I’ll have to do. Rally a crowd. I’m up for it now. Nothing can be as hard as the 10 Chapter saga of A List Becomes 301 Links in Story.
Here’s What to Do
- Write a link post that follows Joanna’s definition above.
- Tag the post Joanna Young.
- Link to Joanna’s post at http://coachingwizardry.typepad.com/confident_writing/2007/08/link-posting-sh.html
- Link to this post at https://www.successful-blog.com/1/writing-challenge-joannas-thematic-link-post/
That way I can include you my link post response. - Today is August 13th, let’s put the end at midnight CDT (GMT-6) August 23rd.
C’mon try it. Pick five links that go together. Then write a post to connect them. Or pick 10 or 20!!
You just might find that you had a great time! Think of the link love we’ll spread. Yeah, it’s time to get jazzed about linking and writing.
Are you going to give it a shot?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!
A List Becomes 301 Links in Story — Chapter 1.
Link Anchor Text: SEO and Relationships
How to Code Links for Sidebars and Posts
How to Code Accessible Links–Part 1
How to Code Accessible Links–Part 2
How to Code Accessible Links–Part 3