A Weekly Series by Teresa Morrow
Iâm Teresa Morrow, Founder of Key Business Partners, LLC and I work with authors and writers by managing their online promotion. As part of my job I read a lot of books (and I love to read anyway!). I am here to offer a weekly post about one book I am working with and one book I have put on my reading list. This week I decided to doing something a little different…an interview with one of the authors I have highlighted on my weekly series. The books will cover topics such as social media (Facebook and Twitter), organization, career building, networking, writing and self development and inspiration.

Please share with the readers a bit more about you and your background?
Iâve been fortunate to do some really groovy things in my life, from coaching college basketball to writing books and speaking. Iâve always chosen projects to work on and books to write by order of deliciousnessâ¦in other words, I base the vast majority of my decisions on what I think will be the most fun. I believe if you always do fun things, there will always be plenty of fun things to do. Thatâs my personal mantra, as well as my business plan.
It is true, even though you have an immense love for rock and roll, you have never been in a rock band?
I donât play an instrument and Iâve never been in a band. However, I have been to hundreds of concerts by my favorite rockers.
With your book, #Dream Tweet, it is all about inspiration. What does inspiration mean to you at its core?
According to my rock & roll philosophy, inspiration is a synonym for fun and joy and passion and appreciation. When weâre inspired weâre groovinâ on what weâre doing all the way down to our toes. Itâs when we feel most alive and in tune with the universe.
How did you become interested in the rock and roll so much that you made a living out of it?
Rock & Roll has been my muse and my passion since I was a small child. My older brother swears I could sing entire Beatles albums by the time I was four years old, which was in 1965. I also remember him bringing home the early Dylan stuff and between that and the Beatles, the die was cast and I was a rocker. Itâs been my constant companion ever since.
Share with the readers about your book, #DreamTweet.
Iâm blessed to be living my dream as the Rock and Roll Guru. Seriously, is there a cooler job title in the world? I wanted to share my thought process for living my dream, because itâs not at all complicated. The book is about creating a dream, taking inspired action, having a ton of fun and detaching from the outcome while groovinâ on the journey (the journey of life, not the band Journey).
For those wishing to live their dreams but donât know where to start, what is your advice?
Focus on what you love to do, and make time to do more of it. Do what you love in the spirit of service with all the joy & passion you can summon. Live in appreciation and be open to opportunity, knowing you can design your life around your passion and dreams, whether that means making it your career or business or hobby or whatever floats your boat.
You are a speaker as well as an author. What advice do you have for those who are beginning a speaking career?
Speak as often as possible and get really good before you start asking to be paid.
What is next for the Rock and Roll Guru?
Iâm totally stoked about another book I have coming out next month titled The Rock and Roll Guide to Customer Loyalty. Iâm probably the first person to interpret customer service/customer loyalty in terms of rock & roll. Weâre making the ebook available for free at RockandRollGuru.com, and that will be up on the site within the next week. No strings attached. You donât have to register or give us your email address. Just download the pdf. Of course, if people like it they can also buy a copy of the printed versionâ¦or many copies to give as gifts.
My other hugely fun project right now is the Rock & Roll Dictionary. It has been an absolute blast working on this, as I use my Daffynitions approach to explain my favorite rock stars. Iâm thinking I might finish it this summerâ¦or not, as the spirit moves me.
Here is a fun question just for fun sake. What is your favorite album?
My favorite album is whatever is on my turntable right nowâ¦or whatâs in the car stereoâ¦or what Iâm listening to on my iPod as I go walking.
How can people stay in touch with you and purchase copies of your book, #DreamTweet?
My Rock & Roll headquarters is RockandRollGuru.com. You can find all my books here or at your favorite online bookstore. For a daily dose of fun you can also follow me at both twitter.com/rockandrollguru and twitter.com/daffynitions