Welcome to the SOB Cafe
We offer the best in thinking–articles on the business of blogging written by the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers of Successful Blog. Click on the screenshot to enjoy each selection.
The Specials this Week are
Improbulus tackles the problems at Technorati by breaking down a sizeable post and testing each part of it to see which parts get indexed and which don’t–finding out exactly which bits of formatting seem to trip up the Technorati spiders. Looks like I’m going to have to write another poem to this fine researcher soon.
Brian at copyblogger shows the the ugly, the bad, and the good of getting attention for your business through marketing strategies. This one piece explores way more than just two.
Mark Wade discusses the launch of BlogEverywhere, the new blogging interface from the maker of hotmail, that works from a toolbar. As they say, “This is not your father’s blog platform.”
Marianne takes on a conversation with Jack Trout’s article at Forbes about Word of Mouth Marketing. Score one more for bloggers.
The ala carte dessert selections is
Scot Herrick’s blog is actually two blogs in one–a writing blog and a business blog. Visit it to see how beautiful design and and great content can be friends in seamless companionship as fraternal twins.
Sit back. Enjoy your read. Nachos and drinks will be right over. Stay as long as you like.
No tips required. Comments appreciated.
Have a great weekend!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Related article:
SOB Business Cafe 03-03-2006