A Weekly Series by Teresa Morrow
Iâm Teresa Morrow, Founder of Key Business Partners, LLC and I work with authors and writers by managing their online promotion. As part of my job I read a lot of books (and I love to read anyway!). I am here to offer a weekly post about one book author I am working with and one book I have put on my reading list. This week I will be highlighting ‘I’ve Landed My Dream Job, Now What?’. and ‘The New Influencers’ by Paul Gillin. The books I discuss will cover topics such as social media (Facebook and Twitter), organization, career building, networking, writing, self development and inspiration.
I’ve Landed My Dream Job, Now What??? by Scot Herrick

‘I’ve Landed My Dream Jobâ-Now What???’ is designed to be your constant companion during the first thirty days at your new job. It will help you think through what you’re going to accomplish and how to measure your accomplishments, right from day 1 all the way to day 30. Weekly tasks and action items make sure you are on track and end-of-week reviews help you assess how closely you are meeting your goals. With Scot Herrick’s book at your side, you can be sure to survive and thrive in your new cubicle.
About the Author:
Scot Herrick, founder and owner of Cube Rules, LLC, provides online career management training for Cubicle Warriors, his catchy term for today’s knowledge workers.
Scot has a long history of managerial and individual contribution in Fortune 100 corporations. He has implemented individual products for customers and enterprise-wide customer relationship management systems. At CubeRules.com, Scot shares his wisdom and experience to provide career management guidance for all cubicle warriors, to survive and thrive in these turbulent times.
You can purchase a copy of ‘I’ve Landed My Dream Job, Now What??? How to Achieve Success in the First 30 Days in a New Job’ online at ThinkAha Books or at Amazon.
This blog post is part of a virtual book tour done by Key Business Partners and I have received a complimentary copy of ‘ I’ve Landed my Dream Job, Now What??? ‘ by the author.
The New Influencers
Now I would like to highlight a book on my “review” reading list–The New Influencers.
Here are some editorial reviews shared on Amazon about the book:
“This is essential reading for anyone who missed the blogging train when it left the station.” âSeth Godin, author, Small Is the New Big
“Offers practical advice for anyone to increase brand presence and capture new audiences in the online space . . . Gillin’s in-depth analysis, research and insights remain strong and reliable.” âFast Company
Want to know more? Read here–
Exploring how and why online forums such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogs have gained such popularityâand credibilityâwith consumers, this practical guide offers proven strategies for organizations to leverage these new internet-based social media outlets. The differences between traditional and new media are explored, as are simple ways business owners and marketers can use these new resources to communicate with their customers. Practical tips on gaining the attention of and interacting with influential bloggers, the pros and cons of creating a company blog, guerilla marketing on the internet, and restructuring marketing expectations are also discussed.
About Paul:
Paul Gillin is a writer, speaker and online marketing consultant. He specializes in social media and the application of personal publishing to brand awareness and business marketing. His books includ The New Influencers (2007), Secrets of Social Media Marketing (2008), The Joy of Geocaching (co-authored with wife Dana in 2010) and Social Marketing to the Business Customer (co-authored with Eric Schwartzman, January, 2011). Paul is a veteran technology journalist with more than 25 years of editorial leadership experience.His website is www.gillin.com and he blogs at www.paulgillin.com*courtesy of Amazon
You can purchase a copy of ‘The New Influencers’ on Amazon
I truly hope you will check out these books and please comment and let me know your thoughts on them.