It was fun last year. Wanna play again?
- Copy the unfinished story below into your post box.
- Fill in the blanks to finish the story. For most of the blanks use a blogger’s name, a trait, a post title, a blog title — get creative. Finish each sentence in an unexpected way. You can find plenty of links to spark your imagination at the A-Z directory.
- Link the text you added back to the blog or blogger you’re referencing.
- Be creative. Change the words or storyline as you wish in order to fit in the links you like.
- When you’re done, leave a link with the title to your version of the story in the comment box below.
I’ll gather up the links you leave as I always do. You’ve got until 2pm CST on Thursday, September 6, 2007 — see the clock in my sidebar — to leave your link here in the comment box.
My version of the story follows the blank one.
I had _____ , but I was looking for _____. An adventure was in order.
A couple of galaxies down and one nebula over, I entered _____ . I saw ____ making a Chris Brogan list with ____ about 50 ways to ____ .
Nearby ___ was _____ and ___ had just ____ .
Meanwhile, some _____ were wandering aimlessly and asking, “Has anyone found ____ ?”
No one seemed to notice the group in a candlelit corner. Dressed in black, in cognito, ___ held a rendezvous with ____ , and ____ . Rumor has it they were plotting to _______ .
The meeting of folks from ____ broke into conflict with ____ over ____.
That seemed HUGE until ______ .
______ couldn’t shut up about that _____. As a result, two thousand people decide to _____, _____, and we heard ____ for days after.
_____ reported that, “It’s simply ____ .”
My own perspective is ______.
End of story.
The gaping void of the CyberSaloon

I had more than 45 things to get done, but I was looking for 1 Good Reason to forget all about them. An adventure was in order.
A couple of galaxies down and one nebula over I entered a place called Serenity Quest. I saw Plain Jane Mom making a Chris Brogan list with Photo Matt about 50 ways to Pick the Brain of or the guy who writes the blog that was on their screen at the moment.
Nearby TAXGIRL was ordering a Technical Bliss and Invincibelle had just ordered a jaffee juice.
Meanwhile, some Remarkable Parents were wandering aimlessly and asking, “Has anyone found a way to have a Life Beyond Code ?”
No one seemed to notice the group in a candlelit corner. Dressed in black, in cognito, Copyblogger held a rendezvous with Chartreuse (BETA), and Another Blogger. Rumor has it they were plotting to kidnap Guy Kawasaki and sell Alltop on the blog black market.
The meeting of folks from The Artsy Asylum broke into conflict with Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing over the principles of Confident Writing.
That seemed HUGE until Queen of Spain walked in on the arm of the Tracksuit CEO.
TwitterStars couldn’t shut up about that Internet Moment. As a result, two thousand people decided to eMail Our Military with the story, Lorelle fell off WordPress, and we heard obscure Ramblings from a Glass Half Full for days after.
PR 2.0 reported that, “It’s a matter of getting the rhythm of Life in Perpetual Beta.”
My own perspective is Genuine Curiosity proves out that Geeks are Sexy. Still, be aware. If you traverse Global Neighbourhoods and the gapingvoid of a CyberSaloon, it’s all too possible you might find yourself among the confused of calcutta.
Which isn’t altogether such a bad place to be.
End of story.

ME “Liz” Strauss