The Day I Learned What I Know

A turning point in my blogging history was called “An Open Thought: Please Take the Keys.” I knew when I wrote that piece that something was wrong; I even had a feeling what it might be. I had been looking for a way to bring it up. . . .
When I did, you were there. You stepped up and told me what I was doing wrong. It was the coolest thing. That was the day this blog became a community.
I’ve always been grateful for the day that you took the keys.
Relationships grow and change.
Last week at BlogHer I overheard someone say something. It’s something I’ve heard in passing on this blog. I’ve also heard the same thing inside the compliments that you give me and in the apologies that come when we talk.
The person at BlogHer said, “If they post more than once a day, they’re banned from my feeds.”
You’ve been more tactful than that, but you’ve been sort of saying the same thing.
Blog Post Fatigue? Please Take the Keys
Not to worry, it’s no longer about me being brave. This time it’s me asking you what you think, what you need, and what you like to read. I can tell from your comments a few things. I’m also perceptive enough to read a bit of what you’re not saying.
On the other hand, I’m as blind as every other human. No one knows that better than this human being.
You’re the people I trust and the people I serve. So, you’re the ones I’m coming to. I’ll lay out the problem, and I hope that you’ll tell me what you know.
The problem: I’m about head and heart, business and life, information and relationships, so I post twice a day at least. When I add in the projects I want to keep up with, references lists and resources, 200 outstanding blogs, and the questions/photos things I like to throw in for discussion, I’m feeling like I post way too frequently.
It’s not like anyone’s advice is going to change who I am, how I write, or maybe even what I do. I’m still the one who has trouble walking in a straight line. . . .
But you took the keys one time and you didn’t steer me wrong then. I’d be downright stupid not to listen now.
I’m many things, but stupid ain’t one of them.
Please take the keys.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Is your business stuck?Work with Liz!!