Link Love for Making Things Brighter

Today I’m celebrating official Blogtipping Day. How about you? As the song goes “Give a little bit . . .” Here’s how it works.
- Choose three bloggers you admire and link to them.
- List three reasons why you admire each one.
- Then add a tip at the end.
That’s all there is to it.
Phil Gerbyshak
- When it comes to positivity, Phil, you are the REAL THING. No question.
- On and off your blog, Make It Great! you take genuine pleasure in the success of others. You’re not shy about saying so.
- I’ve read your entire blog. Your ideas are compelling. You write well and with passion. You are one in a million.
Tip: Keep some of that energy just for Phil. Don’t ever forget that folks who know you are with for the long haul.
Dr. Kirsten Harrell, Psy. D.
- The Think Positive Blog is popping with energy. I feel it as soon as I click in there.
- Kirsten, you are the same way. It comes through in every blog post you write and in all of your ipopin affirmations.
- You’ve brought a bundle of positive insights to discussions throughout the blogosphere. I always look forward to your comments when you visit here.
Tip: You have so much to offer. My only tip is that we want more.
Troy Worman
- Anyone who’s been to Orbit Now knows that it’s a positively amazing place. It’s always changing in a way that makes me look forward to going there for a fresh new outlook. I find myself re-reading nuggets of wisdom, just to stay a little longer.
- Troy, you have a positive world view that is creative, clever, and contagious. And interwoven through that is a quite dose of compassion.
- You and your blog are a category of one. It’s a category worth keeping.
Tip: I think your “I want to be your mentor idea” is fabulous. Please ask for help if you need to find people to sign up.
Thanks to all three of you for bringing positivity to the blogosphere. I’m smiling just to think of the contribution you make.
–Me “Liz” Strauss
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