Some Successes Only Look that Way Later

Can you imagine?
A singer songwriter David LaMotte, had to cancel a weekend of shows. He asked a friend, a young writer, singer, aspiring performer — who was working as a waitress — if she would fill in for him. Filled with anxiety, she agreed.
The young singer pulled together what courage she could muster to sing her way through songs other people wrote. All the while, she sang around her fear and did her best to disregard her self-doubt.
Thoroughly exhausted, the young singer was stopped at the end of a set. There before her was an actor from a traveling theater production. He was amazed to hear this was her first performance in a club. The actor reached in his pocket to hand her a $100 bill with the words, “never give up.”
And we know her. She’s a wonderful writer, songwriter, and singer. It’s five CDS later. I’m proud to call her a friend. Her name is in my sidebar and has been for almost two years.
“It was an endorsement from the angels,†Christine Kane said about that night when she was handed that $100. Sometimes you don’t see your own success coming.
It makes me smile to think that one of my favorite lines from her songs is a lot the same.
When courage finally comes you never see it coming.
I wonder that night is what the song was about.
You decide.
Right Outta Nowhere the words and the song are waiting behind that link.
Sort of makes me feel like a success just listening to her sing.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!
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