Blogger A Day Call: Hello is Jodee there?

It was New Year’s Day when Jodee Bock left her first comment on Successful-Blog. Of course, I knew who she is. She is a friend of Phil Gerbyshak, I’ve seen her book, and I’ve read her blog. Then there it was a comment she left, that told of her burning belief in Extreme Leadership ala Steve Farber. We have a lot in common. I had only one choice then.
I called Jodee Bock up within minutes of her comment.
We spent some time talking about Steve Farber and how each of us knew him. We detailed the parts of Radical Leap and Radical Edge, his two books, that were our favorite parts. We tossed quotes at each other. We’re both teachers and we’re both invested in the study of creativity.
We discussed other folks that we had in common. It’s amazing how small the world is, yet how long it took for Jodee and I to meet.
Jodee told me of her business, Bock’s Office. We talked about the variety of projects and people that she brings together. She is a person who makes things happen.
Jodee explained how she works with clients using research from her own book, her Accerated innovation training, and ideas from Steve Farber’s books. She said that one of her favorite challenge points is the “questioning machine.” That’s a telephone recording device that when a call comes in it asks two questions — the most important questions of a lifetime. Who are you? and What do you want? Jodee said she uses the questioning machine idea often when she works with groups on creativity innovation, and leadership.
It’s not a surprise that she and I met in the comment box under a post quoting Steve Farber. Jodee Bock is an Extreme Leader. She’s also a creative, insightful person to talk with, not to mention lots of fun.
Jodee Bock knows who she is and what she wants. She has no fear of that questioning machine.
B.A.D. Blogger Quote
I’ve connected with people. I’ve met with people. The people are so generous and so real, they given so much . . . — Jodee Bock
Stop by Jodee’s Blog, You Already Know This Stuff, and say hi!
Thanks, Jodee, you B.A.D. Blogger!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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