Welcome to the SOB Cafe
We offer the best in thinking — articles, books, podcasts, and videos about business online written by the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers of Successful Blog. Click on the titles to enjoy each selection.
The Specials this Week is
the list of panels by the friends of SOBCon. If you know these folks, you’ll know that it’s smart and lucky to vote for them.
SOBCon influence invades SxSW Panel picker. Get out and vote for these amazing folks so
- @lizstrauss @starbucker @caroljsroth@caroljsroth will present:
Build, Buy, Partner: Time is Money - @lizstrauss @starbucker @caroljsroth@caroljsroth will present:
From Jobbies to Businesses: Strategies for Irresistible Success -
@ericlukazewski will present:
Confessions From Social Media Event Organizers - @JasonFalls will present:
Social Media: The Pink Collar Ghetto of Tech? - @renewabelle @renewabelle will present:
Making Sustainable Attainable: Energy Efficient Computing - @DaveMurr will present:
Have Fun to Increase Customer Engagement - @jeanniecwwill present:
X Marks the Spot: Mapping The Customer Experience - @LisaPetrilli @judymartin8 will present:
Conquer Your Kryptonite: Superpowers Fueling Kick-Ass Business Deals - @conniereece will present:
Resources Roulette: Winning Social Strategies for Shrinking Budgets - @ScottMonty @Schwen @ShannonPaul will present:
Socially Regulated: Social Media in Regulated Industries - @jonathanfields will present:
Fear and the Art of Creation - @LucretiaPruitt will present:
Killing Clark Kent; When You Outgrow Your AlterEgo - @GlendaWH will present:
The untapped iPad Market: Is Your Site POUR? - @hardlynormal Mark Horvath will present:
A Conversation on Social Change through Social Media - @armano will present:
Why PR’s Future May Not Look Like PR
Remember, voting ends on August 27th, so do it now. BTW, these are also great people to follow on Twitter.
If you’re a member of the SOBCon community or want to be one and you have a panel you’d like to be on this list, Tweet or DM us at @sobcon, or add a comment to this post.
Sit back. Enjoy your read. Nachos and drinks will be right over. Stay as long as you like. No tips required. Comments appreciated.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
I’m a proud affiliate of