It’s the Living!

Every blogger knows we have to repeat what we say, because sometimes folks are absent. . . . or they’re busy thinking their own thoughts . . . or we didn’t say it quite as well as we might. So when a friend says something brilliant we keep it close and use it again and again.
It starts with the words of Tony D. Clark. Thank you, friend.
The whole thing changes when the world becomes your community.
Every blogger knows having a friend who will help out is why the Internet is thriving.
Two weeks ago, I asked a favor of Mitch Matthews. Would you guest host Open Comments Night? He made it sound like I was giving him a gift. Thank you, Mitch, for jumping in with all of the energy, fun, and wonderful things you are.
Every blogger knows, when someone comes to town, it’s important to say “hello,” even if you’ve never met. As it turned out a hello became the start of a conversation with Jeff Pulver and his cousin. Eric, and ended in Jeff’s Summer Party at the House of Blues. Thank you, Jeff, for your charming curiosity, your incredible generosity, and the amazing people you gathered in one room.
Every blogger knows some folks are connected before they meet. How do you do to Chris Brogan, who greeted me with kind words from a friend, Becky McCray. Thank you, Becky. I feel like you introduced us. Thank you, Chris, for unexpectedly showing up, and showing up more than I would have expected.
Every blogger knows that coming home is the best! Thank you everyone who was here at Open Comments Last Night to make Mitch feel welcome as a guest.
Thank you, Wendy and Ari, for being part of the event last night. Fun isn’t as much fun without people who are close.
Yeah it’s right. Sometimes we have to repeat what we say, because folks are absent. . . . or they’re busy thinking their own thoughts . . . or we didn’t say it quite as well as we might. So I’ll say it again.
I’m one lucky blogger so many times over. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.