Welcome to the SOB Cafe
We offer the best in thinking–articles on the business of blogging written by the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers of Successful Blog. Click on the titles to enjoy each selection.
The Specials this Week are
Michael Stelzner wants your vote on the Best Books.
Orbit Now! has 10 Traits that are worth knowing about.
Shards of Consciousness exquisitely details how to change domains on a WordPress blog. This is fine art in how-to writing.
Copyblogger points out why keeping connected is critical to a growing blog.
A View from the Isle points out a truth of humanity.
Vitaly Friedman has the right stuff for drawing up our plans.
Related ala carte selections include
The Zehnkatzen Times coins the much needed phrase “clicky to embiggen” to let you know he has our colors.
A Weblog Tools Collection Essay teaches the fine art of blog juggling.
Sit back. Enjoy your read. Nachos and drinks will be right over. Stay as long as you like.
No tips required. Comments appreciated.
Have a great weekend!
–ME “Liz” Strauss