What’s in a Question?

You wake up and you find everything you had is gone.
Your computer is crashed. Your house has collapsed. Your beautiful puppy has run away with the local hound.
Everywhere you turn something else seems to be falling apart.
You try to make sense of it.
Your choice between two questions will affect whether you move forward or get stuck more than you might realize.
Will you think …
How do things get any worse?
How does it get any better than this?
Whether your world is falling apart or the universe falling into into sync with the life you want to live, things can always get better.
Moving toward the better is raises our positive brain chemistry. That fuels our minds and hearts, keeps us smiling, and keeps us investing in the world as a better place. With that outlook fueling us, we keep building dreams and we keep attracting positive people who want to help us. Without it, we start pushing the positive off.
Just the right question — How does it get any better than this? —
in times of stress or happiness is that powerful.
Try asking yourself that question every day for a month.
See what happens.
We can change the world — just like that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
If you’re ready to change the world, send me your thoughts in a guest post. Feel free to take the gorgeous Change the World image up there back to your blog and write your own.